The crap women read....sound familiar??


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
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This stuff is amazing. It wasn't long ago that I thought of most women as generally sweet, seeking LTRs, nurturing, and all of the other AFC crap. Upon a simple google search of what makes guys like girls I found websites that go as far as to teach girls in pre-teen years and middle school how to get guys.


Nov 4, 2010
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women have a head start on many men, some men ar fooled into beleiving the disney sh!te, women go along with it but know its crap and use it to their advantage


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
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There are women out there like you described. There are more good quality women out there than there are good men. This site used to be able improving yourself to find a decent woman and now its all about how to act even more assholish and to land low quality women on a regular basis.

Problem is the men on this site seek out low quality women and expect good results from it. Kinda funny

Yeah that magazine stuff is crap...some girls buy into it, some dont. Most older girls dont take that crap seriously...if you get a younger or dumber one perhaps...


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Nope not bull****. The men on this site are just bitter and use techniques that get them low quality women. Then come back and complain about it.

Problem is this site advocates nexting any girl who doesnt put out in the first 3 dates or doesnt do this or that. All the good women I dated waited longer than that to put out.

Also, most good women (with self respect) will be put off by 100% alpha behavior. These women make the best LTR material but the men on this site overdo the arrogance and sense of entitlement.

I think this site has some good info about some things such as confidence, not putting up with crappy behavior from women...but alot of the tactics of finding decent women are not so good anymore

I am so sick of reading posts about "meeting this chick at a club" and then proceeding to complain about her behavior. You met her at a club, what do you expect? Get over it


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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My personal reasons for Nexting are of low interest, no responses to advances, bad behavior, immaturity and flat out entitlement. That śhit is out of control these days and is nowhere near the continent of high quality.

And yeah, those articles are the same generic śhit that you read in men's magazines.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
We need to remember that this forum is always going to morph and change as it is a forum of exploration and discovery. Right now we are in a phase of identifying the atrocious behavior and thinking patterns of women so that we will be better equipped to deal with these issues.

Radical feminism wants to chew you up and spit you out (for those not in the know, that means to make you a quiet, obedient, tax-paying worker drone), and the powers that are behind it know that to destroy you they need to do it through women, who are clay in their hands.

In the past ten years women have changed dramatically, and not for the better. We need to discuss and be aware of this disintegration in order to develop ways to normalize society. Part and parcel with this is that periods of discussion that are deemed to be "negative" must come about.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
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In a world dominated by sheer self interest alone it is no wonder women are getting more and more self absorbed and whorish. Most men would like a woman to be freaky, but would prefer they only be freaky with them. I grew up thinking women generally wanted to find one good guy and settle with him. Perhaps when I was younger it was more the case than it is now.

I got a divorce after 7 years of marriage early this year and I can tell you that the dating world before I got married and now that I'm divorced seems far more perilous. Women act a lot more like the women in the articles I posted above than they used to. It is not uncommon for a broad to look for a guy for a pick up just as a guy used to look for a girl to pick up.

While this is a PUA forum and most guys here love a good lay (me included) our natures seem to secretly detest the women who will sleep with us the first night. Why? Because it isn't really natural for a woman to do this. Just looking at evolutionary phsycology you see the idea of a woman finding the strongest guy she can find and latching on to him while he leads the way. That alpha may decide to ferk other women but she cannot go with other men or else he would strand her.

My original intent behind posting this was to show the techinques to be similar to ours with some slight tweeks. A good female PUA ESV's, opens the door for your kino, goes through periods of NC in order to get you to chase, focuses on herself (inner game), gets you talking about yourself, and most importantly spins plates.

I found some of the articles useful because they are great tips for picking up on HER pua attempts. For example, when a woman uses the "head turn" move I have always had a reaction to that deep within me that tells me to dominate her. Picking up on the PUA she puts out can help me to counter in a way that gives me the advantage because lets be honest...if you act like the "whipped puppy" the first article suggests she should get you to be like you'll never hit that a second time.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Atom Smasher said:
We need to remember that this forum is always going to morph and change as it is a forum of exploration and discovery. Right now we are in a phase of identifying the atrocious behavior and thinking patterns of women so that we will be better equipped to deal with these issues.

Radical feminism wants to chew you up and spit you out (for those not in the know, that means to make you a quiet, obedient, tax-paying worker drone), and the powers that are behind it know that to destroy you they need to do it through women, who are clay in their hands.

In the past ten years women have changed dramatically, and not for the better. We need to discuss and be aware of this disintegration in order to develop ways to normalize society. Part and parcel with this is that periods of discussion that are deemed to be "negative" must come about.
I totally agree with this. Women today think that they have advantages by default. Thus they believe (and are fed) that being cute is sufficient in this world. How about studies, how about reading, sports ? I do not know any woman (nor work nor friends) that does sports for example. And it seems that Fifty Shades of Gray is the only thing that should deserve their attention. They don't cook anymore ! I cook better than most of them. They don't know how to be alone and are afraid of this. How can you know and be happy about yourself if you can not be happy alone ?

At work it's nightmare, i just don't listen anymore. All they can possibly talk is about movie stars and news. The worst thing is to have such a woman as your boss.
They'll say to you : you can ask any question, we're free to talk. Then make your life hell if you do. The obedient nature is praised and standing straight up is punished. I know a guy that takes notes on what to buy for his woman-boss for lunch. Needless to say she's never happy about it.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
Reaction score
The worst thing is to have such a woman as your boss.
They'll say to you : you can ask any question, we're free to talk. Then make your life hell if you do. The obedient nature is praised and standing straight up is punished. I know a guy that takes notes on what to buy for his woman-boss for lunch. Needless to say she's never happy about it.
That woman is probably getting smashed by her a$$hole boyfriend at night and treated like a bag of smashed a$$holes. My guess is she takes it out on her male employees as a way of getting control over a man. Get promoted above her and have her give you a blowy under the desk in your corner office...that will shut her up!

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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George just made me pull out the popcorn for this one


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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silkyjohnson said:
That woman is probably getting smashed by her a$$hole boyfriend at night and treated like a bag of smashed a$$holes. My guess is she takes it out on her male employees as a way of getting control over a man. Get promoted above her and have her give you a blowy under the desk in your corner office...that will shut her up!
you don't know how people get promoted in the system, don't you :)
But it's a possibility.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2012
Reaction score
lol...Well you may have to pucker up and manipulate the system for now, but you're a DJ! The skills that work against women work for most other interactions between people...(i.e. discover what a person wants, give it to them, then withdraw it and watch the puppet dance.) I've found this to work with my bosses and up the ladder I go!


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
silkyjohnson said:
lol...Well you may have to pucker up and manipulate the system for now, but you're a DJ! The skills that work against women work for most other interactions between people...(i.e. discover what a person wants, give it to them, then withdraw it and watch the puppet dance.) I've found this to work with my bosses and up the ladder I go!
The force is strong within you John :) hmzzz... makes me think about something really evil.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
That first link is hilarious!:

"Guys are used to talking about themselves, as are we all, but if you actually fake an interest, they kind of don’t know what to do."

Really!? I mean really!?!?!?

Is this really girl to girl advice?

If a girl faked interest in what I was saying I would consider it amazing she stopped yapping her head off and actually listened for a change!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
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Honestly I think any mother that lets her daughter read magazines and articles like that is a bad parent.

There. I said it.
Mothers should be teaching their daughters to act and dress with self respect, and fathers should be teaching their daughters the same thing. In the absence of good parenting and role models, of course girls are going to turn to stupid magazines.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
this is their mission in this world and life man..this their passion ...this is what had learned from mothers and grandmothers to do they want to settle down and live in paradise while you and other men work for them and in return you will have some sex sometimes (haha) . this is the reason you don't find quality and intellectual women outside they are rare because all other women don't give a crap about chasing their dreams and passion because meeting MISTER RIGHT and being in a serious relationship is the only goal in their lives except small percentage and by the way girls are not MYSTERIOUS or anything.. you can't understand them because their is nothing to understand or discover .


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
not here. in the real world.
LOL this was some insane sh1t! Actually this link:

Is not that bad! It's actually like *gasp* honest advice that encourages a woman to show interest in the guy and get him to ask her out...

The other links are total feminist crazy propaganda on mentally-mind-fvcking men!


This is the much terrible information out there...some people are selfish cvnts who want to mind fvck people....their ego trips off of it..but wtf

seriously WTF