The Conflicting Intentions Of Men & Women


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score
Let me correct it for you

* attractive women are the gatekeepers of sex , High status men are the gatekeepers of comitment *

These rules DO NOT apply to the average of either sex

I see it in the singles events I occasionally go to the vast majority of women at them are ranging between a 5 & 7

these women are not gatekeeping anything if you approach them with an ounce of charm they will sleep with you the same night

I've been too 4 events in 3 months I've had same night sex in 2 of them that's a 50% strike rate

Chicks were average in looks dept probably scraping a 6 on my scale but were happy to give it up without any fuss and both very eager to please in bed

The alternative is playing mental gymnastics with an 8 who thinks she's a 10 but also in this leauge you're up against men who have the power and options to dictate the terms of commitment to women,

Where as you are just trying to get a reply

Until you are that guy ^^^ I honestly wouldn't bother trying to go for the types of women that have the ability to gatekeep sex
Well said!