The Complete HS Guide: HS Bible, FAQ's, useful links, and rules of the forum


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
New rule in effect:


We should all be over 13 here, so we should atleast know how to spell things.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
The High School Frequently Asked Questions...ANSWERED!

Now, this is not a comprehensive list right now. It will be updated every week or so by me or another High School moderator.

How do I tell if she likes me?

[*]- You have to look for the signals. Eye contact, always being near you (on purpose, it doesn't count if she is forced to work next to you), laughing at all your jokes, playing with her hair, and being nervous near you, assuming you aren’t some serial killer.

What is Kino?

[*]- Kino is the act of touching. Now, that doesn’t mean that grabbing her butt randomly is kino, but lightly brushing against her arm, sweeping her hair back, ect, counts. It can also be used in a club, by taking their hand, holding their hips, or anything like that. Use with some caution though, do it if you notice those “I like you” signs, or you might get punched.

[*]*Note:, the moderators, nor any posters are held liable if you use kino improperly and end up hurt, killed, or mauled. It was your own stupidity.*

Where is the DJ Bible?


How long is the average penis?

[*]- Research has shown it to be in the 6 inch range, give or take. It varies per race, but that isn’t something to be said here, because I don’t want to start an “I’m better because I have a larger penis!” That is like bragging that you own the most Pokemon cards. Good for you.

Do looks really matter?

[*]- Yes and no. Looks get your foot in the door, but your personality seals the deal. Though, the hotter you are, the more you can get away with. If you don’t look that good, work on your personality and looks. It’s amazing what a clean shirt and some hair gel can do to a persons looks. Even though it might seem a bit strange, take the time to improve yourself. Ask some girls what you can do to look better. It’s amazing.

How can I get her to like me?

[*]- There is no formula. The main ways are usually a big combination of luck and skill. The reason for that being, there is always some luck in meeting the right girl (for that moment) and your skill just clicks at that time, leading her to swooning on her feet (or doing something else.)

What would I say in "XYZ" event to be ****y and funny?

[*]- Again, there is no formula. Either you can be ****y and funny and think on your feet, or you can’t. Not every skill can be applied for each person or every situation. You can practice being ****y and funny, so you get an idea of how to think, which could help you in any situation, but like I said to start, there is no formula.

[*]How do I neg?[/b]

[*]- Very carefully. There is a fine line between negging a girl and just being a flat out ass (and not in the good way.) The hotter the girl, the better a neg works. Negging can be as simple as saying “you really should do something to your hair” or as complex as “wow, nice shirt, too bad the past 3 girls I’ve seen had that exact same one.” You have to do it to that girl that always gets compliments from guys, that girl that every guy will suck up to. Why? They EXPECT and relish having people grovel at their feet. The shock of having someone be different will make them think “what the hell!? He should WORSHIP me! I need to find out what is different about him.”

[*]AFC= Average Frustrated Chump.
[*]DJ= Don Juan
[*]PUA= Pick Up Artist, similar to DJ.
[*]Kino= Kinesthetic. Meaning touch, physically.
[*]FR= Field Report

[*]1. She calls me when her boyfriend is being a jerk... does she want me?[/b]
[*]A: No. You are in her friend zone, she wants to whine to you. Move on.

[*]2. Why does she keep going back to the jerks?[/b]
[*]A: She doesn't really like jerks, she is attracted to some of the attributes a jerk portrays, eg. Alphaness, confidence etc...

[*]3. How do I become popular?[/b]
[*]A: Stop worrying too much, be confident and fun, try and find something in common that you have with the "cool kids". Be friendly, try out some of the things that the "cool kids" enjoy, exception being drugs etc...

[*]4. What do girls find attractive?[/b]
[*]A: Too many to list, read the damn bible.

[*]5. How do I fake confidence?[/b]
[*]A. You don't. You can't fake it, women will pick up on it.

[*]6. What's the best Pickup line?[/b]
[*]A. There is no such thing as a pick up line. Forget about it and read the bible.

[*]7. How do I bulk up/cut down?[/b]
[*]A. Check the fitness section, or Google. Google knows all.

[*]8. Why did she deny me?[/b]
[*]A. Because she doesn't think you have enough value. You want to become the prize, not her. You have to think you are the prize to start off with.

[*]9. What are the chances of me gaming a girl older than me?[/b]
[*]A. No less than gaming a girl younger than you. It's all in your head.

[*]10. I'm a Senior, is it morally right to be after a Freshman?[/b]
[*]A. Whatever floats your boat, there is no definite answer.

[*]11. I'm being bullied, what do I do?[/b]
[*]A. Show that you won't tolerate it but try not using violence, rather, try being socially savvy, try befriending them, try being ****y and funny, but never admitting to pick a fight.

[*]12. I spend my whole day on the computer, how come I'm not banging girls?[/b]
[*]A. If you can't figure this one out, you don't deserve girls.

[*]13. I was an ******* because this forum told me to, and she just got pissed at me? Should I apologize?[/b]
[*]A. The forum didn't tell you to be a d!ckhead, it told you to portray some of the things a d!ckhead does, you screwed up in doing so. If you want to salvage a friendship, I guess you can apologize, but I'd be more concerned with working on yourself.

[*]14. I'm desperate, why don't girls want me? I follow them all day long, why don't they want me?[/b]
[*]A. No one likes a stalker. Don't be desperate. Girls can sniff low value guys. Humans aren't attracted to things they can easily obtain. Be hard to get.

[*]15. What kind of haircut should I go for?[/b]
[*]A. I'm not a fvcking hairdresser, whatever you think looks good.

*Credit* Lust

*Note, I'm adding and cleaning this up slowly, bear with me*


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
It has been awhile since I read over this. Excellent guide for the HS forum.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
How Do I become Popular?
There is no right path to becoming popular. I recommend throwing the whole notion out the window and work on being confident and social. Never the less there is a wonderful thread on this topic if you must insist on pursuing it further.

I need party advice
This question gets asked a lot. Once again the search function is ignored. The general consensus is this.
1. More people will show up then you invite
2. You will spend more time worrying and taking care of your guests then having a good time
3. Hide your valuables
4. People will want to go outside. You may be able to stop this if you allow smoking in your house
Last edited:


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Good post!

Wow this was a very good post. Thanks


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
you should somehow make it compulsory for all newbies to the high school forum to read this before they post lol

this is great stuff
if you can get the mindset
it will change your life
it has done to mine


New Member
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
The Complete HS Guide: HS Bible, FAQ's, useful links, and rules

your advice was excellent and it really works for beginner also.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Most of the links in the new-age HSDJ bible don't work, just letting you guys know.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Great post! Just joined but have been looking around for a few weeks now. Helped a lot! Thanks!



New Member
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Vincent said:
Well, there aren't enough tissues to go around for all the people crying about the surge of "newbies" to this board, therefore I see it as somehow my problem to try to "ease the suffering."

If you are NEW to the boards you've come to the right place. Do not even think about posting until we've cleared up a few Do's and Don't's.

1) THE SEARCH FEATURE - This little guy (found Right Here) allows you to search whatever forum it is you want, for pretty much anything that might be out there. Think you've got some sort of "hot" question that'll blow people's minds? Well, it'd probably be best to think again and utilize the "search" feature before you go asking if a girl likes you or not.

Example: Simply type in your query, for instance the word "likes" (incase you're really wondering if she "likes" you), select the forum you want to search (i.e. the Discussion forum) and whether you want to search the entire post (i.e. everything) or just Topics. In this case, you'd probably want to just select "Topics." Hit the search button, and check out what comes up. Blam - you've just saved someone the trouble of freaking out.

Don't [necesarily] give up after one try if the results you're looking for arent there. Try other keywords and such...If you're still not finding you're answer then read on - DONT make a post about your question just yet.

2) THE DON JUAN BIBLE is your next stop. It can be found Right Here (The Don Juan Bible By Nicholas Hill)

Check this out; read through it. Hell, you shouldnt just read it if you're looking for an answer to a question, you should just read it because it's going to help you a LOT. It's chock-a-block full of the useful "How To" and "Question/Answer" information you newbies desperately, and rightfully crave.

If you're still having problems, THEN AND ONLY THEN should you make a post about your situation. I hate to sound like a jerk, but limiting the number of [often repetitious and therefore irritating] questions on this forum is a good thing.

3) Lastly, we have some general "ideals" to share...
a) Dont be an idiot
b) Be polite
c) Post only relevent material relating to normal life in this forum, i.e. dont post about your goddamn car's transmission or the ever-popular "Music a DJ should listen to" in this forum. If you do, I (or one of the other moderators) will move it to it's "appropriate" forum, but not before making a mental note to hate you until proven otherwise (at least I'll do this).

4) Following this general etiquette will probably help insure you, and others, a general good and entertaining/educational experience each and every time you visit these boards.


*Origianlly posted in the High School Forum by Cablelight, copied and edited for the Discussion Forum by Crazykid and recopied to the Highschool forum after the dumbass Vincent deleted the original :mad:*

great post i like it


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
A lot of the links are dead, any chance of fixing this?