The common bad advice that I keep seeing given over and over on this forum

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Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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Maxtro said:
You forgot one point.

What if after doing the hobby the guy realizes that he enjoys it?

Did I enjoy dancing before I took my first salsa class? No. But after doing a few classes I realized how much fun it is. Now I plan to take a dance class every semester.

The moral of the story is, do not be afraid to try new things. You can not really know that you will not like something until you try it. Listing obvious stupid examples like getting hit by a car don't count.

The whole point of telling somebody to get a hobby is so that person may find something that they enjoy doing. Women have nothing to do with it. I dance because I enjoy it, not because it may or may not help me get girls.
I agree with your input. I never thought i would enjoy clubs. After all i never saw any point to people dancing but first time i went to a club i had the time of my life ...not to mention danced w/ about 20 different women (3different, asian, white, )


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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TLP I usually agree with some of your posts bro.
but you're wrong here..

the whole point of being a DJ is YOU first, YOUR Passion next, Then Women.

And experience is worth more than gold.
And to experience everything this world has to offer every man should go out and try whatever he wants. We were made kings to rule this planet. Thats why we are men.
So by doing a hobby or getting into new experiences every man is expanding his experience and taking whats rightfully his.

Nothing to do with women, because sports and hobbies will make you a better person. Team sports will increase you're ability to interact with others, give you the mindset to prioritize, give you a thirst for winning and focus at the task on hand. Also sports people always are better leaders.

Think of corporate sports days or management courses that involve games or sports to identify good leadership qualities.

Women only come third when they realize you actually have the above qualities and pick up that you are a leader.

What it comes down to is women LOVE MONEY AND POWER.

Money will come if you work or business (which also requires you to be focussed, prioritize and be a leader)

Power comes when you portray you're leadership skills and people can see you are a natural leader.

So go ahead, take up a sport and play it, play it well and you'll see the outcome is not for the WOMEN but for YOU.
Mar 2, 2009
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most of you have taken my thread and completely misinterpreted it

I am all for doing hobbies that you WANT to do

I am all against doing hobbies that you think you SHOULD do in order to help yourself get women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
most of you have taken my thread and completely misinterpreted it

I am all for doing hobbies that you WANT to do

I am all against doing hobbies that you think you SHOULD do in order to help yourself get women.
this is how I read your post but maybe other people interpreted it differently. And your right on the mark about this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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The Logical Player said:
I am very very much against guys getting hobbies doing things that do not interest them thinking that it will help them with women. This is why I see posts from guys that go something like "I do this, this, this, I am so interesting and such a catch, but why can I not attract women??""


Seduction skills and game are learned ONE way and ONE way only - interaction with as many females as humanely possible, with the intent always being to at the very least hook up. Not just friendly interaction, but actual GAMING of women, that is the ONLY way to become good with women. Hobbies that you do not even like that much will only help as much as paying for a $200 that you didn't want to pay for (but still did).

Hitting on as many women as possible = PRACTICE = the ONLY way to develop enough game to consistently get the results with women that you truly want.
You are completely confusing the issues:

1 - We are telling people to get a hobby, join sports, make friends, read, etc, so they can improve themselves. Being a DJ isn't to bed as many women as possible, it's about an overall state of well being, with women being a byproduct of it. If a guy was the best talker in the world and looked like Brad and could bed a women in 10 seconds, but had no hobbies, no friends, no life, how long do you think the girl would stick around? Yeah its may be cool to smoke blunts and have sex everyday, but after the 3rd day, if you can't do much more, you are in trouble. That's why we are telling people to take up some outside hobby. It's to constantly make yourself better, feel more attractive, and in turn be more sexy to a girl.

2 - Seduction skills and game are not learned by interacting with as money as possible. It's not like playing guitar for 1000 hours and becoming Slash or skating 1000 hours and becoming an NHL player. Gaming women has to do with feelings and emotions and no matter how hard some guys try, they can't get through to a women this way. Gaming women is not a logical thing where it takes hours of practice, it's all about the feeling. For the same reason some guys can have sex with a women in 5 seconds and other guys it takes 5 months or more, they understand the feeling a women has towards them faster.
Mar 2, 2009
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DonJuan11 said:
2 - Seduction skills and game are not learned by interacting with as money as possible. It's not like playing guitar for 1000 hours and becoming Slash or skating 1000 hours and becoming an NHL player. Gaming women has to do with feelings and emotions and no matter how hard some guys try, they can't get through to a women this way. Gaming women is not a logical thing where it takes hours of practice, it's all about the feeling. For the same reason some guys can have sex with a women in 5 seconds and other guys it takes 5 months or more, they understand the feeling a women has towards them faster.
how would you know? I have seen your threads, you have not ever even tried to practice gaming women or even took the time to improve your own looks, so what do you know about success in the game?

With tons of practice, a man will develop the ability to make women feel how he wants them to feel, TRUST ME


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
The Logical Player said:
how would you know? I have seen your threads, you have not ever even tried to practice gaming women or even took the time to improve your own looks, so what do you know about success in the game?

With tons of practice, a man will develop the ability to make women feel how he wants them to feel, TRUST ME
Not if he practices wrong. A creep will remain a creep if he has no idea why he is one.

Getting a hobby does not have to cost anything. Getting a life does not have to cost anything.

It's taken me nearly 4 months to get my frame of mind right. It's only now that I actually have improved my physical appearance, my confidence and my ability to socialise that I am now happy to give it a try with women. And the past week I've been getting results, minor admittedly, but the first steps which are the hardest to make.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
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I can't say I fully agree with that, I mean, if you really think about it, pretty much everything a guy does is for women to some degree.

I remember one of Matadors opening lines when I was on set the first day and how he related a lot of what we do to females. We seek high paying careers and nice luxuries, partly because we enjoy them, but a good bulk so that we can attract a female. We play sports, because we genuinely do enjoy them but also on the same token, it being a display of strength to attract females.

As a human male, we're designed to survive AND REPLICATE. There are so many things men do to get laid it's ridiculous. Just salsa dancing, or buying expensive meals alone will not get you the girl, but it will bring you that much closer. Having a skill like dancing definitely helps out. It's like learning skills at a new job, not everyone enjoys their job, but its necessary because money necessary just. Women/Sex are just as important if not more important. Personally, I hate getting blown out of sets and entertaining people that I don't know all night, but I know there is a reward at the end.

What I will agree with is the fact that TALKING to women is necessary to pick up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Lol @ This "ill" Logic

lol @ subliminal shots, TLP just say my name dawg, don't play *****, but since you "wanna be" a playa let me break it down for you lil "brother"
The Logical Player said:
Telling a guy to get various hobbies in order to be more interesting - this is very bad advice for someone who may be a loser or an AFC.

How so? if you are a loser or AFC, why wouldn't you benefit? when I was a Simp I started working out, and guess what. I started to become more confident because I started to look good, on top of that I was working out for myself, but the ladies sure as hell didn't mind

Here is why - If the man wanted to learn how to salsa dance, or cook, or do Yoga, or paint, HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT ALREADY.

lol, what if he is broke? or not? sometimes time is a factor admist various things. Lazyness is a huge diease

Why is there such a big assumption that men want to learn how to salsa dance or do any of these other hobbies that they are not interested in??

You find something you are intersted in, besides staying at home all day playing call of duty or messaging chicks on msn messnger or whatever the hell you do
In essence, the advice "get hobbies so that you are more interesting in women's eyes" is VERY bad, because you are telling the AFC to do things that he does not like to do simply to make women like him more.

Nitwit, you find things you are intersted in, if you are man with no life experince how will you relate to other people? you telling me you don't like to travel? or go to nice resuturants and enjoy differen't cousines, there is so much to do besides watching porn and jacking off TLP
Please tell me, what do the following three AFC acts have in common:

1) Man buys a woman a $200 dinner and a $100 gift on the first date, hoping this will make her happy and help him get laid.


2) Man has no interest in rock climbing, but still signs up for 10 lessons for $300 in order to spend some time learning to climb rocks, thus having a hobby just for the purpose of later telling a woman that he rock climbs, in hopes that it will turn her on enough and help him get laid.

3) Man has no interest in salsa dancing, in fact he prefers to grind with the hotties in a club, but still decides to sign up for 10 lessons of salsa dancing that set him back $300. After he is done with his lessons, he can salsa dance a little bit, and now he can tell all of the women he meets that he dances salsa, in order to make them happy and hope that it turns them on enough to help him get laid.


If you are doing a hobby just to get laid, you are dumb fcuk. I started working out because my family has high blood pressure and diabetes, I wanted better health. I didn't do it for the chicks although best belive it's a motivating factor when a hottie at the gym is checking you out.

I am very very much against guys getting hobbies doing things that do not interest them thinking that it will help them with women. This is why I see posts from guys that go something like "I do this, this, this, I am so interesting and such a catch, but why can I not attract women??""


Seduction skills and game are learned ONE way and ONE way only - interaction with as many females as humanely possible, with the intent always being to at the very least hook up. Not just friendly interaction, but actual GAMING of women, that is the ONLY way to become good with women. Hobbies that you do not even like that much will only help as much as paying for a $200 that you didn't want to pay for (but still did).

You are an Idiot, don't you know some women are attracted to men who has passions about the things they love in life? I can talk to women all day long about Music. and women won't get bored just because I get excited about it, and they catch that, my interest in music turns them on, they wanna hear some of my music I play it for them. you are excatly the type of Poster that Pook was trying to educate several years ago.

Why should a young guy NOT have a girlfriend?? Because having a girlfriend usually means he is not out there interacting with other women on a sexual level, and not working on his game - then when the poor loser gets dumped when his college girlfriend cheats on him, he all of a sudden has to enter the game with NO game - just another reason I advice young guys to not settle for the first piece of azz that "wants" to commit (aka wants you all to herself) but has no intention of spending her life with you.

blah blah blah blah blah there you go again witht hat g/f crap

You guys see now how this is all tied in? Having a girlfriend = ability to pick up women at will slowly deteriorating.

when I had a g/f a couple months ago, and would go out on the field with her, girls would hit on me even more then when I was single, its called "pre-selection" I was choose, women want something that they can't have, I was the prize now on the field and not them.

Tricking yourself into doing a hobby that you never really had interest in = trying to compensate for not having the ability to pick up women.

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Hitting on as many women as possible = PRACTICE = the ONLY way to develop enough game to consistently get the results with women that you truly want.

^^sure if you are beginner but if your game is advanced they come too you!!
TLP I got a question for you, when you go on a "day 2"(or if you even get those) what types of things do you and the women discuss? What do you tell her when the topics of hobbies come up?

A hobby shouldn't be done just to pick up women, but to enhance your life, if you are a man of high value, you gonna do things of interest. It's just a natural fact. The naturals who I hung out with, never put women in the forefront or do something for women, but to improve themselves or their lives.

It doesn't suprirse me that most of the posters here are not agreeing with you, beacuse I'm honestly starting to belive you don't know shhht about the game, all your post are the same "don't have a girlfriend" waah waaah wahh "why do guys have a girfriend" waah waaah. You don't want guys to be happy TLP? is that it? you want guys to be as miserable as you? Fcuk that, I'll get a girlfriend right now, hot as a fcuk, nice ass and tits, just to blow your whole design like blind fury

I.A.F.Y.B. said:
I think guys are getting the wrong idea on here about hobbies. People should not only have hobbies to get chicks. That is just for the wrong reasons.

Hobbies are things you enjoy doing for yourself. Keeping your life enhanced and fun. Doing the same thing gets boring and your not improving yourself as a whole.

Word up
Duffdog said:
Bad post. Plain and simple. You are going against everything this site tries to teach. Being attractive to females because you ACTUALLY ARE is more valuable than thinking you are and endlessly rationalizing in your head why you are "the prize" even though you are not. Being the prize because you do things like men who actually are prized is the true key to happiness.

Telling loser males to get out and DO something is the best advise anyone could ever give. Forget the idea that someone suggested it, the fact that somebody is doing something instead of sitting at their computer rotting for the rest of their lives is a much better way to live.

Do I want to salsa dance? No, I hate latin music and latin dancing
Do I want to lift weights? Yes, I like that it makes me physically stronger and better able to defend myself

Neither of those things will "get" me any females, but they will make me closer to what some of them consider desirable. Would I be better off sitting at home for the rest of my life crying because I didn't meet any girls and nobody ever suggested doing anything outside? Of course not, just the simple act of trying something new and being someone who is not afraid of new things is another desirable trait. One has nothing to lose by venturing out and living life, but everything to gain from it. I believe that if more people turned off their computers and went out and experienced life, there would be no need for sites such as this.

No doubt
Warrior74 said:
Getting hobbies = polite way to say "get a life"

Do things you think you might enjoy, or things you used to enjoy. Just get out and live and stop worrying about women. That's the point. According to you everyone should have already written that great american novel because they would have already done it. Not really the best bit of logic there Logical Player. I get what your saying, but no..the gunshy, non social, never been laid AFC needs to learn to be a person and to find out who they are by trying new things. Get their Yes Man on. Doing the same ole things are gonna get you the same ole results.

BTW. I'm taking up writing again. Working on some short stories I never finished and helping a friend plot out his graphic novel. Nerdy? Maybe. Fun for me? Yes. I'm doing it for me, not for some chick. Most chicks probably wouldn't understand it or respect it anyways.
^^ayo TLP that's a vet right there

and with that being said

Five To One said:
why are you still here?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
once again TLP is wrong

Hughman said:
Not if he practices wrong. A creep will remain a creep if he has no idea why he is one.

Getting a hobby does not have to cost anything. Getting a life does not have to cost anything.

It's taken me nearly 4 months to get my frame of mind right. It's only now that I actually have improved my physical appearance, my confidence and my ability to socialise that I am now happy to give it a try with women. And the past week I've been getting results, minor admittedly, but the first steps which are the hardest to make.


I know a guy who approached 636 women last year and didn't get laid or a kiss even. The whole thing of pratice makes perfect is bullshiit. If a guy doesn't know how to shoot a jumper but keeps trying to shot it with one hand he is gonna be hard press to make a basket. (espeically if his fundamentals are all ****ed up, and oh yes btw basketball is a huge hobby of mine ;) )

The guy had the balls to approach but he needed swagger/confidence. With the help of some naturals (and time and lot of patience) this guy ended up getting laid.

Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Solomon said:

I know a guy who approached 636 women last year and didn't get laid or a kiss even. The whole thing of pratice makes perfect is bullshiit. If a guy doesn't know how to shoot a jumper but keeps trying to shot it with one hand he is gonna be hard press to make a basket. (espeically if his fundamentals are all ****ed up, and oh yes btw basketball is a huge hobby of mine ;) )

The guy had the balls to approach but he needed swagger/confidence. With the help of some naturals (and time and lot of patience) this guy ended up getting laid.


dont use that dude as an example, because you are clearly taking some ridiculously ugly guy and saying that he had no results from practicing.

I didnt say to JUST practice!

You need to have it all - the look, the appearance, the practice, the hobbies that you WANT to do (not have to do), the sexual prowess, OF COURSE its all tied in together when you want to be a player.

Seriously, it gets tiring to see everyone recommend SALSA dancing and COOKING to guys who are losers, as if its something they neeeeeeed to do in order to win approval. You are making these poor guys think that they need to have specific hobbies in order to be better with women, and that is just plain WRONG.

Other than the gym and basketball, i have no other specialized hobbies, and i dont need them - succeeding with women comes from how sexual you are, how aggressive you are, and how confident you are. No amount of cooking or rock climbing, or salsa dancing (which you dont actually want to be doing) is going to help the chump become sexual, aggressive, and confident with women.

Newsflash - women do not want to talk to you about your hobbies, they want to talk about THEIR hobbies, and if you can do a good job busting on her, sexualizing the convo, and telling her what she wants to hear, then you will have a great chance to keep her interest level high.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
The Logical Player said:
dont use that dude as an example, because you are clearly taking some ridiculously ugly guy and saying that he had no results from practicing.

I didnt say to JUST practice!

You need to have it all - the look, the appearance, the practice, the hobbies that you WANT to do (not have to do), the sexual prowess, OF COURSE its all tied in together when you want to be a player.

Seriously, it gets tiring to see everyone recommend SALSA dancing and COOKING to guys who are losers, as if its something they neeeeeeed to do in order to win approval. You are making these poor guys think that they need to have specific hobbies in order to be better with women, and that is just plain WRONG.

Other than the gym and basketball, i have no other specialized hobbies, and i dont need them - succeeding with women comes from how sexual you are, how aggressive you are, and how confident you are. No amount of cooking or rock climbing, or salsa dancing (which you dont actually want to be doing) is going to help the chump become sexual, aggressive, and confident with women.

Newsflash - women do not want to talk to you about your hobbies, they want to talk about THEIR hobbies, and if you can do a good job busting on her, sexualizing the convo, and telling her what she wants to hear, then you will have a great chance to keep her interest level high.

But TLP, you do have hobbies. You have a sport, it's something. You can't keep the convo on the woman all the time. At some point she is going to want to see that you have a life. Heck, having a life (ie socialising with your pals and having some hobbies/sports) will keep you occupied and is an effective way of stopping clinginess/too much availability. Equally, if you are good at something, you are going to feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself = confidence = bigger balls = better results.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
dont use that dude as an example, because you are clearly taking some ridiculously ugly guy and saying that he had no results from practicing.

I didnt say to JUST practice!

You need to have it all - the look, the appearance, the practice, the hobbies that you WANT to do (not have to do), the sexual prowess, OF COURSE its all tied in together when you want to be a player.

Seriously, it gets tiring to see everyone recommend SALSA dancing and COOKING to guys who are losers, as if its something they neeeeeeed to do in order to win approval. You are making these poor guys think that they need to have specific hobbies in order to be better with women, and that is just plain WRONG.

Other than the gym and basketball, i have no other specialized hobbies, and i dont need them - succeeding with women comes from how sexual you are, how aggressive you are, and how confident you are. No amount of cooking or rock climbing, or salsa dancing (which you dont actually want to be doing) is going to help the chump become sexual, aggressive, and confident with women.

Newsflash - women do not want to talk to you about your hobbies, they want to talk about THEIR hobbies, and if you can do a good job busting on her, sexualizing the convo, and telling her what she wants to hear, then you will have a great chance to keep her interest level high.
why you assuming this guy he was talking about is massively ugly. Hate to tell you but confidence is everything to women. I'll use myself as an example; throughout high school (and part of college) I didn't have any confidence when it came to women. Never got laid, or even a kiss. But as soon as I started developing confidence (which was a result of improving my life and being happier) I'd get women who were really interested and who would call me hot/cute/etc. Now here's the thing, I look the same now as I did back in high school (I look about 17, but I'm 24). So what's the difference? I have confidence now and the women around me can sense that and are attracted to it (though I am a little shy still, but most women I meet find that cute, so it works for me).

Oh, and during the time I was improving my life I got a few hobbies I love (martial arts, snowboarding, etc). And your hobbies are important when it comes to women (as long as you love that hobby). One girl I'm seeing now wants me to teach her how to snowboard because she knows that I'm really into it.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
why you assuming this guy he was talking about is massively ugly. Hate to tell you but confidence is everything to women. I'll use myself as an example; throughout high school (and part of college) I didn't have any confidence when it came to women. Never got laid, or even a kiss. But as soon as I started developing confidence (which was a result of improving my life and being happier) I'd get women who were really interested and who would call me hot/cute/etc. Now here's the thing, I look the same now as I did back in high school (I look about 17, but I'm 24). So what's the difference? I have confidence now and the women around me can sense that and are attracted to it (though I am a little shy still, but most women I meet find that cute, so it works for me).

because only a guy who looks like a creepy ugly slob will get rejected 676 times in a row. Trust me, if a guy works on his looks at the very least, he will stumble his way into SOME success at some point


Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Leaf Village
The Logical Player said:
because only a guy who looks like a creepy ugly slob will get rejected 676 times in a row. Trust me, if a guy works on his looks at the very least, he will stumble his way into SOME success at some point
Ive been rejected about 676 times! Are you saying if i work in my looks i might see success? Azu Dragon was right, i should start Proactiv for my face acne so i wont look a dehydrated vag!na anymore. Maybe the cool kids will stop calling me Mangina all the time, especially Clyde, he thinks his bad because he can skateboard and can play the electric guitar and because he looks good without a shirt!

P.s It says Don Juan under my name! wow, i didn't knew you guys thought i was one, i though i was bad with women. Yayy!


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
This thread reminds me of that joke about the guy who stands on the corner and says to 1000 women who pass by "Wanna ****?". One of them is bound to say yes.

Some of the pickup is physical attraction, some is charm, some is just luck and timing.

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