And I mean lots of guy friends...often drinking "buddies."
We all know them have all dated them and or pumped and dumped them.
What are your thoughts as far as if you see this?
Instant red flag that demotes them strictly to pump n dump?
Regardless of how attractive or otherwise desirable she is?
I feel like it's an instant red flag signal to demote to pump n dump instantly but have failed a few times with women like these from trying to take them serious instead of sticking to the code/game.
Like the old saying goes....the hottest women are usually also the most bat**** crazy and self contradicting.
Just one thing: Run away from those kind of girls. Or... just bang them and leave.
It's similar of a narcissist trait, where she want to be admired by a lot of people (this case men)... Then the guy she will date or have a LTR become like a scapegoat where she will drain his vitality to satisfy her craziness.
Had tons os dates like this when I was 18 yrs old and was a immature guy. I was treat like trash by girls like that... It's like they used me as a showcase for family, or to obtain some kind of resource or make me feel inferior. Feeding something like a narcissist does. Like Emotional Vampires.
I don't even spend my time talking with girls like that. There were one I've met, she always told about a male friend. I just told her: "You want something serious with me, but how do you expect that I would want a relationship with you, if there is a lot of vultures flying around you. Don't expect nothing than just sex and casual moments with us. I respect your lifestyle, but I also respect my own values."
After the emotional attack, I fcked her more 2 times and leave. She got really mad at me, only because I don't fall on her cuckold strategy.