Jim Wendler said:
"Side Note: Train Like a Bodybuilder
Whenever I say this, people cringe and run for cover, but there’s a method to my madness. What’s the goal of a bodybuilder? Not size or strength, but symmetry. They want their bodies to be symmetrical, from front to back and from side to side. This is how you have to think, and this is why there’s a growing fascination with weak points and the posterior chain. It’s also why so many injuries occur. When I tell you to train like a bodybuilder, I just want balance in your
training. If you train your chest, train your back. If you train explosively with weights, train your conditioning level. If you train your conditioning, train your flexibility. Don’t get overzealous with one area for too long. If you do, expect to spend the same amount of time getting neglected areas up to par. Remember this when choosing assistance exercises, and try to achieve balance in your training with both exercises and muscles."
I just started Wendler's infamous 5/3/1 routine Monday. After I got done reading through most of the PDF; I knew this was exactly my kind of routine. In short, it's a highly recommended read for newbies, novices and advanced lifters.
I'll be doing Wendler's 5/3/1 with Dave Tate's Periodization Bible for my assistance work. Only thing I'll add is some curls and forearm work, chest flys here or there, lateral raises and that is all.
Assistance Work #4: Periodization Bible by Dave Tate This pattern of assistance work is inspired by an article Dave Tate wrote called The Periodization Bible, Part I. This is the piece that launched a thousand box squats, speed benches and good mornings, but very few deadlifts. That was a joke.
Day 1 Military Press (5/3/1)
• Shoulders or Chest – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
• Lats or Upper Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
• Triceps – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)
Day 2 Deadlift (5/3/1)
• Hamstrings – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Curls, Glute-Ham Raise)
• Quads – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
• Abs – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)
Day 3 Bench Press (5/3/1)
• Shoulders or Chest – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
• Lats or Upper Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
• Triceps – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)
Day 4 Squat (5/3/1)
• Low Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Reverse Hyper, Back Raise, Good Morning)
• Quads – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
• Abs – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)
You can change exercises however you see fit. This won’t make or break your program. You need to do enough assistance work to keep you balanced, strong and big – but not enough of it to break your performance on the big lifts. There are no real disadvantages to this kind of assistance work.
After being sick about a week. I took it upon myself to started off on the lighter end.
Monday/ Seated Barbell press (only rack in my gym was taken up)
low db incline press
db rows
(had to skip tri work, was running late for school)
Deadlifts (Thought 345 would be good for 5-6, strength wasn't with me that day)
back raises with chains
Wednesday Incline barbell Bench Press
db flat press
cable flys
standing ez bar curls
standing hammer curls
Excited to see the poundage go up over the next few months. squats today .