The Book of Woman II

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Most men theoretically respect women, but practically they thoroughly despise them; according to my ideas this method should be reversed. It is impossible to think highly of women, but it does not follow that we are to despise them for ever. It is unfortunate that so many great and famous men have had mean views on this point. The views of Schopenhauer and Demosthenes as to the emancipation of women are good instances.

Otto Weininger
It is all too easy to call a man a misogynist, a popular phrase used particularly by women whenever something unpleasant is said of them and one persists to remark -- no man tells his wife the essence of his gender and not expect from her a month or two with sex withheld. I love women; their beauty, the warmth and good feel of their bodies, their playfulness, their good company. However, if something happens which shakes us up on the matter, we spiral down into misogyny and with enough luck bounce back up with acceptance; misogyny happens when we men apply men to women, when we try to define by our own definitions and vanities. We think we are so smart, then gasp at their “stupidity.” We think ourselves as consistent, then gasp at their moodiness. We hold men up high, then condemn women. [Women in corporate America complain how often their ideas are discarded as dumb, only then later on some man makes the same suggestion and is heralded as brilliant.] There is greater difference within the genders than between them.

“Large cats can be dangerous, but a little püssy never hurt anyone.”

In the last “book” of woman, society was the focus. In this phallic finale, we explore what else. My, it is rather naughty. ;) Remarkably, this is the edited version!

“The omnipresent process of sex, as it is woven into the whole texture of a man’s or woman’s body, is the pattern of all the process of all our life.” Havelock Ellis

“People who believe they are having pleasant, casual, uncomplex sexual encounters, whether with friend, spouse, or stranger, are blocking from consciousness the tangle of psychodynamics at work.” Camille Paglia

You can not separate emotion from sex. Attraction is emotion. There is always a string attached.

“People to whom you are attracted invariably think you remind them of someone else.”

Without sex, we wouldn’t be here, obviously. But sex was made to feel so great and fun as to compel us to do it (“Love is an evil trick that nature plays on people to get them to breed”). Think, for a moment, how rational is it to ram yourself into someone else: that’s not very nice (“Love is the spell by which he puts his sexual fear to sleep.” Camille Paglia). Due to women’s act of self-concealment, all seduction must take a form of rape; the only difference between seduction and rape is salesmanship.

God built a compelling sex drive into every creature, no matter what style of fvcking it practiced. He made sex irresistibly pleasurable, wildly joyous, free from fears. He made it innocent merriment. Needless to say, fvcking was an immediate smash hit. Everyone agreed, from aardvarks to zebras. All the jolly animals—lions and lambs, rhinoceroses and gazelles, skylarks and lobsters, even insects, though most of them fvck only once in a lifetime—fvcked along innocently and merrily for hundreds of millions of years. Maybe they were dumb animals, but they knew a good thing when they had one.” Alan Sherman, The Rape of the A*P*E*

The vagina dentata

Generally speaking, a person’s best sexual experience in life is his very first one - precisely when it’s all new and magical. From that point on, it all starts to go rapidly downhill. Naturally, people try to recapture the magic of that first one in all sorts of ways - different partners, different fetishes, different locations and situations, etc - but usually to no avail.” David Quinn

As with probably anything else, you have the most fun when you don’t know what to expect and when it is all new to you, when there is no routine, no standards, no history. With alcohol, in similarity, you are always on a quest, whether realized or not, to find your way back to how was that first time you were drunk.

Physical and spiritual castration is the danger every man runs in intercourse with a woman. Love is the spell by which he puts his sexual fear to sleep.” Camille Paglia

The physical union of the sexes only intensifies man’s sense of solitude.

No man leaves sex quite the same as he was going into the act. In sex man makes a voyage to non-being and back. The term vagina dentata, literally “toothed vagina”, was coined by Freud, that of the fear of impending castration that “probably no man” is spared the first time he sets his eyes upon a vagina. The vagina looks like, and actually behaves similarly to, an open wound. [Women can not go too long without wearing underwear.] Though Freud coined the phrase, it has been noted by cultures of every age: once you pop you can’t stop. So, with the toothed vagina, the penis can not leave without being ripped to shreds. Sex is a drug and we are its drug addict. The neurological pathways of the brain for romantic relationships is the same as drug addiction.

Build a better mousetrap, the saying goes—and with the brassiere, Yankee Ingenuity did exactly that. But their true stroke of genius was the new bait. The old fashioned mousetrap was loaded with cheese; nobody cares much about cheese, except mice. But when American Know-How reloaded the brassiere with tits, every heterosexual male in the country was hopelessly trapped.” Alan Sherman, The Rape of the A*P*E*

Men tend to be suckers. We know this. We know that when a hot babe with a nice rack walks by, she has our full attention. If she bends over our eyes are plastered to her ass. Next time you go to the mall find a woman who has a nice set of boobies. Follow her around for a little bit. You will end up seeing a ton of men who can't keep their eyes off of her. This same woman could probably ask 75% of those men out on a date and they would accept. The first thing they are thinking about is her nice set of cans. They don’t care if she can carry a conversation more than a few sentences long.

I would be willing to bet that this same woman could go through and ask these men to buy her things and she would find men to do it. Men are suckers. We live by the rule of our penis. It is pretty simple. Women know this. Don’t fool yourself, they know we are after a piece off ass. It is no secret. [Deep Dish: Read that again. They know what you want. There is no point in pretending you are not thinking about what you are thinking. They know, just by the sheer fact you are talking to them, what you want. I have heard girls say: “The only reason guys talk to me is because they want sex.”] Women have been using this knowledge for millions of years. They aren’t going to stop anytime soon. Women will use sex to draw in a man. If she wants to marry you, she will do it at all costs. [Deep Dish: Watch out! The grand explosion of women who want to get married starts around the ages of 22-23, the age when women typically graduate college. I have no idea how many times I have heard one say to someone, “Yeah, I’d like to get married soon”, and then, oddly, look at me. What do I have to do with their conversation!?] She will open her legs and give you the best sex you have ever had. I have seen this happen.

You meet a girl and you are just friends. After a month or so, you realize that all you want is a friendship. In her mind she wants more, a lot more. She asks you if you want to have sex and she rocks your world. She offers you anal the first night and wins your heart over. The next morning she gives you oral and makes you breakfast. The perfect woman right? All of a sudden you begin to change your mind about this woman. Before she was only good enough to be a friend, now that you have felt her tight ass, you have different thoughts. Before long, she will have you in hook, line, and sinker. She will have you eating out of her hand.

All of it started with sex. She was just a ho hum woman, but when there was sex involved, things were different. [Deep Dish: There is always a string attached.] When she gave you oral while driving down the road, she all of a sudden wasn’t that ho hum girl anymore, well, maybe kind of. You see that women use sex to divert our attention. They know if they please us sexually, they have us. It is the truth. No one is going to turn down a good lay. Well, maybe Richard Simmons, but that is another topic all together. When you decide that you want to marry this ho hum woman who now rocks your world sexually, you need to keep a clear mind. This is the most important time of the relationship to base your next move on your guy and not your penis. It may save you a lot of money when it comes divorce time.
“It takes two to make a woman into a sex object.”

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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“He binds the girl belly down upon a dining table and eats a piping hot omelette served upon her buttocks. He uses an exceedingly sharp fork.” Marquis de Sade


Women do not have fetishes. The term “fetish” is so loosely thrown around by people that it has practically lost its purpose. I return to the classical definition, an inanimate non-human object of sexual desire which must be present for sexual arousal, and the point is that the classical definition has clinical significance. There are no foot fetishes, no small breast fetishes; fetish is not simply a preference. Fetishes are almost exclusively a male disorder. Fetishes develop when you can not achieve intimacy in your life, thus desire is redirected onto an object you can more easily obtain; e.g. leather, shoes, cigarettes. Thus, fetishes are a form of neurosis. This is why those with fetishes can not achieve sexual arousal without the fetish object, they have developed a sort of intimacy with it, thus fetishes ultimately prevent true intimacy. It is thought that perhaps the reason why fetishes do not occur in women, except in rare cases, is because women are naturally more sociable than men. A fetish is only a problem when it interprets life, when you’d rather spend time with leather than with a loving woman or when you’re burglarizing homes in order to satiate your shoe fetish.

Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with super-heroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie.

Superman meets Wounded Bird

What happens to you in childhood has a disproportionate affect on the rest of your life. Women who are abused; physically, emotionally, or sexually; become ‘programmed’ to constantly relive their trauma out onto their relationships. They need abuse. When women who have had abusive relationships eventually decide to go for the Nice Guy, she will sabotage. She, needing abuse, will try to provoke the guy into abusing her. She needs conflict in her life: guys must either be abusive or unavailable. You can not save her, you are not Superman, she is a damsel in her own distress, and trying to save her will only result in wrecking your heart. Nietzsche: when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also stares back into you. The only way the woman can have healthy relationships is through intensive therapy, which is not your job. Bear in mind, sexual abuse does not necessarily involve parents, which is what commonly what comes to mind when we think ‘abuse’, but neighbors, any sort of authority figure, friends (e.g. forced lesbian encounters), and really anyone. [Note: general rule of thumb, 90% of women major in psychology to help themselves out, not others.]

There is an absolutely brilliant song by PQM, “You Are Sleeping”, which parodies.

You pick up this working girl, who’s hooked on smack, who hustles on scores. “That’s all I do,” she says. She says, “Ten bucks for head, fifteen for half and half.” She says, “Three hits a day at thirty-five per.” You say, “That’s seven tricks a day at least.” But she says, “Sometimes I get lucky. Once this guy gives me a bill and a half just to eat me, only time I ever came.”

You figure you can save her.

You sell your color TV and keeps her off the streets for a whole day. You hock your typewriter for one joule. Then your shotgun. Your watch. A week later you say, “Listen, I’m a little short.” But she says, “No scratch, no snatch.” You say, “Look, it’s better to give.” But she says, “Be gone, creep.”

One night they spot you on the street in your skivvies, trying to sell your shoes. You tell them who you are, but they nail you. Then she happens by and she says, “Christ, you look fvcked!” She says, “Hang tough!” But you don’t say anything. You just think, “What a bum rap, for a nice sensitive guy like me...”

You can only save one person. Yourself.

I regret to say that we of the F.B.I. are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce.” J. Edgar Hoover

Never burn bridges

It does nothing good for you except for the temporary ego trip. Take the high road and be nice.

Regardless the chances of never seeing a woman ever again, you never know who you will. Remember the television show Seinfeld, where the typical episode might be Jerry and George go on a double dinner date only for George’s new girlfriend to be some woman from Jerry’s bad past? That is not fiction, that is real life. It happened to me. I should have played the lottery that week. That woman may have an incredibly hot stripper sister. It happened. Who knows, you may end up in bed.

To belabor the point, in psychology there is the shadow. The shadow is the collection of everything we despise and everything which we think is not us, which we suppress into the dark crevasses of our psyche, but we are blinded from ever recognizing as ourselves. But it is you. You are everything you hate, you are everything you think you are not. The shadow comes out whenever you act “out of character.” When you burn bridges with a woman by calling her out or otherwise considering her a bytch, keep in mind you are also condemning yourself—as Mark Twain said and I agree, within everyone are degrees of everyone else. You receive nothing for burning bridges except for a false sense of assurance.

I have never had a woman to give me a headache.” 112-year-old South African Nicklaas Amsterdam, explaining that life without sex had worked wonders for him.

Masks.-- There are women who, however you may search them, prove to have no content but are purely masks. The man who associates with such almost spectral, necessarily unsatisfied beings is to be commiserated with, yet it is precisely they who are able to arouse the desire of the man most strongly: he seeks for her soul -- and goes on seeking.” Nietzsche’s Human, all too Human

Red Flags

If a woman reveals intimate secrets soon after meeting you, she has weak personal boundaries. She may be an easy lay, but it probably will not be worth it. Once, a friend introduced me to some female friend, who within five minutes told me, “My mom is psycho!” I immediately left.

Female genital piercings are a red flag of sexual abuse. Trauma survivors pierce their ****s to symbolically “take back” power of their body. There is no coincidence many porn stars and strippers have pierced ****s, not to mention take drugs.

Women with breast implants have three times the suicide rates than other women, hovering around one-percent. Not that the implants in of themselves cause suicide, but it seems breast implants attract a certain demographic of women with deep psychological problems. Women get implants for a reason, whether for career or reconstructive surgery, but if for more popularity and get asked out more, great disappointment awaits. While small-breasted women may feel they were shafted, many women with implants report teasing and being looked down by men only gets worse. Quantity of guys may increase, but quality decreases. Many women also report while, at first, the implants bolster their image, gradually the associated positivity slips and gradually those people around them come to think more negatively of them. Some women get implants as a “last ditch effort” for a life and body they want, and when these hopes of a better sexier life fade, some off themselves. There is one woman out there, who is a stripper in Las Vegas, who has thirteen friends who have implants: zero are happy with them. You can check out the website, 48 Reasons Not To Get A Boob Job.

Nymphomaniac /n./ also nympho; a list of women which likely comprises none of the women you would like and most of the women you wouldn’t.”

“MAKE LOVE NOT WAR (see driver for details)”
(Bumper sticker)

I once knew a suicidal bipolar crack addict who drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney. She was hot and tried for a fvck. I went along with the idea but soon declined and though subsequently I had a long dry spell, it was the right decision. I subsequently learned, through psychological literature, that bipolar is closely associated to hypersexuality (insatiable desire for sex). That girl, for instance, was a complete slut. Meet a girl who is bipolar and you can lay her, you just may not want to. Besides, do you want to be the one who rushes her to the hospital after she cuts her wrists?
So many parents have described watching with horror as their daughters get “dressed” in the skimpiest of outfits and attempt to go out flaunting their bodies to cadres of boys in the neighborhood and school. One girl we knew was so hypersexual that she and her boyfriend were practicing heavy petting in the school library for all to see.
“If a lady says no she means may be, if she says may be she means yes, and if she says yes she’s no lady.”


Defined, autoeroticism is sex behaviors done by oneself, but does not include simple masturbation, and often involves the cutting off of oxygen to the brain, to the brink of death, which creates euphoria. In the book Profiling Violent Crimes by Ronald and Stephen Holmes, “Gender differences require consideration when examining scenes in which an autoerotic fatality has occurred. Let us first deal with women who are involved in this form of sexual behavior. Women are much different than men in their habits of autoeroticism. First, women will often practice the acts in their bedrooms or bathrooms. Seldom will women become involved in autoeroticism outside or in open areas. They will not typically move furniture or use sexual paraphernalia as do many male practitioners.”

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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As the husband caught his ride to work at 8:00 a.m. with three friends, the wife, Barbara W., waved good-bye from their front door. The wife of less than one year told the husband that she was not going to work that day and was going “to hang out with my girlfriends.” The husband told the police later that he tried to call her a couple times during the day with no success.

The same three friends drove home with him and he encouraged them to come in the apartment and have a beer. The four entered the apartment and the husband called the wife’s name, but there was no response. He told the men to help themselves to a beer and he went down the hallway to their bedroom. The wife was not there. On the way back to the kitchen, the husband looked into the tub filled with six inches of water. She was dead.

The police investigated the case and thought it to be a homicide. The victim’s ankles were bound by a telephone cord tied with a knot. Her wrists were also bound with another telephone cord wrapped 21 times but not knotted. She was wearing her nightgown and a brown, terry cloth robe, the same robe that she was last seen wearing by the husband and his friends who picked him up for work that same morning. She also had one of her husband’s brown knit ties around her neck. Her face was in the water and the medical examiner later ruled the cause of death was drowning.

Because of an officer’s suspicion, this case was submitted for a psychological profile. The profile indicated that this may have been a cause of aqua autoeroticism. The profile indicated that further investigation should be made into the apartment itself. What was troubling was that the victim drowned in only six inches of water, the necktie around her neck, and the manner in which they telephone cord was wrapped and not tied around her wrists.

The profile suggested that this was a cause of autoeroticism and, therefore, recommended that the investigators return to the apartment and examine the doors, the doorknobs, and the bedroom for any collateral evidence of this type of sexual paraphilia. The police did find rope burns on the top of the door in the bedroom. Rope fibers were also found on the door knobs on the inside of the closet door. The victim had practiced autoerotic asphyxiation before, on many occasions, and had placed a rope around her beck (the husband’s heavy necktie around her neck were used to prevent ligature marks), then the rope was placed over the door and tied to the knob on the closet side of the door.

The husband, who was not considered a suspect in the case because he had a perfect alibi, finally admitted that his wife had shared with him her practice of this form of autoerotic asphyxiation. He added that he had never personally witnessed this. He also stated that he was not aware of any interest in aquaeroticism. It was assumed that this was the first time and she failed in her attempt at sexual gratification using water. He suspected that she had tried to expand her sexual repertoire but was hesitant to say anything to the police because her parents were fundamentalist Christians. He believed that the parents would be better suited to handle a suspicion that their daughter had been murdered than killed through an autoerotic sexual act that many consider sinful.
In a southern town, a woman was found dead in her bed. She had a towel around her neck and her right hand was on her stomach. Her left hand was under her back and she was on the bed, face up. The police were investigating this case as a homicide. After further investigation, the police decided to seek a psychological profile. In their investigation, they found some information about sadism and masochism. There was also a swinger’s magazine with circles around some names. The profile suggested that this may have been a murder but the appearance of the towel around the neck and the position of her left hand may have been indicative of some form of autoeroticism. Because of these findings, the direction of the inquiry changed from a murder to one of accidental death. It was discovered that the victim had found a date with a man. When he was interrogated, he said that she had suggested that he slap her, which he did several times at her insistence. She then told him a fantasy she had about being strangled. He related that he agreed to do that and they had arranged a release word. He started to strangle her but never heard the release word and she died. The man was charged with a lesser charge of manslaughter and was granted probation.
I have a friend who had a girlfriend who was really into suffocation. He discovered this accidentally when, during sex, his hands accidentally slipped and temporarily strangled her. She let out this moan. “That feels so good.” She wanted him to keep on doing it, which he did up to a certain point. He also discovered she liked very rough sex. He slapped her, hit her, punched her: moans. Every time he said “fvck,” she moaned. After that first hard session she told him that was the best sex she ever had, “Where did you learn to do that?” His response: “What! I just abused you!” They were on a blimp crew and there were times the girl would be holding onto a dangling rope, to say, “I’m sooooooo horny. Let’s have sex.”

“They say if you have positive thoughts about something, it will happen. Well, I’ve been thinking positively about my neighbor’s 19-year-old daughter, but so far, no luck. I think maybe my wife’s negative thoughts are interfering.” Maurizio Mariotti.


Bear in mind, it’s not what you say but the intent and how you say it. Here are a few illustrations.

“What do you like to do for fun?”
This is an innocuous seeming question. She’s just trying to get to know you, but, ask yourself, why is she trying to get to know you? She is not being just friendly. She is considering logistics. Asking women this question is a good way to find out if she is taken.

Girl talks about her car. “You can drive it.”
I just met the girl, and she wanted me to drive her car! Translation: let’s hang out and have sex, you can drive my car. [“There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.” P. J. O’Rourke]

Girl talks about how she went tanning. “My bum was burnt,” as she puts her hands there.
She wants you to look at her ass.

“Ah, you know what, I’ve not been taken out to dinner in a long time.”
Ask her out right now. [When I received this line, I declined. I didn’t want her. It’s disappointing when you knowingly receive ******** and must decline.]

I’m seen with a beautiful woman. The next day I am asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?”
Translation: Because, if not, that won’t be a problem.


Half of a joke is the truth; a joke wouldn’t be a joke if it wasn’t somehow true. People say things they really mean but are too afraid to say, or not allowed to say, under the guise of ‘not being serious.’ Knowing this can help not just with women but with people in general.

“How to impress a woman?
Compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her, caress her, love her, stroke her, tease her, comfort her, protect her, hug her, hold her, spend money on her, wine and dine her, buy things for her, listen to her, care for her, stand by her, support her, buy flowers for her, go to the ends of the earth for her...
How to impress a man?
Show up naked. Bring beer.”

Q: There is no universal game.

True, but guys do not ‘get’ women by techniques, guys delude themselves into thinking it was what they did which got the girl. There have been times I have made a girl giddy, blush, all smiles, joyous, and then when I walked away, only to see some guy with the most incredulous look on his face, like I was some master player. I didn’t do anything! All I ever do is play around women.

Just the other day [Back when this was originally written] I approached some hot chick without even realizing it; and while things went well, it wasn’t until retrospect did I realize I approached her and that I did some ‘seduction techniques;’ but it wasn’t because of inadvertent techniques which made things go well, it was because the girl liked what she saw, with any ‘techniques’ as icing on the cake. Women decide within seconds of how far you could ever get with them, whether lovers or not, and it’s certainly not from techniques.

Q: However, if women don't fall for our techniques it is not just because they were hating on us or attention wh0ring. It is because you used the wrong technique.

No, it’s because the women didn’t like them. It can be quite a blow to an overblown male ego to know that a certain woman is simply not attracted to him, so hence many guys blame “what they did.” Find a picture of Ross Jeffries and you will instantly see why he stresses technique: he’s ugly. He looks like the father in American Pie. Guys who make much ado about techniques do so to cope with the fact they are not attractive. Not convinced? When Nice Guys realize they are not attractive to women, they first turn towards answering the question “What is woman?”, then towards misogyny, then towards playing the field. All that focus on technique can gradually make them more attractive towards women, for he improves his fashion sense, attention to detail, acts upon his sexual impulses (rather than suppressing them), not to mention having more confidence. But they eventually see the façade of technique and turn towards being natural.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Q: But the thing is that most women don't know "him"... in classrooms or whatever people might have a chance to have you figured out a little, but at clubs its all first impressions etc. etc.

On thing which took me awhile to realize is that women are just as “superficial” outside of clubs as they are inside of them, with the only difference of the whole process being more compressed in clubbing. They are all women and subject to the same human nature.

Outside of clubs and into the classrooms, there is still the same importance on looks, we are sexual beings regardless. The window of opportunity to get placed into “to fvck or not to fvck” is still the same, not long. It really doesn’t matter what a guy does or not; if the woman likes him, he gets her despite whatever his “skills” and despite whatever screw-ups he makes; the higher the woman’s interest based from those few precious first seconds, the higher the tolerance for his errors; and if the woman does not like him, he’s screwed no matter what “game” he throws down. There are plenty of guys who think that certain techniques “creates” or “raises” a woman’s interest in him, but the truth is that while a woman’s apparent, observable, interest may and does certainly rise, her interest was there all along; all that any guy’s seduction does is guide the woman’s decision making process to whether she should take action on her interest. No one get me wrong, there certainly is such a thing as throwing down game, which does yield results, but that the actions are secondary. The woman liked him from the first few seconds.

Who you are. How you do. What you do.

Things are not always as they seem. A dork can dress all GQ and go through his “arsenal” but what the women still see is a dork. While the dork will experience what will seem like greater success with women; for while wearing the GQ, women will seem warmer and more receptive to him, perhaps even play along with his facade for awhile; the women will still reject him, the dork. The root cause is not his “game” but him.

It is true that different women have “types” of men they like. What I see is that you are saying the difference is a result of game rather than of men, whereas I say it’s the opposite.

Q: I know plenty of girls and some of them are definitely the shotgun type, within 20 seconds of meeting you they don’t want you or are all over you (figure of speech, they can be subtle about it). However, not all chicks are like that. I know plenty that don’t follow this pattern and, although they keep first impression in account, keep a fairly clear head throughout the rest of the time they see you.

When a woman first meets a man, she will hide her true feelings (unless she is desperate). This is why women who are “very confident” around men are usually not interested in romance, but rather sex, they have no emotions that are out dangling on the line. So, while at first she may not make the out-ward appearance of liking him, she secretly does, and over time, as the guy throws down his “game”—and it doesn’t so matter what that is so long as it’s something; all that is doing is telling the woman “I like you,” and that, then, alleviating her worries, she “warms” up to him. But the important part of this discussion is that she liked him from the very beginning.

Q: How does she “like him.” Is she psychic? Did she meet his mom? Read his autobiography? His diary?

It’s not about “you.” It is about what role you play in a woman’s life. There is the wallet role, the dildo role, the court jester role, etc. This role nature is inherent of all human relations, of families and even the best of friendships, with people caring about what you provide them. [If they are interested, they will, in time, care about what they can give you. At times, you will find women who will give you in hopes of you giving them.] Everyone uses everyone else, even if that usage is good company. So when that woman meets that guy, she knows what roles are up for vacancy in her life, and she categorizes what roles, if any, she’d allow him to have, and of course she knows what role the guy wants. By mere fact a guy is talking to a woman, she knows what he is after.

Q: Therefore, her liking him is dependent on the skills he has because what else does she know about him? NOTHING! SHE JUST MET HIM! Not even that, she only SAW him! Therefore, her impressions are based on what he does and what he does is based on his skills.

Women are no less “superficial” than men. Yes, she literally saw him. Women are just slower in taking action on their interest, being more cautious. Looks are not “everything”, but they are a significant portion. Personality will not get you laid, looks will not get you love.

Q: I disagree that the first seconds are absolute. Plenty of guys can fvck up after having established a solid first impression + high interest.

In the precious few seconds the woman decides if there is a window of opportunity. And, of course, at any time the window can be shut closed.

Q: Can you say a girl who is just a friend and nothing else has low interest?

No, not necessarily. I don’t know how many times I’ve been friends with a woman whom secretly or evidently liked me; meeting a woman when she has a boyfriend is a good example. It all depends on if she wants nothing else, which can be deceiving, and other times clear cut. Bear in mind that when you meet a woman, you're not meeting her you're meeting everything else going in her life; dating, fvcking, does not happen in a vacuum free of outside influences.

Years ago I coined a theory, Gravitational Theory, based off the sound concept that male-female friendships never form without initial sexual attraction from at least one of the two. The theory was to wait to see what women gravitated towards me and initiated friendships. I abandoned the theory as a strategy because it was too passive, but the results of the long-term experiment went right along with theory: they all wanted me.

“My girlfriend told me I should be more affectionate. So I got two girlfriends.”
When I was 14, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend.

When I was 16 I got a girlfriend, but there was no passion. So I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life.

In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency; she was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. So I decided I needed a girl with stability.

When I was 25 I found a very stable girl but she was boring. She was totally predictable and never got excited about anything. Life became so dull that I decided that I needed a girl with some excitement.

When I was 28 I found an exciting girl, but I couldn’t keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but directionless. So I decided to find a girl with some real ambition.

When I turned 31, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned.

I am now 40 and looking for a girl with very big tits.

“Whenever I go to a bar, I always go right up to the most beautiful woman in the room and say: “You’ve got something hanging out of your nose”. Hey, since I’ve got no shot at her, I might as well humble her a little for the next guy.” Michael Hayward.

Here’s how we get women:

Drop and Go. Make a move and literally forget about it, get on with life. If it has the intended effect, you will know it. Volley the ball over into her court; she will either volley the ball back or she won’t, and if she doesn’t then you won’t be stressing out over it; but if she does, game on.

“For women the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time.” Isabel Allende.

While talking to her, smile and look straight into her eyes; project into her your desire for her. For some reason this trifecta of look, talk, smile, sends a shock through her like none other; I think it’s because it makes her feel like a woman.

Joke, play around with her, make her feel. Treat her as you would a friend and have female friends. [I noticed some time ago how I could never get a hook-up through a male friend. Then I realized why. If the friend is single, he will not give away fine ladies, he will try to keep them for himself; so any girls will be relative table scraps. Secondly, the women assume you’re just yet another dirty dog looking for some action or a dateless loser. But it is completely different if you get a referral from a female friend; women trust each other’s standards, so if you’re good enough for that one friend, you’re good for her too, at least to give it a try.]

Compliment her, make her feel like a woman. You can tell her she has the most fabulous eyebrows.

Touch. Feel.

Something which women sometimes do is they will brush their breasts up against your back. It is never an accident. I have had my fair share of tight, close quarters, where everyone brushes and rubs up against each other—from every direction and angle— and I must say that, remarkably, women keep their breasts to themselves. Ever hug a woman and notice that despite all that contact, you don’t feel their breasts? Women are masters of touch.

And so on and so forth.
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Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
One common theme unites: feeling. Make her feel special, make her feel like a woman. Eye her, touch her, thrill her, kiss her.

Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” Franklin P. Jones.

A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face and the egg is frowning and looking a bit pissed off. The egg mutters, to no-one in particular, “Well, I guess we answered that question...”

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Good post!

Very funny and very true. There are some good insights here. The quotes are hilarious!

The neurological pathways of the brain for romantic relationships is the same as drug addiction.
Ha! After doing both in my life, I have to say that being hooked on drugs is almost the same as being in love! Only it is ^dirtier^. But the feelings are almost the same.

The part about "game" is RIGHT ON though.

The only time "game" EVER matters is when the girl desides to CIRCUMVENT her own emotions and select the guy who plays the "game" the best, thereby creating her OWN "game". But these types are usually b*tches.

You can litteraly follow a list of things that are 'wrong to do' and STILL end up with a girl anyway, provided that she fancies you.

I don't know about fawning and obsequiousness though--since I haven't done anything like that before--but apathy, nastiness, sillyness, and/or gaucheness don't seem to have any negative effects: there is a long list of 'guy excuses' that girls will cull from to mitigate any type of bad behaviour from your end.

All girls are always seducing all guys, just on different levels. Some will like you ALOT, and some will like you a little. The guy surveys the lot, and takes his pick based on his views of the girl, and also her interest in him. (Can't hook up with a girl that thinks you are abhorrent, can you?)

All in all, great post Mr. Dish!


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
It is a shame i am not able to comment on this post in any other way than, awesome.... heh


Aug 17, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
“Masks.-- There are women who, however you may search them, prove to have no content but are purely masks. The man who associates with such almost spectral, necessarily unsatisfied beings is to be commiserated with, yet it is precisely they who are able to arouse the desire of the man most strongly: he seeks for her soul -- and goes on seeking.” Nietzsche’s Human, all too Human
This reminds me of what I said to a woman who pissed me off with the question "why don't you have a girlfriend?" (I'm going to puke the next time I hear it, or some variation thereof.) I snapped at her a bit when I replied: "because you all make me feel empty inside."

Their darkness of being a body without a soul (in a non-mystical sense) reflects onto me and makes me shudder. This is something I've never been able to make a woman understand and most guys don't seem to get it either: a woman's sexuality isn't enough. If all she has to offer is her sexuality then all she is is a hole.

Kind of like in this other discussion here.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
Reaction score
Great post Deep Dish.

I echo the words of Jester when he says "awesome!"

Your post goes beyond and above what was necessary to point out your deep understanding of the female psyche. That in itself shows how knowledgeable you really are on the subject of women.

Your insights have provided myself, and probably many others, with a different (better) perspective on the beast named woman :) .

"Women aren't meant to be understood, they're meant to be loved ;) ." Just an old quote I remember seeing somewhere. Some truth in it, some warning, and some mystery.


Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
“There’s a trend among young women wearing sexy T-shirts with writing across the front. It may be a brand name, even a witty slogan: all I know is they are impossible to resist. Women claim no ulterior motive. Men know differently. Studies show men cannot pass those T-shirts without stopping to read the writing. What can I say: we like to read. Women then complain we stare at their breasts. What were they thinking when they bought the tops? Encouraging male literacy?”
After doing both in my life, I have to say that being hooked on drugs is almost the same as being in love!
Greetings, old friend! Though never have I partaken in illicit substances you reminded me of lyrics to the dazzling song “Marscarter” by Bernard Leon Howard III featuring 80.

“So I go to the store for some money and for some Mary to get my mind off of love, or the lack thereof. But is it drugs that takes my mind off the things I love, or is it love that takes my mind off of drugs?”
Your post goes beyond and above what was necessary to point out your deep understanding of the female psyche.
It was quite fun. :D
Their darkness of being a body without a soul (in a non-mystical sense) reflects onto me and makes me shudder. This is something I've never been able to make a woman understand and most guys don’t seem to get it either: a woman’s sexuality isn’t enough. If all she has to offer is her sexuality then all she is is a hole.
“A woman cannot become a ‘sage.’ I have disdain for that particular word. A woman can only become believable when she has overcome her femininity. A woman must become a man before she can become wise or aware. It is one of the hardest things to do—to completely forsake one’s feminine desires and inclinations.” Marsha Faizi

Now time for the DVD bonus material section!
From Camille Paglia’s Sexual Personae:

Dionysus’ female chthonian swamp is inhabited by silent, swarming invertebrates. I proposed that the taboo attached to women is justified and that the infamous “uncleanness” of menstruation is due not to blood but to uterine jellies in that blood. The primal swamp is choked with menstrual albumen, the lukewarm matrix of nature, teeming with algae and bacteria. We have a food that symbolizes this swamp: raw clams on the half-shell. Twenty years ago, I noticed the strong emotions roused by this delicacy, to which few are indifferent. Common reactions range from ecstasy to revulsion. Why? The clam is a microcosm of the female hygra physis. It is as aesthetically and psychologically disturbing as menstural albumen. The primitive shapelessness of raw clams offers sensuous access to some archaic swamp-experience.

Botticelli’s Venus coasts to shore on the half-shell. Sexual love is a deep-sea diving into the timeless and elemental. G. Wilson Knight says, “Life rose from the sea. Our bodies are three parts water and our minds compacted of salty lusts.” Woman’s body reeks of the sea. Ferenczi says, “The genital secretion of the feamle among the higher mammals in man... possesses a distinctly fishy odor (odor of herring brine), according to the description of all physiologists; this odor of the vagina comes from the same substance (trimethylamine) as the decomposition of fish gives rise to.” Raw clams, I am convinced, have a latently cunnilingual character that many find repugnant. Eating a clam, fresh-killed, barely dead, is a barbarous, amorous plunging into mother nature’s cold salt sea.

Scatology and graffiti, in their perennial folk wisdom, rudely acknowledge woman’s marine character. Slang calls female genitals “the bearded clam.” Bawdy t-shirts and bumper stickers link fish-consumption with virility. Ivy League students recently traded the following ripostes, scratched in different hands on the wall of a library study stall: “Women smell like fish! Men smell like shìt! Do women like to smell fish? Do fish smell like women? Do fish like to smell women?”
“When I first met my girlfriend, she asked me what I wanted in a woman. She pretended to be irritated when I said, ‘My dìck.’”

Red Flag

There is one red flag (or green flag depending on what you want) I had forgotten to include: tattoos. There are a mountain of empirical studies consistently strongly associating tattoos with smoking, alcoholism, substance use, promiscuity, exhibitionism, fetishism. In other words, a sensation-seeking personality (more about that).
Exerpts from “Identifying Sluts”

Slut Hint One: Watch the Eyes, Not the Clothes

It’s a well know fact that sluts wear tight, skimpy outfits. Unfortunately, so do virginal côck-teases. So rather than flocking to the shortest skirt in the nightclub, it’s crucial to examine the eyes of each woman—even when that means you must stop staring at her tits for half-a-second. A virginal côck-tease will watch your mouth when you talk, listening to each word and hoping to make witty, flirtatious comments. A true slut won’t hang on every syllable coming out of your mouth. She will, however, stare at your eyes, your arms and your… ahem, other parts.

Slut Hint Two: Watch the Bar, Not the Dance Floor

Chics that go to church every Sunday, wear white cotton panties, and wouldn’t DARE kiss on the first date will dash over to the dance floor and gyrate in a decidedly sexual nature. Folks, this is nothing but a façade—a vicious attempt to mimic sluthood. True sluts aren’t dancing in the middle of a nightclub with their female friends! They’re hanging out by the bar, sucking down booze, and enjoying male attention. The only dancing most sluts do is when they waltz down to the clinic to wipe out a pesky case of V.D.

Slut Hint Three: Watch the Guys, Not the Girls

Do you see four or more girls dancing and chatting amongst themselves? Well, leave ‘em alone! There’s not a slut in that group. Most women don’t like sluts and shun them from inclusion. Guys, on the other hand, dig sluts and will happily accompany ‘em out on the town. If you see one girl talking to three or more guys, there’s a fairly good chance she’s a slut. ‘Course, there’s also a fairly good chance she’s the girlfriend of one of those guys, so tread carefully, lest your face get punched.

Slut Hint Four: Watch the Lips, Not the Eyes

Good girls treat their face like it’s a work of art. And eyes, described by effeminate poets as “windows to our souls” get special attention. Sluts might apply a dash of eyeliner but generally pay much more attention to their lips. Do you know why? Lips are primary sexual features; eyes are secondary. In fact, lipstick was first used by prostitutes during the era of the Roman Empire in an effort to make their mouths look like vaginas. Bright red lips at a nightclub should definitely get your Spidey Sense tingling.

Slut Hint Six: Watch the Piercings, Not the Makeup

It’s an unfortunate fact that goody-goodies and côck-teases plaster on as much makeup as many sluts. So how can you identify the different groups? Body piercings! Particularly any piercings of the tongue. Folks, do you know why women (and men) get studs drilled into their tongues? It’s to enhance fellatio. The feel of the cold metal stud on your penis increases the pleasure derived from oral sex. And this spells slutdom more than anything: Any woman willing to mutilate her body in the hopes of marginally enhancing the sexual pleasure of her partner is 99% likely to be a harcore slut. Nipple rings and ****oral piercings are also indicative of sluttiness… but by the time you’re in a position to see a nipple or clìt ring, chances are you’ve already figured out she’s a slut.

Slut Hint Seven: Watch the Smoke, Not the Good Breath

Maybe it’s because of an oral fixation. Or maybe it’s because sluts are prone to high risk behavior. Either way, a higher percentage of sluts smoke than babes in the general population. If you see a chic with bright red lips, a shot of whiskey, and a tongue ring sucking on a Marlboro 100s, there’s a pretty good chance that she’s a slut.

Slut Hint Eight: Watch the Ink, Not the Flesh

Tattoos have gone mainstream; even Yuppie bankers are getting aboriginal art etched on their bodies. But still—a tattoo can be a key indicator of sluttiness. Particularly if it’s located along a rather tantalizing part of the anatomy. I know what you’re thinking: “Well, if she has a yin-yang tattooed on her ass cheek, how am I gonna find out about it at the nightclub?” Relax! Sluts are proud of all their bodily modifications. If you ask a slut if she has a tattoo, not only will she answer honestly—she’ll probably offer to show it to you. Sluts aren’t shy.
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Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Slut Hint Ten: Watch the Hands, Not the T&A

I know, I know: When a woman walks by in a miniskirt and a tight blouse, your first instinct is to stare at her tits. And then, as she walks away, your second instinct is to stare at her ass. Refrain from these impulses, young Grasshopper! Since miniskirts and tight blouses are also wildly popular with prudes and côck-teases, they cannot be considered reliable indicators of slutdom. In fact, big breasts and a shapely ass are traits shared equally between sluts and nonsluts alike. So what’s a man to do? Check out her hands! Whenever a male chats with a prude, the prude tends to keep her hands by her side. But whenever a male saddle-up to a slut, her hands suddenly become nomadic wanderers of the African Sahara. It’s almost as if she can’t stop touching your arm and your chest while talking to you! This makes sense; people who like sex enjoy physical contact. And really, this might be the most telling indicator of slutdom: A chic with tattoos, cigarettes, red lips, a bellybutton ring, and a shot of whiskey who keeps her hands by her hips while conversing with a stranger is probably a SLUT POSER. But a babe who can’t stop touching you while yakking—even if she’s not wearing any makeup and her highlights aren’t on—just might be a slut. Either way, you should definitely offer to buy her a drink.
(That list is so true)
“Geography of a Woman”

Between 18 and 20 a woman is like Africa, half discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with fertile deltas.

Between 21 and 30 a woman is like America, well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash.

Between 31 and 35 she is like India, very hot, relaxed, and convinced of her own beauty.

Between 36 and 40 a woman is like France. Gently aging but still a warm and a desirable place to visit.

Between 41 and 50 she is like Yugoslavia, lost the war haunted by past mistakes. Massive reconstruction is now necessary.

Between 51 and 60, she is like Russia, very wide with borders that are un-patrolled. The frigid climate keeps people away.

Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Mongolia, with a glorious and all conquering past but alas, no future.

After 70, they become Afghanistan. Most everyone knows where it is, but no one wants to go there.
“Bart, a woman is like a beer. They look good, they smell good, and you’d step over your own mother just to get one! (chugs beer)” Homer Simpson.

Women do secretly have a lesbian fantasy. Many, during the college years, do experiment. Simply take two women and get them drunk. When those social inhibitions disappear for awhile, try to get them to kiss. Also, ask women what they think of Angelina Jolie.


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
There is one red flag (or green flag depending on what you want) I had forgotten to include: tattoos. There are a mountain of empirical studies consistently strongly associating tattoos with smoking, alcoholism, substance use, promiscuity, exhibitionism, fetishism. In other words, a sensation-seeking personality (more about that).
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. I've thought the same thing for a very long time now that "tattoo" on a woman just screams "slut!" I never really understood why, but I'm gonna go read that psychology article now, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
DeepDish, I sometimes think that you think too much. But in this case, I'm glad that you've used that big brain of yours.

Although your posts were a bit meandering and scatter-brained, I found them to be very provocative. I especially liked your bits on psychology like "The Shadow."

One common theme unites: feeling. Make her feel special, make her feel like a woman. Eye her, touch her, thrill her, kiss her.
This is so true. The INTENT expressed by your voice, your eyes, and your touch are what make her feel like a woman.

Mr.Sex4uNYC put things rather bluntly; he sees women as "beings to animate." That is, it's his job to make them FEEL. To him, they are puppets.

While I don't agree with the harsh terms he uses, I believe that the way he views his relationship with women can be fruitful.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I almost fell out of my chair when I read this. I've thought the same thing for a very long time now that "tattoo" on a woman just screams "slut!" I never really understood why, but I'm gonna go read that psychology article now, thanks.
For tattoos in particular, this would be a better article. I should note I disdain the website hosting the article, and disdain both the beginning and the end of the writing, but the middle part of the article itself is rather thorough, correct, and documented. I first learned of the connection of tattoos with sexuality in Sir_Chancealot's infamous tattoo debate thread. At first I was hestitant, but then spent a good amount of time -- a few weeks -- recollecting about every woman I had ever known with a tattoo, and observing those then-currently around me, and looking at scientific literature. I was taken back by how incredibly true it is. I even looked at a ton of porn and analyzed porn stars with long track records; sure enough, almost without exception, a woman doing straight porn will eventually get tattoos the longer she stays active in the industry.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Whoa Dish, a lot of time on your hands lately? ;)

I remember reading the first book, and nodding in astonishment to everything you were describing...

Everything changes..

Let's open the piggy bank.

You are completely correct about a string of attachment to anyone you made love to. We deny it, we say ONS do not mean anything, but looking back you still have some sort of feeling..positive or negative... There is a way to downplay this and make that string almost invisible.. just move on, and dont think about it. This is much harder to do if you are spending more time with a girl.. obviously, so if it is ONS you are sure you dont want to be in LTR with, get your head straight right away.

Women using sex- well, duh ;)
Man use relationships to get sex, women use sex to get relationships... my sociology teacher asked the class how many would sign the pren-up. out of 200 people i was among 8 that had rasied our hands... watch eddie murphy's stand up on prenups.. "half!!!?"

Burning bridges- you suggest i keep in touch with all the girls i ever had sex with? never let anyone go, guy's included? Dont burn bridges in spite of one mistake, but if you strategically burn the bridges it works.

Red flags? - there are obvious out there.. but seriously, talk to the girl, and you'll know what is up within first 15-20 mins.
(personal topics help)

********- you just gotta be smart about reading the interest level.. i would have probably missed all of those 2 years ago.. now it seems too easy.

On game...
After all this time in the field, i've learned something... if the girl is attracted to you....

a. She will hint/show you this. (some are very hard to ready at any moment)

b. You gotta be a pretty big dumbass to fvck up your chances with her. I'm gonna quote chris rock "Woman knows whethever she is gonna fvck you or not within first 5 mins of meeting you.. If she does, she is thinking "i'ma fvck him, i hope he dont say nothing stupid"...

Ok, seriously guys... if you think a girl is into you.. please dont be stupid and just act.. well then again i dont know if this is your thing or not.

Q: However, if women don't fall for our techniques it is not just because they were hating on us or attention wh0ring. It is because you used the wrong technique.
Techniques?? the only one's i still use are the sexual... everything else should become natural in time.

You guys can say whatever you want about banging girls and dont care about em, but when you are laying in bed with a girl you care about, naked flesh against each other, your arms tied... it feels damn good.

Take care of a girl, especially in bed and show her you appreciate her emotions.. and she will be yours.

About sluts... what the fvck.. pulling out a list here? cmon man, for me it is either a. Girls i want. or B.Girls i dont want .... im not gonna look at tatoos for too long.. im gonna get to know her and then make my decision.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Whoa Dish, a lot of time on your hands lately?
No hay banda. It's all tape recorded. It's an illusion.

It was written sporadically over six months. :D
You suggest I keep in touch with all the girls I ever had sex with?
No, I simply suggest you be nice. It's a strange world out there. You never know who may pop back up into your life and when. When you meet some hottie, who knows, she may be a friend or friend-of-a-friend of a woman you knew, and if you were a complete asswhole to that past woman, that past of yours just may come back and chop off your chances with getting with that new woman. Likewise, if you were good, bumping into that past woman may provide for some favorable connections.
For me it is either a) Girls I want, or B) Girls I don't want.
And I totally agree. But for the ones we do want, and we are thinking one-night stand, then such things as tattoos and pierced tongues drastically increase the liklihood of dealing with a real winner. But if we're looking for a girlfriend, finding tattoos should immediately stop thoughts of a relationship until the woman is further scrutinized. I agree with talking to the ladies and getting a feel for them, and such things as tattoos can help make you better informed decisions.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
You are correct about world being too small indeed. The goal is not to be a dumbass to GUYS too. A lot of connections could lead into your past, so dont get screwed.. (Oh god how many times were u trying to get with girl when some chick you hated who is her friend suddenly came up and took her away...)

Nowdays, a lot of girls have a tatoo or a piercing.. i'd say 80% of the girls i know have bellybutton done. You would have to go overboard with tatoos and piercings to be different..but then again, i dont think that's slutty.

two things i can think of the girl being more sexualy active is the tounge ring and the lower back tatoo.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
This is one of the best things I've read on this board so far!

About the tattoo thing... I've noticed that about half the guys I know who have tattoos (myself included) have really meaningful, personal tattoos. The other half, plus 90% of girls with tattoos just get something that "looks cool" or "is pretty". Yeesh.


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by Six-String Samurai
This is one of the best things I've read on this board so far!

About the tattoo thing... I've noticed that about half the guys I know who have tattoos (myself included) have really meaningful, personal tattoos. The other half, plus 90% of girls with tattoos just get something that "looks cool" or "is pretty". Yeesh.
I've thought of getting a tattoo myself, but like you it would have to be very personal. I wouldn't be body art so much as a personal statement, a living testament scarred upon my flesh. You're also right about chicks; they always have mindless & meaningless things like butterflies or what not.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShortTimer
I've thought of getting a tattoo myself, but like you it would have to be very personal. I wouldn't be body art so much as a personal statement, a living testament scarred upon my flesh. You're also right about chicks; they always have mindless & meaningless things like butterflies or what not.
Agreed. Both my tattoos constantly provoke the question "what does that mean" or "what is that?" and require explanation. If there's something you've been considering getting for a while and you feel strongly about it, I recommend you go for it. My first tattoo was the words "Carpe Diem" on my left arm, which is Latin for "seize the day". I'd had a problem with courage and letting myself go my whole life, and during a very meaningful time in my life I began to live without fear. I began to truly try and maximize on every opportunity, and I wanted a way to remember that feeling. So now every morning when I'm groggy and the day awaits, when I shuffle into my bathroom and take my shirt off to get in the shower, there's my reminder, staring me in the face. And every night when I'm tired and downtrodden from a hard day, or I've been rejected or something, and I go to brush my teeth before bed... there's my reminder. Just a personal thing, and something I treasure greatly.