wolf116 said:
Wow! Thats amazing. How many times a week do you train. When I did that I got nowhere. Could you give us an example of your last training session.
I train 6/7 says of the week.
Yesterday was Tri(4 exercises,tris are small muscle and you can't hound them constantly)/Light Chest(2 exercises only,light means not as much as I would normally do,which is 5 exercises for chest)
Skull Crushers,12rep,10 reps, 8 reps(only 3 sets lifting a little more then usual just to mix it up,normally it would have been 4 sets)
Another exercises with cables(hard to explain)
Behind the head Dumbbell Press,12 reps,10 reps,10 reps, 8 reps,
Rope Pulldowns,12 reps,10 reps,10 reps,8reps
Light Chest;
Barbell Declines,12 reps,10 reps,10 reps,8 reps
Flat Barbell Bench;12 reps,10 reps,10 reps,8 reps
Hope that helps.
Try to focus on one muscle per day;tri,bi,
back,chest,legs & shoulders(includes traps)
Then onto of that put abs w/tri or bi and hit another main muscle(in bold) light every once in awhile.
Good Luck!