I partially disagree with this. I like the idea of keeping a conversation short but the conversation should be at least long enough to give you a good idea that a first date will be successful and has a higher probably of resulting in a second date. I think you need at least a 5 minute conversation to do that in most cases.
Game recognize game.
But a couple things here..
Please keep in mind, bro, that I am of the Alan Roger Currie camp.
And of that camp and philosophy, we despise trivial, meaningless conversation.
The conversation has to lead in to making shiit happen, whether date or otherwise.
The OP claims to be having 5 minute conversations that leads to absolutely NOWHERE...and that's what we should try to prevent.
Second, we should (in my opinion) do our best cut our losses.
To help drive home my point, it is story time!! (I know, I have a story for everything lol).
So, a couple months ago, there was a chick who caught the same bus on my route.
She is light skinned, had dreadlocks, slim, and big boobies.
I saw her maybe twice before I hollered at her...one time after getting off my first bus in transition to my second one, I saw her sitting at the bus stop.
Perfect opportunity, I had to get at her.
I approached her while she was sitting at the bus stop.
Me: Excuse me miss, are you single?
She looked up at me with surprise and confusion.
Her: Are you gonna even ask me my name first? No "hi, what is your name"?
Me: Well, if you ain't single, your name is irrelevant.
She gave a "thinking" look and nodded her head in agreement.
Her: You have a point.
And from there, we had a nice, long conversation as we waited for the bus.
I was charming, humorous, and witty.
I had a quick, sharp response to everything she threw at me and I made her laugh a lot.
We vibed quite well.
Our bus came, and we hopped on.
On the bus we conversed more.
I gave her my number, and she texted me her name.
My exit came before hers, and we exchanged parting pleasantries.
A few hours later, I texted her back.
Her responses: ...........
So, guess what...Mode X time.
I sent her a nasty
Her responses: ........
I haven't seen it spoken to her since.
So, what is my point?
The point is, I spent OVER 5 minutes engaging in charming, flattering conversation with her
If she was going to reject me anyway, I might as well have been direct to whereas I exerted less energy and also less of an ego bruiser.
That is why direct game is more superior than any indirect or Mode 2 behavior.
On a pure street approach, it might be more difficult to get 5 minutes of attention. I tend to do more park and walking path approaches than pure street game approaches. Most US cities are not well set up for pure street game but some cities have spots that are good for park and walking path type game. In park/path type game, the women are already in leisure time mode (especially on a weekend afternoon when I typically do park/path game) so I can get 5 minutes of conversation based on my timing and structuring of the approach.
Long conversations can work...but if they don't, time was wasted.
Would you rather waste more time, or less time?
Yes and no. Earbuds are used by women in part to reduce approaches. When a woman is wearing earbuds, she is trying to signal to the world that she isn't open to human interaction.
Orrr, she could be simply listening to music or a podcast.
That said, if she sees you have enough value, she'll be open to the approach. The threshold of "high value" is higher in situations where she is wearing her earbuds vs. when she isn't. When she's wearing her earbuds, she will only entertain an approach from guys who display the best physiques and/or possessions displaying wealth.
Most guys (even guys who are a compelling dating option) won't meet this threshold for a variety of reasons. Many of these guys would be better off approaching at a time when she's more open to fielding an approach whereas some men would need to do self-improvement before they can even consider the concept of timing an approach.
There are times that approaching a woman wearing earbuds will be awkward and it's often because the woman is annoyed to be fielding the approach.
I have done a few approaches on a woman wearing earbuds but I'll do those with stronger IOIs. When a woman isn't wearing earbuds, I won't require IOIs to the extent that I would require them with earbuds.
Earbud approaches can be awkward...but if she is fine enough (or in my case, if her titties are big enough

Fukka earbuds, I'm approaching REGARDLESS.