OK Guys On my previous post I was wrong, I posted temporary training wheels but the problem if it is emotional investment I agree 100% with DEREK EFFECTs.
I started to autospy my FB GF whatever relationship and it was looking pretty bad, I put myself too available for her to take advantage.
I see it now like if I got rejected on an appraoch, which doesn't matter.
What matters is how you feel, or what some guys call INNER GAME.
Also, I noticed when you go thru something ****ty like this your deep feelings and sad emotions come out like waves of energy and women smell that since the have these antennas radar sensors.
So I recommend derecteffect's way of going through. before you step out to go bang another chick read it internalize and you'll understand why you felt "needy" or got used to that pvssy.
I read it today and it help me alot I really know that I dont miss her or neede her , I just got used to her ol' raggedy gangbang pvssy.
Its time to upgrade to younger and hotter chicks , but most importantly get your emotional side a tune up and deal with the pain, let it go, talk to someone post it up, air it out. reverse frame it and say it to yourself.
Instead of saying " why Im I soo sad, why do I feel sad about her?"
you say to yourself " Why am I so happy, I feel lvcky today, I will be the coolest social fun guy , who cares what people think of me as long as I am happy and take care of my self, I love m,yself and respect myself ...the rest is BULL S H I T !