I'm less than a month out of an very LTR.
1. Confidence
I found building up your confidence would be the foundation. Once you are confidence in yourself, woman definitely notice. It's just something that oozes out of your pores.
2. Have fun and have low expectations.
I was out of the game for 5+ years. I just went out expecting to have fun, knock off a lot of the rust by just chatting girls up. I didn't really expect any numbers the first couple of times I went out, but ended up with 1 or 2 anyways. This gave me the "WOW" factor and really helped boost my confidence and made the nights out a lot more fun.
3. I am/was a pretty shy guy. I kinda am a ****y & funny guy naturally but my brain kinda freezes up when I'm trying to talk to HB 8-10. One method I learned on here was the 1.2.3. method. The moment you are thinking about approaching a woman. Just do a countdown. 3.2.1. and just go. Give urself no time to second guess urself or hesitate.
I've been just using eye contact to measure levels of interest. Once I catch a girl staring at me. It's over for her. My eye contact is so intense that she is gonna feel as if I'm looking straight thru her and I'm looking straight into her soul! With a smile of course or else it will just be creepy.
Just using this, i've been gettin some decent results that I'm happy with. My main goal is to just go out and have fun and the rest of the chips may fall where they lay. 3 weeks out, about 3 times a week and I got about 5-6 numbers; 2 im not very impressed with, but the rest were hbs7+. Ehh, its a good start. I now need to work on my phone game and getting the dates. But im talking it a step at a time and just making sure I'm having fun.
FYI if it maters, I'm a skinny asian guy and I'm working mostly asian girls. I've tried working white girls before, but the response/success rate was very negative. I'll work on my game a little more before stepping up to that plate again.
Hope this helps.
-Don Wha in the making