I am in no way advocating for any side but when I see a fallacy, I have to point it out. You already made the mistake of looking at something that is over 2 decades old which is unreliable to today's population but since you want to look at this time period, let's look at the numbers. 58% of sexual assaults were by whites. 39.9% sexual assault by blacks. In 1994, there were over 260 million people in the U.S.. Whites made up 84% of the population. Blacks made up 10% of the population. According to the table, out of 4,807, that's 1,922 all from a 26,000,000 population. While roughly 2,788 of whites committed sexual assaults out of a 218,000,000 population. 10% of the population (26,000,000) have committed almost half the sexual assaults that occurred in this time period. According to the stats that you show, if the black population was equal to the white population, the amount of sexual assaults would be 16,144.8 vs 2,788.