The Best Advice Sosuave Has To Offer

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Jan 14, 2006
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reallyfreakinlost said:
I am going to challenge these claims.
1)You can say don't fear rejection all you want, and maybe you can do a good job pretending you don't, but fear is a natural instinct.
2)Are you talking about viagra? how the hell can you be in a sexual state 24/7?
3)Ok, I think too much eye contact will come off as creepy...just my 2 cents.
4)How many designer clothes is enough? How much exercise is enough? I am overweight AND i wear ****ty clothes but I still get girls, not often of course. You can't compete with a millionaire. You can't compete with Brad Pitt. the problem with your statement here is ITS NEVER ENOUGH.
5)isolate? make the move? gunwitch? this sounds VERY VERY creepy!
6)not gonna argue about that one
7)yeah, and I'll be on my death-bed going "wow I'm sure glad I f*cked X number of girls! man, who cares about my family or friends? My p*ssy tally sheet is all that matters!"
8)One of the few advice that you say is true
9)Be a drama queen? Look women are drama-fanatics, but you shouldn't put fuel on the fire. Maybe some women play these mindf*ck games, but they're the mentally ill ones, seriously try finding a mentally healthy, stable girl.
10)here's another option, why don't you put some good advice for once
FEAR is very natural, but fearing something like beautiful girls is very UNNATURAL - so u just made urself look like an AFC with that one

2)be in a sexual state when ur with a girl or picking up girls, not when ur at the gym or grocery shopping dummy
5)gunwitch is a method to gettin a girl from "hello" into "i wanna **** u".....u should read it
7)when u die, right before it, u will regret MISSED OPPORTUNITIES, this has nothing to do with the # of girls u ****ed
Aug 6, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
FEAR is very natural, but fearing something like beautiful girls is very UNNATURAL - so u just made urself look like an AFC with that one

2)be in a sexual state when ur with a girl or picking up girls, not when ur at the gym or grocery shopping dummy

7)when u die, right before it, u will regret MISSED OPPORTUNITIES, this has nothing to do with the # of girls u ****ed
I think its funny that you believe I fear women, good looking ones to be exact. Let me tell you something... you see, if someone wasn't scared in the first place, why would he try to "conquer" some fear that is nonexistant? But if he never had the fear, why would he talk about it like he's had it his whole life? And what if he never had the fear, but knew about the fear, answer this question... why the hell would he point out "good looking" girls to fear, if he never had the fear, and why "women", why not "good looking" men? But I'm assuming people who fear good looking women usually do fear good looking men, but that's another story.

2)I don't know about you, but I get an erection whenever I go to the produce section of my grocery store, but this doesn't happen when the prices are high though. *sigh*.

7)You're right, i WILL have missed opportunities. I never knew what its like to have meaningless games and trivial pseudo-strategies dictate my social interaction with beautiful girls, and I'm DEFINITELY going to regret how I was too busy actually connecting to the girls on an emotional and spiritual level, even when they dump me. Yep, I'm going to be on my death bed, thinking "if only I won that bet with my friend Bob that I'd score more chicks than him, that way I can be buried in my coffin with Bob's X-Box and his collection of Tony Hawk skateboarding videogames.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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HOW about that tip where u kum in the girls eyes?

haha jk

i think the best tip i like is confident is the key to sucess nukka


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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southern usa
I am working on a post detailing how I disregarded most of the advice I'd ever received from this site....look for it :)
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