taiyuu_otoko said:
I wouldn't be so discriminatory, VU.
ALL PEOPLE are lazy ass lemmings, and would rather follow the crowd than make their own opinions...
Unfortunatley, they all got eaten, and none of them lived long enough to pass on their social proof lemming resistance genes, and here we are today.
bank runs, market crashes, ray-bans, three button suits, you think that
are any different?
Good point, Taiyuu. And much RESPECT to you.
And I agree with much of it. That's why I didn't say "all" women----I said "some". And yes, human beings overall have a strong bent toward conformity in many areas-----so NO ONE is totally exempt from this----but that's not really the point I was trying to make.
What I was referring to specifically was that I've personally known a whole
lot of women who gravitated toward liking, and even pursuing a particular type of guy----WHEN they noticed that that guy had suddenly garnered the spotlight. And whenever I've asked them "Why THAT guy?", very few of them could explain or adequately articulate their rationale behind their desire to chase him.
And some of the guys in question were guys that those SAME women rejected earlier, simply because those guys weren't "popular" or whatever at an earlier point. I'm sure there are exceptions to every rule, but sometimes the existence of the "exception" PROVES the rule.
Here in my theater of war---The Front Lines of the "dirty south" of the United States, I've known many women who decided that they suddenly "wanted a guy" simply BECAUSE a whole lot of other women wanted him. But to the contrary, I can't remember ONE guy that I've encountered that "changed his mind" and decided that he NOW wants a woman simply BECAUSE he found out a whole lot of other guys NOW want her.
If all of a sudden, "Whoopi Goldberg" suddenly got the attention of a plethora of men, I doubt VERY SERIOUSLY that guys who NEVER were attracted to her before that would suddenly start salivating over her and chasing her like she was "Halle Berry"---------SIMPLY because
"Hey, all the other guys are doing it!"
Therefore, my uncontrolled, unscientific, and admittedly PERSONAL observation has been that The Lemming Effect (or as Mature DJ dubbed it---The Bandwagon Effect), as it pertains to relationship pursuits, is MOSTLY a female phenomena. And the reason I tend to call it the Lemming Effect is because most romantic relationship decisions made in the ABSENCE of "
fore" thought AND "during" thought, usually share the same fate as those little animals who just love to routinely throw themselves off the nearest cliff-----only to drown in an ocean of REGRET.
I've found that just following the crowd in regards to matters of the heart is shortsighted at best, and foolhardy at worst. And I believe this may also be a hidden reason why SOME women can
"fall out of love" with SOME men so easily.
Because they MOSTLY viewed the worth and value of
that man through the lens of other women's collective eyes.
So just like any fad...when that guy STOPS being "trendy", or if he STOPS being the "it" guy, then he's easily discarded by such women-----and they're off to the
next guy.
Yes, it's off to the "Lemming Races" AGAIN!!!!
So in an ironic way, that's what my
Actresses in the Theater of War post was all about. It explains why some women can eliminate their boyfriends and husbands from their lives-----seemingly without ANY emotional difficulty whatsoever.
So again, my post was not meant to be an indictment of
all women by any means-----but it WAS meant to be a direct, UNAPOLOGETIC indictment of
the actions of that rather large segment of women who DO conduct their romantic lives in such a thoughtless way.
March on.