First of all, don't focus just on conversations in the club. Grow a habit of making eye contact and starting little conversations with other people wherever you go. Not just with girls, also with some old man who's sitting next to you on the train, some guy who's standing next to you in the gym, some lady who's standing behind you at the supermarket etc. If you make a habit out of this, you will notice that it becomes easier to make eye contact and talk to girls in the club (and outside the club as well).
Now about your club game. You can't change yourself overnight and suddenly become the biggest player in the club, you must develop your skills step by step and accept that it takes time to grow. So set many smaller goals for yourself instead of setting one ENDGOAL for yourself. Each time you go out, instead of telling yourself:
"I must score a chick tonight!", you come up with a smaller achievement. Gradually build up your skills by setting a different small achievement everytime you go out.
Here's a schedule I set up for myself in the past.
1. Say "hi"
Go out to the club and say "hi" to a girl and get a "hi" back from her. Actually, this is a bit too easy, so make that 10 girls! It's easy as hell, just stand at a spot where many people walk by and just say
"hi" to every nice girl that walks by. If she doesn't respond, who cares. If she does respond, you now only have 9 to go
Just keep it at that. There is no need to get into a conversation with her after the "hi", she is allowed to walk further. You just want that "hi" from her and if you can do that with 10 girls a night, then you will go home happy and satisfied, coz you've succesfully achieved your first goal!!
2. Arm grabbing while saying "hi"
Next time you go out to the club, again get 10 girls to say "hi" back to you. Except this time, you add something to it. When she walks by, you grab her arm while you say "hi". Don't grab the upper part of her arm (above the elbow) but grab the lower part (between her hand and her elbow). Also, don't grab it with force, just put your hand on her arm and GENTLY stop her from walking, so you can say your
"hi" and she can say it back.
Some girls may respond a bit hostile or just pull their arm away and walk on with an arrogant face. Who cares, you're not here to pick them up anyway. You're only here to reach your goal of the night, getting 10 girls to say
"hi" back after you grab their arm and said
"hi" to them.
Just like the first night, don't worry about what you have to do after saying
"hi". You don't have to do sh!t, you don't have to talk to them or whatever. You can even tell them to walk on!! When you grab her arm and the two of you say
"hi", she might stop and wait for you to continue the conversation. Then you just say:
"Okay, walk on!" and she'll go her way. Yeah, she'll probably think you're weird, but who cares. You are there with a mission, you need to find another 9 girls to practise with, so this one must walk on.
3. Basic conversations
Go out to the club, grab their arm, say "hi" and start a basic conversation. Don't ask me how to start a basic conversation, you already know how to do that! You've been doing it since you were 2 years old, so no need to re-invent the wheel, lol...
Imagine you see one of your best pals in the club. You would walk up to him and start talking to him, right? But how do you do that, how do you come up with a topic to talk about, how do you know what to say to him? You just DO it, without thinking about it, it just comes to you naturally!
This shows that you already have plenty of conversational skills, man. But when you talk to a girl, those skills become blocked by your state of mind, because you feel uncomfortable/nervous.
So in order to have conversations with girls, you don't have to develop conversational skills, you already have those. You just need to make sure those skills don't get blocked by your state of mind! In other words, you need to feel comfortable while talking to girls, just like you're comfortable while talking to your pal.
That's what the first two nights were for. The first girl you say "hi" to probably makes you feel uncomfortable, perhaps you'll feel like you just made a fool out of yourself... But after doing that to 10 girls, you'll probably feel a lot more comfortable! Then you add the arm grabbing with another 10 girls and after doing that you should feel pretty comfortable opening a girl in the club. If you don't, keep adding another 10 until you do feel comfortable with opening girls.
Once you feel comfortable opening them, the conversations will come naturally, trust me. From there on, it's your call. You can set new goals like asking her phone number, dancing with her, kiss closing her, whatever you prefer.
Good luck!