SeduceThyself paints an excellent picture of what omni-kino (seducing everyone) can do for your game in his excellent thread, Use Men, Older Women, and Children for Practice, and break down of the subway CA. However, I think there are more applications of omni-kino that have gone frightfully overlooked. I hope my information might shed light on the game of true pimping:
"I Have A Boyfriend"
Don't you hate this line? Whenever a hoe throws it at you all you can do is give her some dumb line. Well, today I'm about to show you how you can f!x your game. Well, if he's not there, ignore what she just said and continue your game and use your lines, this has a low success rate, but this is your safety. If he is there, well, here is the Omni-Kino masterplan:
1) Use her boyfriend to build rapport: odds are, you don't have that much rapport yet and so the girl looks at you as not that high of a catch. So, instead, chat the boyfriend up. Ask him about his family, where he's from, his ambitions. As you are doing this, start kino gently, touch him at his upperarm, compliment him on his muscular biceps, and gaze hypnotically into his eyes and whisper something about destiny. The girl you want will definitely take note of how you are a man w/o barriers. Now, as he feels more and more comfortable, buy him drinks, get him buzzed, and start dancing with him... its OK to grind a little. Don't go for a kiss close when the night's over, he may not be ready yet... but at least you have now built rapport.
2) as the guy and girl are about to leave, the girl, who by now has taken note of your finesse and rico suave abilities, will ask you whether you were truly attracted to her and perhaps kino you to get attention from you. At this point, you should signal no interest to her at all, BE A CHALLENGE. Instead, make her jealous by kino-ing her boyfriend again. This way, she begins to wonder and you can follow a push/pull technique.
Thanksgiving With Her Family
When she (girl you met from club) invites you over for ThanksGiving, you have a monumentally hard task to accomplish: suaving the WHOLE family. At this point, it is important to step up the kino from the moment you walk in the door. The first (and toughest) competition you have is her dad and he wants whats best for his little girl, so he should be your prime target. When you first meet him hug him and kiss him (don't be shy) and as soon as he lets go of the hug signal "you're not done yet" have your right hand linger around his thighs. If he shows signs of awkwardness, make a move for mama. She should be somewhere to your left and you want to kiss her sensuously, this way, Dad, who was earlier repelled by you, is now faced with losing you. So, you FEAR-OF-LOSSED him and he will try to kino you back (if this is done with a sledge hammer his b!tch shield is too high). Inside, you should meet plenty of family member who you want to exchange sensual glances with. As a matter of fact, at the dinner table, I recommend endless footsy games... don't worry if you don't know who it is, just do it, it'll pay off. Also, go to the kitchen to pay grandma a visit, thank her for her cooking and ask her if she has anything that needs some tending to. By now you should have established rapport with everyone and kino'd everyone but the kids. So, at night, go to little Johnny's room and [DISCLAIMER: For legal reasons this following section authored by MVPlaya will be entirely ommitted. maintains it is unrelated to MVPlaya and considers itself exempt from court case FC-2338/HT U.S. Dept of Justice v. MVPlaya. accepts no responsibility for this thread or its posters actions.] and tada, KINO MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. So now its morning and you wake up so go back to your room, your girl should be there, alone. She will be jealous and want your affection because she saw all your rapport and your Hard-To-Get games so she will finally give in: Good Job, DJ!
Ever stand in line at a club and wonder how to get in? Well, by now you should have learned that the key to social success is Omni-Kino (the kino-ing of everyone). So, this time when you stand in line, walk up to the bouncer and tell him how much you like that sexy protrusion of body mass where his belly button is. Kino it as you are doing it, now kino gently, you don't want to make him suspicious. Instead, work his subconscious and try to make him feel at ease. Give him a backrub, stroke his bald head, tell him how he's "so mysterious" and use the word "destiny" three or four times. As you are doing this, he will grow an instant fondness for you and allow you inside the club. At the same time, all the women in the line have seen your excellent rapport and will wonder as to your identity. Once you get inside the club, some women WILL approach you and offer to buy YOU a drink for a change. Now, all these women are attracted towards you but because they are afraid of rejection they will attempt to trick you into a date with lines such as these, "You know, my boyfriend said he was bi-curious, you want to come back to my place and meet him?" As she is doing this, play mind games and play hard to get, instead, say something like "Why not at his place, I bet I'd have more fun there." This way, she becomes jealous and has to stop her FEAR-OF-LOSS. She will try to get your attention back or move your attention to other women, all this time, show no attention for her or her ass-grabbing mind games. By not showing any attraction for women, their IL will go through the roof.
Disclaimer: These techniques have not been tried or tested and should be considered as evaluative techniques. If your success fails it is due to your lack of game but if they are succesfull, it is due to our excellent penmanship. Your soul is now property of MVPlaya, by having read any portion of this paper or any reprinting or overheard anyone who was ever in any way shape or form connected to this article or someone who was connected to someone who was connected to this article, you give up your constitutional right to petition and agree never to contest this legal contract. If you cannot understand that these techniques may not have been entirely serious, then you are either: 1) Gay, 2) Retarded, 3) WBAFC (Way Below Average Frustrated Chump). I recommend harakiri.
"I Have A Boyfriend"
Don't you hate this line? Whenever a hoe throws it at you all you can do is give her some dumb line. Well, today I'm about to show you how you can f!x your game. Well, if he's not there, ignore what she just said and continue your game and use your lines, this has a low success rate, but this is your safety. If he is there, well, here is the Omni-Kino masterplan:
1) Use her boyfriend to build rapport: odds are, you don't have that much rapport yet and so the girl looks at you as not that high of a catch. So, instead, chat the boyfriend up. Ask him about his family, where he's from, his ambitions. As you are doing this, start kino gently, touch him at his upperarm, compliment him on his muscular biceps, and gaze hypnotically into his eyes and whisper something about destiny. The girl you want will definitely take note of how you are a man w/o barriers. Now, as he feels more and more comfortable, buy him drinks, get him buzzed, and start dancing with him... its OK to grind a little. Don't go for a kiss close when the night's over, he may not be ready yet... but at least you have now built rapport.
2) as the guy and girl are about to leave, the girl, who by now has taken note of your finesse and rico suave abilities, will ask you whether you were truly attracted to her and perhaps kino you to get attention from you. At this point, you should signal no interest to her at all, BE A CHALLENGE. Instead, make her jealous by kino-ing her boyfriend again. This way, she begins to wonder and you can follow a push/pull technique.
Thanksgiving With Her Family
When she (girl you met from club) invites you over for ThanksGiving, you have a monumentally hard task to accomplish: suaving the WHOLE family. At this point, it is important to step up the kino from the moment you walk in the door. The first (and toughest) competition you have is her dad and he wants whats best for his little girl, so he should be your prime target. When you first meet him hug him and kiss him (don't be shy) and as soon as he lets go of the hug signal "you're not done yet" have your right hand linger around his thighs. If he shows signs of awkwardness, make a move for mama. She should be somewhere to your left and you want to kiss her sensuously, this way, Dad, who was earlier repelled by you, is now faced with losing you. So, you FEAR-OF-LOSSED him and he will try to kino you back (if this is done with a sledge hammer his b!tch shield is too high). Inside, you should meet plenty of family member who you want to exchange sensual glances with. As a matter of fact, at the dinner table, I recommend endless footsy games... don't worry if you don't know who it is, just do it, it'll pay off. Also, go to the kitchen to pay grandma a visit, thank her for her cooking and ask her if she has anything that needs some tending to. By now you should have established rapport with everyone and kino'd everyone but the kids. So, at night, go to little Johnny's room and [DISCLAIMER: For legal reasons this following section authored by MVPlaya will be entirely ommitted. maintains it is unrelated to MVPlaya and considers itself exempt from court case FC-2338/HT U.S. Dept of Justice v. MVPlaya. accepts no responsibility for this thread or its posters actions.] and tada, KINO MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. So now its morning and you wake up so go back to your room, your girl should be there, alone. She will be jealous and want your affection because she saw all your rapport and your Hard-To-Get games so she will finally give in: Good Job, DJ!
Ever stand in line at a club and wonder how to get in? Well, by now you should have learned that the key to social success is Omni-Kino (the kino-ing of everyone). So, this time when you stand in line, walk up to the bouncer and tell him how much you like that sexy protrusion of body mass where his belly button is. Kino it as you are doing it, now kino gently, you don't want to make him suspicious. Instead, work his subconscious and try to make him feel at ease. Give him a backrub, stroke his bald head, tell him how he's "so mysterious" and use the word "destiny" three or four times. As you are doing this, he will grow an instant fondness for you and allow you inside the club. At the same time, all the women in the line have seen your excellent rapport and will wonder as to your identity. Once you get inside the club, some women WILL approach you and offer to buy YOU a drink for a change. Now, all these women are attracted towards you but because they are afraid of rejection they will attempt to trick you into a date with lines such as these, "You know, my boyfriend said he was bi-curious, you want to come back to my place and meet him?" As she is doing this, play mind games and play hard to get, instead, say something like "Why not at his place, I bet I'd have more fun there." This way, she becomes jealous and has to stop her FEAR-OF-LOSS. She will try to get your attention back or move your attention to other women, all this time, show no attention for her or her ass-grabbing mind games. By not showing any attraction for women, their IL will go through the roof.
Disclaimer: These techniques have not been tried or tested and should be considered as evaluative techniques. If your success fails it is due to your lack of game but if they are succesfull, it is due to our excellent penmanship. Your soul is now property of MVPlaya, by having read any portion of this paper or any reprinting or overheard anyone who was ever in any way shape or form connected to this article or someone who was connected to someone who was connected to this article, you give up your constitutional right to petition and agree never to contest this legal contract. If you cannot understand that these techniques may not have been entirely serious, then you are either: 1) Gay, 2) Retarded, 3) WBAFC (Way Below Average Frustrated Chump). I recommend harakiri.
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