This is from my post at another site, it's old but valid:
Ok I think I mentioned on another post about having Laryngitis this weekend and I still caught a couple of ho's. Sat. night I met a good one. To teach about getting into their minds I am going to start letting you playa's read our email contacts.
It was a pleasure meeting and dancing with you T. I haven't met someone with so much feminine energy and passion in a long time. I hope we can hook up sometime soon (when I have a voice
I have been waiting to meet someone as sexy as you T. You set my blood boiling and you ignited a deep fire of passion within me. I can feel that you and I are a good connection. I hope you can feel that energy between us also.
Here is her first response to mine:
"Hi C,
Thanks for the thoughtful
message. It means a lot to have someone speak with appreciation and sincerity. Last night, I felt that no one else was even around when we were together. Time and my breath had stopped several times in your presence. It really is a wonderful feeling. Honestly, I was starting to feel that I would never experience that again with someone. It is a shame to start to get jaded when it comes to that. Thank you for just being yourself. Even if you never sent me a message or called me I still would have been so thankful for that evening because I feel alive again. Not just existing but feeling alive. The fact that you are man enough to send a thoughtful message makes you even more appealing to me.
I hope your voice gets better soon, even though I did think it was too sexy. <WINK> I could deal with it.
Let me know what your schedule is like. I have a really routine schedule. I work 8-5 Monday thru Friday. I also have 2 beautiful children. My daughter, Whitney, is 9 and my son, Darren, is 6. So they keep me busy throughout the week. You caught me in a major transition phase because my company just moved me back here from Texas 3 weeks ago. I am still not settled in but I am so grateful to be home again. I will have to tell you the story of that trip maybe when we get a chance to meet again. I spent only 3 months in Texas but I learned so much moving away from home.
I feel like I could write you a few pages but I really don't want to overwhelm you with too much information all at once. I have to catch myself because I feel I could lose all sense of time and consciousness with you. I have to finish my laundry and start dinner. So, I will call you this evening.
Ok my goal is to reach her emotionally. Here is the email convo I sent her back:
"Congradulations on having two beautiful children. Thanks for writing back. I think you and I share a deep connection T... We both have a deep passion that sparks in each others presence.
You made me buzz with energy last night. The way you touched me reached deep inside of me. You are a special woman T.... I haven't met very many women with this gift. I can't wait to see how deep you run.
You know how to be a woman in a real man's presence. I liked that! That is what I've been searching's intoxicating and invigorating...and exciting. Your feminity attracted me like a moth....
When we danced there were no others around us dancing except those watching and wishing.....wishing they could share just a moment of what we had...
I'm glad we met...I look forward to getting to know every aspect about you and tasting your passion....
Oh my schedule is kinda hectic right now. The white dude I was with is a tv & movie producer. We are working on a project in the Bay area right now.
I will also be heading down there tonight, so I will not be around until Monday afternoon.
Send me more information about you, so that I can taste your essence. I want to know everything that you are....
Ok. A couple of comments. I had told her last night at the club that she was very feminine and passionate. This made her more open to more passionate dancing. I was able to guide her into a deep state of arousal (Oh Im a mutha ****a on the dance floor), through our dance.
My use of compliments motovated her to follow my lead. Our dance was like a passionate erotic madonna video. It's no wonder so many ho's were gasping as they watched.
If you look at the email I sent her I reminded her of what I saw in her (compliment, not a fake one either). I created a situation where she will begin to fantasize about giving in to the fantasy that I will create. She is obviously open to it. She has two kids, is working hard, just got back to town, has probably not very many friends...even though she had a lot of male suitors after her last night. I caught her eye with an intense look and then did the eye contact sh*t on her fine ass.
Notice in my first sentence I complimented her on her notice in the end of the 2nd paragraph. I said I can't wait to see how deep. That will start her fantasies of sex with me and inform her that I will be taking the p*ssy and she has nothing to say about look at the next I told her how she effected me, women love that sh* look at the next paragraph...I isolated her to just her and I sharing what the world can't feel or understand...we share a special bond... only she and I can understand...(get it playas?)...look at my last paragraph. I said I wanted to taste her...and look at how I wrote I my last sentence...believe me I ment to put it that way...
Lastly, look at the language she uses and look at the language I am using back on her. Women speak in emotional languages. To reach them you gotta use it back on them. Excite their emotions. I am also doing the withdrawl by telling her that I will be unavailable for a while...this will keep me in her head...I will continue with a few more emails contacts to get her into a high state of arousal then I will take the panties, and begin destroying what is left of her self-esteem...(sorry I sound so cold blooded, but it's pimp or be pimped in this world and I intend to win).
In closing I didn't compliment her on her looks like all the symps that were after her. Instead I found something deeper to reach into and exploit..
Ok I will keep posting on this example...peace
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers
Well babygirl called me last night around 10pm. She obviously didn't get my email yet. She seems to be falling quickly.
Play the game or get played by the game, your choice. In the art of love their are no victims only volunteers
Hi ….,
I only had a few moments at home so I just forwarded your last e-mail to my work e-mail address. This is the last one I received from you and it looked like I didn't receive one today. So feel free to try me here during the day
Tonight, I am taking the kids to the River Cats game. Then they will be with their dad until Wednesday. Let me know if you can squeeze me in for a little while maybe this evening or Tuesday. If you ever have time during the day to maybe meet for lunch and talk, that would be great too.
I am extremely busy at work today and probably for the next couple of days because it is the last week for loan signings/closings. Plus every one that works on my team is out this week so the days will probably fly by.
Sounds like you are quite the entrepreneur. That is really exciting and challenging. I spent over a year working for myself in a couple of fields related to finance. I was working as a mobile notary and doing financial consulting which included selling insurance, refinancing, etc. I hope to get back to being my own boss again. It really is the way to go if you have the passion and drive to make the business work. I have been working in finance for 12 years now and I do know that just collecting a paycheck isn't the way to go for the long run. I got a little sidetracked from my goals by taking that job in Texas but I will be back on track as soon as I get settled back in. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help because I know it gets rough with and without support.
I have to run because I am swamped. Hope to talk to you soon.
Ok note here in her email, how she is asking for moments of my time. She is also trying to sell herself to me with her statements in paragraph 4. Note the end of the paragraph the very last sentence for you aspiring macks out there. You want a woman who will have your back and offer everything that she has to serve your cause.
My return email: