Barefoot Boy
Don Juan
At a party or out at a bar:
My name is _______ (woman or young girl.) What do you do?
How do you support yourself?
How do you pay your rent?
Where do you get your money?
Are you independently wealthy? Really?
Where did you go to school (university?)
What area of town (quartier or borough) did you grow up in?
What does your father do?
There she is in the red ****tail dress ample 38C breasts:
'What's your name?'
'Mine's Sybil. What d'you do?'
'I talk, I drink, I dance, I ogle girls. I have fun'.
HER : 'How do you support yourself?'
'Very well, thank you.'
HER : 'I mean, on what?'
'On my two feet, thank you.'
HER : 'How do you pay your rent?'
'That takes care of itself, thank you.'
HER : 'Where d'you get ~ur money?'
'From the bank, thank you.'
HER : 'Are you independently wealthy?'
'As opposed to dependently poor?'
HER : 'Really, are you independently wealthy?'
'Wait a minute! What's this? When did you earn the right to ask
these questions? Look! I don't know you. We've just met!'
HER : 'Forget I asked.' (probably to herself)
'I will, thank you.'
HER : (WITH OUT MISSING A BEAT)'Where did you go to school?'
'Here, there and everywhere.'
[Note: "If you have done nothing wrong, comrade, you have nothing to fear." It was coined by Lavrenti Beria, Stalin's head of the NKVD, the secret police.
Beria was scarier than Stalin. Sometimes I hear that phrase coming from the mouths of Americans (minus the "comrade," of course) and it chills me to the bone.]
HER : 'Why are you so damn secretive? What do you have to hide?'
'Why all these personal questions? Weren't you ever taught the art
of conversation? This is a party, for heaven's sake, not an
interrogation center.'
HER : 'I like you. I'd like to get to know you. You don't see me taking an
interest in others here, do you?'
'Gee thanks! Thanks a million! I suppose I'm supposed to feel
HER : 'You make it sound like there's something wrong for a woman to
take an interest in a man.'
'No! There's nothing wrong in that. But I wish you didn't take that
kind of interest in me. It is like all you want is my financial report,
my social pedigree! You might be better off, actually, talking to
my accountant, or to my trust fund manager.
Look, I came here
to dance, to have a good time, to maybe get laid. I certainly didn't
come here to have my wallet sized up. You haven't asked me
what I like to do right here and now. There's good music going,
good food on the table, good wine flowing. But you haven't
asked me if I'm a good dancer, or a good Layy. You haven't
suggested anything one might do at a party to have fun. All you
seem to be interested in is whether I'd make a good catch or
something like that.'
HER : 'Boy oh boy! All you men have a one track mind! All men ever want
is to fukk, fukk, fukk! Screw every skirt you can lift up, and then
scram! Wham, bam, thank you maam! That's if you wait long
enough to say that!'
'Hey! Men have a one track mind? And women don't? All you
women ever seem to want is a catch. If you've got one already,
you're looking for a better catch. If you don't have one, you're
hunting for one. If men have a one track mind, so do women: it
is just that their minds are on different tracks. Anyway, I won't
allow you even a peek into my wallet. So there!'
HER : 'Why are you so selfish?'
'Selfish? Any more selfish than you? Tell me: if some stranger
came up to you and, first thing, said: "Hi! Are you a good
****?", how would you feel?'
HER : 'I'd say he was being rude. Extremely fresh. I'd say that was none
of his business.'
'Exactly. I'm saying to you that you are being extremely rude. My
finances are none of your business. You haven't earned the right
to poke your nose into my wallet or checkbook.'
HER : 'Excuse me! I was only trying to be friendly.'
'Really? With friendliness like that, who would not cuddle a shark?'
My name is _______ (woman or young girl.) What do you do?
How do you support yourself?
How do you pay your rent?
Where do you get your money?
Are you independently wealthy? Really?
Where did you go to school (university?)
What area of town (quartier or borough) did you grow up in?
What does your father do?
There she is in the red ****tail dress ample 38C breasts:
'What's your name?'
'Mine's Sybil. What d'you do?'
'I talk, I drink, I dance, I ogle girls. I have fun'.
HER : 'How do you support yourself?'
'Very well, thank you.'
HER : 'I mean, on what?'
'On my two feet, thank you.'
HER : 'How do you pay your rent?'
'That takes care of itself, thank you.'
HER : 'Where d'you get ~ur money?'
'From the bank, thank you.'
HER : 'Are you independently wealthy?'
'As opposed to dependently poor?'
HER : 'Really, are you independently wealthy?'
'Wait a minute! What's this? When did you earn the right to ask
these questions? Look! I don't know you. We've just met!'
HER : 'Forget I asked.' (probably to herself)
'I will, thank you.'
HER : (WITH OUT MISSING A BEAT)'Where did you go to school?'
'Here, there and everywhere.'
[Note: "If you have done nothing wrong, comrade, you have nothing to fear." It was coined by Lavrenti Beria, Stalin's head of the NKVD, the secret police.
Beria was scarier than Stalin. Sometimes I hear that phrase coming from the mouths of Americans (minus the "comrade," of course) and it chills me to the bone.]
HER : 'Why are you so damn secretive? What do you have to hide?'
'Why all these personal questions? Weren't you ever taught the art
of conversation? This is a party, for heaven's sake, not an
interrogation center.'
HER : 'I like you. I'd like to get to know you. You don't see me taking an
interest in others here, do you?'
'Gee thanks! Thanks a million! I suppose I'm supposed to feel
HER : 'You make it sound like there's something wrong for a woman to
take an interest in a man.'
'No! There's nothing wrong in that. But I wish you didn't take that
kind of interest in me. It is like all you want is my financial report,
my social pedigree! You might be better off, actually, talking to
my accountant, or to my trust fund manager.
Look, I came here
to dance, to have a good time, to maybe get laid. I certainly didn't
come here to have my wallet sized up. You haven't asked me
what I like to do right here and now. There's good music going,
good food on the table, good wine flowing. But you haven't
asked me if I'm a good dancer, or a good Layy. You haven't
suggested anything one might do at a party to have fun. All you
seem to be interested in is whether I'd make a good catch or
something like that.'
HER : 'Boy oh boy! All you men have a one track mind! All men ever want
is to fukk, fukk, fukk! Screw every skirt you can lift up, and then
scram! Wham, bam, thank you maam! That's if you wait long
enough to say that!'
'Hey! Men have a one track mind? And women don't? All you
women ever seem to want is a catch. If you've got one already,
you're looking for a better catch. If you don't have one, you're
hunting for one. If men have a one track mind, so do women: it
is just that their minds are on different tracks. Anyway, I won't
allow you even a peek into my wallet. So there!'
HER : 'Why are you so selfish?'
'Selfish? Any more selfish than you? Tell me: if some stranger
came up to you and, first thing, said: "Hi! Are you a good
****?", how would you feel?'
HER : 'I'd say he was being rude. Extremely fresh. I'd say that was none
of his business.'
'Exactly. I'm saying to you that you are being extremely rude. My
finances are none of your business. You haven't earned the right
to poke your nose into my wallet or checkbook.'
HER : 'Excuse me! I was only trying to be friendly.'
'Really? With friendliness like that, who would not cuddle a shark?'
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