The Alpha in the wild


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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I think a man has to find his hunting grounds. The place where he feels at home, where he does things he excells in.

For one man that might be a camping ground, for another its that one club where he spends every friday-saturday night or that beach volleyball court were he shines.

There are groupies for allmost everything out there except for thirsty simps, you just have to find your place and make sure women are around while you are being a badass in what you are doing.
the book club i joined that is strictly lesbian erotica seems to work well for me


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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lmao a girl said something seven years ago… awesome dude! lmao

As @Michael Chief said, talking like that levels you as a cringe pickup weirdo.You’re clearly missing the point on that, combined with the fact that there is no such thing as an alpha male. Literally all you need to do is use a less cringe word and this whole discussion would not have occurred.

Anyway this thread is lame, bye dorks


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Go tell a woman about “alphas” and “betas” and report with your results
If only women would be so forgiving that these phrases wouldn't exist. Because yes, its rather women that categorize us men. Could be anywhere between " not my type" and "hot guy ". Or more confusing:"badboy " and "loser". Not only are women merciless when they put a man in a category, they will also hold on to it.

We men tend to be more careful when we judge a fellow man. We know that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But qomen dgaf! I can respect a archetype nerd for many ,many things. All of his skills basically. I know what it takes to master a skill and 1will highly respect that, whether it's about chess or computer science or learning a new language fluently ect.

I would also recommend some women close to me to be with a rather nerdy , but stable guy. Unfortunately that's NOT how it works in reality. Hence the infamous long lasting thread named " I build it, they didn't come ", referencing to a typical modern male that learns that in the world of women he's invisible, while in a world of men he is respected.

Basically everything in the manosphere is a reflection of female nature. Even in religions these features are well known and laws are made to prevent women from straying too much .

We could be homies for life, soon as women enters the story we will learn who THEY perceive as Alpha Chad ect and thus might even influence the way we view eachother.

Nature is a bytch my friend


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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lmao a girl said something seven years ago… awesome dude! lmao

As @Michael Chief said, talking like that levels you as a cringe pickup weirdo.You’re clearly missing the point on that, combined with the fact that there is no such thing as an alpha male. Literally all you need to do is use a less cringe word and this whole discussion would not have occurred.

Anyway this thread is lame, bye dorks
You are just trolling at this point.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
2016 makes more sense.

I watched the seduction community/PUA community/manosphere/whatever change over many years. Before all those different colored pills started popping up, I often used the term "alpha male" as my PUA peers did to describe a confident man with leadership qualities. At the time, we didn't know that the whole alpha wolf thing was bunk. We didn't know that so many of our concepts and teachings would become warped with all of the worst aspects accentuated through those "pill" ideologies. Whether you like it or not, the word has become associated with some really weird sh!t in general society these days.

It's pretty normal to encounter such terms on a forum full of PUAs, but if I hear a dude in real life say "alpha male" out loud in any context... sus.
I never heard a man use the phrase Alpha in real life, but I've seen nothing but alpha /beta behaviour my entire life. Just like I never heard a man say, monkeybranche, hypergamy, redpill ect. Thats why i dont like fresh and fit. They'll invite a empty IG model and bombard her with jargon they regurgitate robotically, while these women look like they have to do a math exam.

Its a shame the word Alpha became the main focus, while its ABSOLUTELY NOT about that..its about picking up women, in alternative ways.

At some point a man must find ways to be able to operate solo.
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Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2022
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It's understandable why the alpha/ beta delineations stir up arguments on here because testosterone is a hell of a chemical that ignites ego. You will have men who want to be alpha, are ignorant to what it actually means, cringe when others talk alpha, question who is actually alpha, feel insecure about being beta, etc.

When we talk bout alpha/beta, it should ONLY be regarding how men are PERCIEVED by women.

All men fall somewhere in between alpha and beta. It's not so black and white, it's actually very gray. There are men who are beta with alpha tendencies and those who are alpha with beta tendencies. If you want more success with women, you try to max your alpha traits, it's that simple. Shouldn't be a topic that causes arguments. It should be used as a tool to measure and assess where you're at, and what you need to improve.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Such a crab mentality here sometimes.

Op makes valid points and then a number of posters tear down what he said over semantics over alpha/beta, etc.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
lmao a girl said something seven years ago… awesome dude! lmao

As @Michael Chief said, talking like that levels you as a cringe pickup weirdo.You’re clearly missing the point on that, combined with the fact that there is no such thing as an alpha male. Literally all you need to do is use a less cringe word and this whole discussion would not have occurred.

Anyway this thread is lame, bye dorks
If it wasn't for the fact your account was registered back in 2007 I would have guessed you were some insecure teenager the way you are posting with the arrogant takes with no substance and name calling. We've had a lot of the old guys coming back here in the past few weeks which I normally would say was a good thing. You, however, act like someone who just went through a crisis and is lashing out at anyone he can.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
I never heard a man use the phrase Alpha in real life, but I've seen nothing but alpha /beta behaviour my entire life. Just like I never heard a man say, monkeybranche, hypergamy, redpill ect. Thats why i dont like fresh and fit. They'll invite a empty IG model and bombard her with jargon they regurgitate robotically, while these women look like they have to do a math exam.

Its a shame the word Alpha became the main focus, while its ABSOLUTELY NOT about that..its about picking up women, in alternative ways.

At some point a man must find ways to be able to operate solo.
Same, nobody uses the terms IRL, but alpha and beta are inherent, women 100% know who is alpha and beta, even children and animals know. I'm not going to change my terminology for strong and weak men because some beta incel is offended.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Damn, would've thought many more were roaming the planet with the alpha in the wild mentality.
Same, nobody uses the terms IRL, but alpha and beta are inherent, women 100% know who is alpha and beta, even children and animals know. I'm not going to change my terminology for strong and weak men because some beta incel is offended.
Put a few men im a room and ask a woman whose the Alpha. She will use her judgement to determine that. Might change if she sees how these men interact with each other.

Recently a womam told me she likes " types like rico verhoeven ". Ofcourse she does. rico-winst-1576841892.jpg

The thread derailed , its like i asked "whats does alpha mean"? Heck, I could've named it "alpha!!!!!!" and you'd get the same replies.

Its about being able to operate alone. To not be dependent upon the fickleness of a wingman. To become your own wingman. To be able to chat up 3 women at once and determine which one you should ask out. To have a dope life ,and to know countless spots where you can go to to deviate from the normal crowd if necessary.

Omega in the wild would've been even better.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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People get annoyed about talk of alpha /beta all of the time but it’s a good reminder to love boldly.
For me, I try to think, act and behave as an exceptional man and everything else falls in place. Top tier muscle, top tier money/lifestyle, top tier personality/mindset.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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When people talk about the "alpha male," they often focus on traits like physical strength, dominance, confidence, and even aggression. These traits are often portrayed in movies, TV shows, or books as what makes a man an "alpha."

However, from a biological perspective, being an "alpha" is about successfully passing your genes to the next generation. NOT HOW MANY FEMALES YOU BED. This means not just having kids but having kids who survive and go on to have their kids. This isn't quite as glamorous or dramatic as what we usually see in media, and it doesn't necessarily correlate with those typically "alpha" traits.

For example, being a good father and investing time in raising your children increases their chances of surviving and reproducing. Being cooperative and forming solid social bonds might give you access to more resources and protection, which could help your kids succeed.

Also, while a dominant or aggressive male might be able to attract more mates, this doesn't necessarily mean they'll have more successful offspring. Some studies have even found that females in various species often prefer less aggressive males for long-term mates, as they're more likely to stick around and help raise the offspring.

So, the pop culture image of the "alpha male" doesn't always align with what we see in nature. It's important to remember that humans are complex, and our behaviors and societal roles can't be boiled down to simple concepts like "alpha" and "beta."

Success in human societies involves a wide range of skills, traits, and behaviors, and it doesn't solely hinge on reproductive success, but if we're to use the term Alpha as intended, the definition above is the most accurate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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There is no such thing as an “alpha”.
Exactly when will this alpha crap die already. An alpha in the wild? Sounds like a dude raping a female.

We are not dogs, lions or beast we are humans. I can only see this applying to sports or if your on a team other then that its mental masturbation.

Just be likeable, fit and clean and let the chips fall where there fall.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Nah dude, I’m good not being an “alpha”, it’s too cringe and tryhard. I don’t want to intimidate other men. I don’t know why manosphere dorks want to think like that and write like that. “Poosy”? Seriously?

So many fagosphere dudes try so hard to be “alpha” and “dominant” and are completely oblivious to how it comes across to normally socialized people. At least their behavior makes it extremely easy to tool them for the groups amusement.

Every time I return to this forum it’s always the same cringe.
lol, you're one of the first people i've ever seen write this on this forum, although it's so true.
I've never bothered to comment on it in threads when I see it, as I just can't be bothered to argue with people, but you're right about how ALL of these wanna be 'alpha' dudes come across so weird to normal, socialized people without realising it. Oblivious. I can't read lots of the manosphere ' ''I'm an alpha male!!' posts I read without cringing hard. It just seems to reek of insecurity and lack of awareness lol


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Exactly when will this alpha crap die already. An alpha in the wild? Sounds like a dude raping a female.

We are not dogs, lions or beast we are humans. I can only see this applying to sports or if your on a team other then that its mental masturbation.

Just be likeable, fit and clean and let the chips fall where there fall.
Yall just don't get it. Yet here ya are, at a site where the main archetype is a Don juan, a smooth operator that's a combination of both Chad and a alpha.

Typical male in denial reponse. Again man's panties get in a wad because of a single word.

Did you even read the explanation i gave like 12 times already, stating its merley a choice of words? Could've been chad, stud, hot man. So it would be" STUD on the wild ". Stud refers to noticeable guy that effects women and the wild refers to NOT the club or OLD.

But oke instead of sparring with eachother about the concept of being the best version of yourself, and making shyte happen on your own in rather unusual spots( "the wild ") lets agrue if alpha is real and if we are living in packs like wolfs or not...

But lets just argue whether Alpha is a thing or not. Alpha alpha alpha
Beta beta beta.

This "Alpha crap" won't ever die. Embrace it bruh. It will never die like Tinder , like hypergamy, like cheating, like datingcoaches and bootcamps. It will be here "forever".
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Exactly when will this alpha crap die already. An alpha in the wild? Sounds like a dude raping a female.

We are not dogs, lions or beast we are humans. I can only see this applying to sports or if your on a team other then that its mental masturbation.

Just be likeable, fit and clean and let the chips fall where there fall.
But does stud, chad topdog, best version of yourself, and don juan exists?

This gentlemen, is NOT ill repeat NOT njet , no, 不是,لا (Chinese and Arabic, it means NOT!!)about whether Alpha is a thing. Its about operating by yourself, but yet being able to get women.

How do you get your women anyway? Lets discuss.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Alternative thread titles because the word Alpha triggers men on's manosphere site where seduction and male female dynamics is the main topic

Alpha in the wild
The Solo operator
Getting women from odd places
Thinking out of the box to find women

Combining hobbies with chasing tail
getting women outside of the weekend
low effort_ high reward ways to get women

All alternative titles. Can we now drop the discussion about alpha beta( never even used the word beta) and spar about the concept of a man presenting himself to women from perhaps unusual angles , thus increasing his chances with quality women he'd otherwise wouldn't have easy access to.

Meanwhile the next circle jerk pathetic thread about how difficult it is to get women is already in the pipeline. "Bar and OLD game bad murmurmur". I build it they didn't come murmurmur.".
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Meanwhile in reality, the first hit Google gives me when i type " alpha in the wild" is this; 20230524_191516.jpg now let that sink in. I bet Ella Cooper and all of her female readers are delusional?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Yall just don't get it. Yet here ya are, at a site where the main archetype is a Don juan, a smooth operator that's a combination of both Chad and a alpha.

Typical male in denial reponse. Again man's panties get in a wad because of a single word.

Did you even read the explanation i gave like 12 times already, stating its merley a choice of words? Could've been chad, stud, hot man. So it would be" STUD on the wild ". Stud refers to noticeable guy that effects women and the wild refers to NOT the club or OLD.

But oke instead of sparring with eachother about the concept of being the best version of yourself, and making shyte happen on your own in rather unusual spots( "the wild ") lets agrue if alpha is real and if we are living in packs like wolfs or not...

But lets just argue whether Alpha is a thing or not. Alpha alpha alpha
Beta beta beta.

This "Alpha crap" won't ever die. Embrace it bruh. It will never die like Tinder , like hypergamy, like cheating, like datingcoaches and bootcamps. It will be here "forever".
You're the one over here writing long diatribes about it. Why are you so invested in using the word "alpha"? Sounds like a personal problem.

Words mean things. This is beyond semantics. The issue with fagospheric terminology is that the "self always comes through". When you start using fagosphere terminology and reading too much into it, you'll start changing your thought patterns into some weird ass sh*t. Then that'll leak into your social interactions, whether you like it or not. And then you know what happens?


Normal people will sense something is off, and will politely allow you to fade away. Because the current zeitgeist is that people who talk like that are "incels". You'll get lumped in with them, the alt-right, conspiracy weirdos, etc. All because you said "alpha male" or "hypergamy" or "blackpill" or whatever cringe **** fagosphere cucks are into these days.

So yeah, I'm going to call people out on it and put their ass down for their clown-like fagospheric lexicon that betrays their inherent lack of social skills. As I said from before, I've met people from forums like this, and I have never been impressed. They're too deep into fagosphere theory. And their visceral reactions to the simple concept I outlined above and their inability to understand what I wrote above is simply arguing with reality, and making it more difficult to achieve the ultimate result of success with women. But, I suppose that some people just... Can't Understand Normal Things.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
If it wasn't for the fact your account was registered back in 2007 I would have guessed you were some insecure teenager the way you are posting with the arrogant takes with no substance and name calling. We've had a lot of the old guys coming back here in the past few weeks which I normally would say was a good thing. You, however, act like someone who just went through a crisis and is lashing out at anyone he can.
Take some time to consider how long I've been doing this, my experience level, and why I may be frustrated with people using fagosphere terminology in our current day and age.

There's a reason why dating coaches have changed their strategy for how information is presented.