The Abs Diet has changed my entire outlook, on how I now view food. Food is just like a drug- it can be extremely addicting. When you are addicted to food beyond simple nourishment- that's when you need to seek help. When food becomes an need to seriously CHANGE your perspective on FOOD.
We are now a morbidly obese society today, because food manufacturers have made most of us instant-gratification pigs, by tempting us with extremely tasty, convenient and cheap processed foods, that have absolutely ZERO nutritional value. I'm not saying what we eat should not be tasty.....I'm just saying a compromise can be made, by BALANCING our intake of nutritious foods with the occasional junk. However- many people cannot make that compromise, because they are pre-programmed to buy the cheap, convenient junk, that TASTES GREAT going in.......but certainly does not guarantee any degree of health, by the way it comes out.....if it can even come out!
For the past 23 years, my diet has been primarily based entirely on FAT(steak, pork) and CARBS(rice, white bread, pasta). As a result, I have sported an apple-shaped abdomen of rock hard visceral, and doughy, subcutaneous fat. This diet is a recipe for a very short lifespan. My doctor said I need fruits, veggies, and vitamins, or else my body was going to shut down with diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. It wasn't until I began suffering from congestive heart failure.....I realized I needed to make dramatic changes.
Today, I enjoy salads, steamed vegetables, nuts and fruit. The only drawback is that these high-quality foods can be quite expensive to live on....but WE ARE WORTH IT. I have no problem if a good portion of my disposable income goes to eating clean. It's worth the INVESTMENT. It's true- the JUNK is cheap....and the clean, whole, and natural foods command a slight premium. Don't scrimp on your health. We only have ONE BODY, and ONE CHANCE to fully explore our potential in life. Don't allow something as menial as COST derail your efforts to be healthy, for once in our lives. There is really NO EXCUSE, for that!
The Abs Diet is essentially a lifetime, behavioral change. If you apply it- life becomes GRAND.