The 9 Signs Of Little Or No Interest


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2006
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blueguy said:
This one too... if she brings up another guy, she could actually be using it as a "pivot" to manipulate your actions. She may still like you.

Please explain this in deep details I think we on to something

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis


Don Juan
May 16, 2010
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Great post, but there's always exceptions. At least in my case, this one girl would talk about her ex sometimes, and later we would make out. So there's that.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
To give the newbies, (and the hard headed,) clarity on issues concerning a woman's level of interest or the lack thereof.


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
The following are signs that a person of your interest really isn't trying to f*ck with you.

1) They'll tell you. What can be better than this. She comes right out and says that she has no interest in you. No beating around the bush, no mixed messages. It's right there in front of you. You if pursue her after she's explicitly expressed ZERO INTEREST, then you deserve anything that happens to you.

2) Short phone conversations. At first you have these long a$$ conversations. You spend hours on the phone talking about everything and anything.. Then the conversations gradually get shorter, shorter, and shorter. Till finally there's no conversation at all. It's probably because she's lost interest in you. TIP: When your first "conversatin'," with a chick there's no reason for the conversation to last more than 20 mintues. That's even too long. The longer you keep her on the phone, the more likely you'll say something to turn her off.

3) Phone calls aren't return. I can't stand this. You call a muthaf*cka, they say they'll call you back. Then they never do. If you call a chick, and she does this sh*t three times. Eff it and move on. She's a flake and isn't worth your time. This also applies to messages. If you left an audio or text, or email message and the person doesn't reply. Move on.

4) She stands you up. If you make arrangements to hook up and she doesn't show up, move on. With the exception of an accident or a death in the family. There's no reason not to show up on a date. To pursue a chick (or dude) after this blanant lack of respect only sets you up to be in a eff up relationship. Allow the person a 15 mintue "grace period." Once Minute 16 hits, bounce. If your leaving as their entering, tell them that you've made othe plans and you'll holla at them later. If she doesn't respect your time, then she probably won't respect you.

5) She Brings Her Friend. I've never gone on a date with my boys and a chick. As a matter of fact, I don't think any man has gone on a date with his potna and a chick. Unless they were going to all get in the bed at the end of the night. Chicks will pull this sh*t, but they have an alterior motive. The friend is an excuse to get out of bad situation. Suddenly the friend will become sick or bored. The chick not wanting to be a "bad friend," will want to escort her friend home. Which is bullsh*t, they're just trying to get away from you so they can kick or score some guys they do like. Unless you have confirmation that you'll be f*cking the chick and her friend at evenings end, the answer to the question can my friend come is "HELL NO SHE CAN'T COME."

6) She Keeps Bringing Up Her Ex-Boyfriend. Your trying to kick it and babygirl keeps bringing up her ex-boyfriend or the other dude she likes. Obviously her mind is elsewhere and you should leave her alone.

7) She's not giving you any attention. Your trying to kick it and she's on the phone, constantly going to the bathroom, and doing everything except talking and being responsive to you. If your experiencing this, cut your loses and end the night. If she answers her phone during the date, get up and leave. More than likely she's planning to hook up with the guy she plans on sucking and f*cking later that night. If your on a date with a chick, you deserve 100% of her attention.

8)She Never Will Go Out With You. She takes your calls but that's about it. Everytime you try to make plans to go out, she either cancels or dodges the issue. Either way, you need to dodge her. Move on.

9) She goes out with you, takes your calls, but you get shut down when you try to be romantic. Welcome to the "Dreaded Friend Zone," The chances of successfully escaping the Friend Zone are exactly 3,720 to 1. If your her "friend," you effed up and I strongly suggest you turn your attention to someone else.
Agreed. Yet some chicks will still do none of the above or very little of the above, and seek out your attention but ONLY for your attention with no interest but your attention regardless.

You may get only one or two of the above examples yet...

The only way to see if their interest is possibly genuine is to get them out A.S.A.P. Any "excuse" or no counter offer after an excuse you can bet she is either playing hard to get and most likely won't be worth it in the end or she obviously isn't interested beyond your attention for her ego's sake and you shoud eject and not bother with the chick again.

(Number 8 is a very strong point.)


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
If not mentioned as of yet.

1. She doesn't display any signs of laughter when in conversation.
2. She doesn't place you above her family and friends.
3. She doesn't buy you anything or take you out to eat or cook for you.
4. She makes any excuse to eliminate you out of her moment in life.
5. After the first engagement, she shows no signs of improving her personal image/beauty.
6. She doesn't volunteer anything that she likes to do or dreams about.
7. She doesn't double check to see if your phone number is correctly inputed in her phone or written. Women who want you, double check the digits.
8. She doesn't flirt with you. Follow you around the store, etc.
9. She doesn't test you at all.
10. She says "we can be friends?" This works either way from guy or gal. Like a guy rejecting a woman. And she says okay "How about being friends at the least?"
11. She doesn't display any physical or verbal actions of interest. "I am going out of my way to be with you or I am putting myself in your sight"
12. She doesn't any questions about you. What you love to do, etc. This only applies to guys who don't blab off about what they have or do.
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Don Juan
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
u need to show ALPHA or shell flak on u :box: :box:

if u no how to put on a GUN SHOW shell get wet if u no wut i meen :up:

u gotta get her 2go STR8 2 BONE ZONE then ull be true alpha warior!! :cheer:

i got this chick bros shes a dawg in the sack n she never flaks on me!