See also Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, and Earl Nightingale.
The Premise is as such...and I'll use an example to demonstrate.
When you're in sales, you're goal is to generate the MOST income possibly for your UNIT of time. Getting the most sales DOESN'T necessarily give you the best income, though it could. You could also see VERY LARGE accounts and maximize your time, though the sales cycle might be longer.
So in sales if all that matters is the bottom-line with respect to your INCOME and GOALS, then you want to spent 80% of your time doing...
-Better selling, better customer questioning.
-Doing more interviews with prospects.
-Closing more cases.
The other 80% that only generates 20% of your income would be servicing, prospecting/marketing, and all the desk-work. That you would offload to a secretary, create a mini-automated marketing program, or hire a telemarketer at $10/hr so you could earn $100+ per hour, and net $90/hr.
In dating, what's the most influential part of the game?
The most important part is EVERYTHING you do BEFORE meeting the woman or the date. So you must put the effort into the inner game, in your life, to get a better outcome. Then, when you're sitting down with her, who you are will speak to her BETTER than your lips moving and jaw flapping. Yet, most people stress over the 20% (which is the date). Sorry, but if football players didn't practice, lift, and eat right, the game WOULD NOT be the time to work out kinks in their running style, catching style, speed, and blocking. The game is the TIME to put into action all you've practiced and give into the subconscious direction you've given it.