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The 5 guy Theory (which one are you on her list?)


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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entering the 4th quarter....
Ok i've heard it before from a girl but revised it under my own theory. Every girl you ever come across puts a guy in a 1-5 guy category and she usually talking to 5 guys at a time.....This theory excludes all ugly chicks im specifically talking about the girls who are 8's and above (even 7's play the game) and they constantly discuss this with their friends....

Guy # 1 = AKA "That One Guy" aka "My number one guy"

You ever see a group of girls and there's some random guy in there? yea he's that "ONE GUY" This guy is her bestfriend and knows everything about her he is the complete opposite of the "SLAYER" (dont worry i'll explain him also)

This mutherfuccer has no chance at sleeping with her until she's fat and middle-aged....he's that one guy you saw who she didnt invite to the club but he came to pick her up and drop her off at some other guys house... he pathetic....he's LJBF'd if she says "I dont think of you like that." This woman has placed you in the Guy-1 were too pvssy to make a move when u where with her and probably stopped liking you because you didnt show enough balls to go for it...MY ADVICE NEXT HER AND MOVE ON...:woo:

Guy #2 AKA " #1 prospect" AKA "Guy in the batter's Box"
You ever see a girl texting someone and starts smiling? Yea thats him....This guy is prospect number one...she likes him and talks/txt him alot. They're relationship ranges from a couple dates and a couple make-out sessions and he's sitting on the tilt. He could be a #4 and he used to be a #3 she talks to him too much and went on a date with him so he CAN"T be a #5. But BEWARE.... #2 could easily become a #1 if he doesn't keep it up... SO if you've been talking to a girl for awhile and you went on a few dates and HOOKED-UP (no-sex) your in the batter's box MY ADVICE GO for the a movie night and take what you came for..#2 is a good position to be in...but if you dont make a move you'll become that one guy :kick:

Guy #3 AKA "Potential" AKA "The new Guy"

This guy is smack dabb in the middle and as you can tell has the best position of them all as far as moving up or down...he could be either one. This is the most unstable position out of them all This is the guy that a woman has just met..This is also the guy who gets flaked on more than anyone of them if the Attraction is not there. If you just got a chicks number your a #3...the Potential guy also has the power for ONE NIGHT STANDS so he has the "potential" to get what the #2's been working on and what the #1 will NEVER HAVE. There are no strong feelings for the #3 seeing as she just met him and she may or may not pick up her phone or text back...this guy is constantly replaced and either makes it on this list or she's out and get's another one in the club or a party....he could also become a #4 if she's smitten and if your swagger is right the #3 can become the Notorius #5 guy... MY ADVICE Depending on how you first met will determine if you move up or down initially so make your move fast..women have A.D.D and potentials are ALWAYS Available so you can't stay a #3 for too long :confused:

GUY #4 AKA "The Crush" AKA "The Dream Guy" AKA "The Lover"

This is the guy she wants to be with and most of her baggage come from this as.shole. She cant stop talking about this mutherfuccer and will do any and everything to be around him. she will drop all of them if she could get #4... This is the guy she flakes on a #2 for and also the guy that she talks about with a #1 "that one guy" all the time...she say's this guys name so much people are tired of hearing about it...he came in as a #3 and she just fell head over heels and loves him....she either talks to him or he used to hook-up with her and he stopped...#4 is the guy who always has the upper-hand on her and ALWAYS CARES LESS about her than she does about him...If you have a girl who u used to mess with and she can't stop calling you and talking to her friends about like for example "OMG Sidney will not stop talking about you" you are a 4. He can also be her NEXT BOYFRIEND (along with #2) but To most 4's this chick is sub-par, or so he treats movies u see #1's that end up becoming #4's but that's on rare occasion. 4's could marry the chick if he wants and most chicks wants the babies of there 4's and yes he is the reason why she looks really good today... MY ADVICE if your a #4 an easy to read chick will give it away and i would go for it if you like her...if she's hard to read and has a low-self esteem you'll probably never know...but every guy wants the chick he likes to be her #4 she'll do anything for you...:flowers:


GUY #5 ALSO KNOWN AS "THE SLAYER" Aka "the booty call"
You ever see a girl just disappear? she's probably with her #5 getting her brains fucced out the back of her head. This guy is reckless and barely knows her..He was a #3 she met a couple weeks ago and they've been fuccing ever since. They dont talk on the phone...she txts him when she's ready to have sex...this guy is the opposite of the #1 and the guy who's house the one guy dropped her off at. The Relationship is STRICLTY SEXUAL.. He doesn't know anything about her and is only there too feed the satisfaction of her sexual fantasies and desires...He has full access to her body but not her mind....AND THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS I REPEAT THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS...she actually think this guy is a d!ck and this relationship is SECRET...a woman will never be seen with her #5 and he is also the guy who says "oh your talking about that one girl?! o yea i used to fucc her all the time :rolleyes: " This guy doesn't give a fucc and slings d!ck like a gun-happy outlaw...she calls him when she gets horny...nothing more and nothing less..he can also make her do whatever he wants and she could easily make her #5 a #4 if he fuccs her right however this relationship will not last..usually guys who's speciality is #5 end up in bad situations if they dont pull out.. all #5's have expiration dates... MY ADVICE BEWARE!! Casual relationships can be fatal...make sure you have an end date ahead or things will not turn out in your favor...but enjoy the forbidden fruit while you have it!!!! :cool:

Hopes this helps...make sure you know where you are on the list of a woman...its always get yours while you can before she gets a boyfriend...


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Great writeup. Really good.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Great writeup. Really good.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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What about guy #6, the guy who doesn't have a chance? Or guy #7, only if she has a lot to drink. And there's many more.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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That pretty much sums up the american dating scene, but I would add others.

Guy #6, the Orbiter- This is the guy who hangs around her hoping she'll brake up with her boyfriend and then he'll get a shot. Just like being in the Army; he lines up and joins the ranks. Has a 90% chance of becoming a #1 and the slim possibility of becoming a #4 if he effectively uses push/pull and DJ tactics. A #5 won't stick around long enough to be an orbiter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
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The thing is someone who is jessicas slayer is probably monicas "number one guy".

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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Yep, one woman's AFC is another woman's dream guy. You just gotta play the numbers game.


Oct 20, 2006
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Nice. I'd like to see a graph version showing the connections between states.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
there is no guy #6 any newcomer or stranger falls in the category of #3.....hoewever every woman is different....and if she doesn't know him than he isn't even in the picture lol...but yea all newcomers are #3's than can move up or down from coming in at the middle... Being a Slayer is good but usually women dont want to date this guy...girls use guys for sex these days just like we use them...they'd rather be with the guy they want.. But then again a girl just dumped me as a #5 because i didnt want to be her #4 but like i said the SLAYER is a very unstable position...but it definately lasts longer with the chick has a low-self esteem.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
maxtro read again your #6 and #7 falls in the category of night stands and strangers...Dust your explaining a #1s mindset.....better off just running to another one...never wait for a an *******

but dont forget all dogs go to heaven ;-)


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
What does this dungeons and dragons analyzing have to do with anything? The theoretical 4 or 5 wouldn't care about this ****. He is that way because he's out living a life, not breaking down game tactics in an internet forum.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
satelliteparties said:
What does this dungeons and dragons analyzing have to do with anything? The theoretical 4 or 5 wouldn't care about this ****. He is that way because he's out living a life, not breaking down game tactics in an internet forum.
Dumb Dumb this is the breakdown of how women classify men.. if your not needing help why are you being negative? lol there's always that ONE guy in a forum who's breaking down good knowledge i guess the award goes to you :kick: CONGRATS!! LMAO


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
this isn't universal. A lot of girls just date one guy, and don't have all this orbiting clutter. Just saying, generalizing isn't the best approach always.


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
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Good article I think this can be very helpfull in gaming, as YOU MUST KNOW WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE IN ORDER TO KNOW HOW TO GET WHERE YOUR GOING. by placing yourself in one of theese 3 categories you can analyze how to proceed.

The chick I'm currently seeing I started in the #3, moved to #5 in a matter of days, and am still a #5. I only know one of her distant friends, and have yet to really get invovled in her day to day life, but she raves about having sex to me to her friends,etc.

edit: I agree with sirbill though, this theory doesnt apply to every single hb 7-9. Some chicks will always be in relationships, and even if they breakup, they're back in one in a matter of weeks. hence not have the need for 5 guys, but maybe 2.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
your #5 doesn't make any sense. For women, sex is mostly emotional. they aren't gonna call some dude to come over and nail them unless shes emotionally attracted to him.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
Szyzzlin said:
your #5 doesn't make any sense. For women, sex is mostly emotional. they aren't gonna call some dude to come over and nail them unless shes emotionally attracted to him.

Take this with a Grain of salt...Given if a woman is in a relationship why would she be speaking to other guys? she wouldn't

This Theory specifically covers women who are currently SINGLE and LOOKING.. Girls who are IN DEMAND and are HIGH-MATAINANCE... Now someone said earlier not all women have 5 guys...and this is Very True... But i've been every guy on this list atleast 3 times in my life to multiple women..Take this with General Knowledge to Help you see were u are with women...please dont take this like its the devine WORD (LIKE THE BIBLE) but do know this information has been gathered with extensive Experience

and i do agree women do have sex for emotional reasons but please don't be fooled to think they don't like it the same way men do (strictly sex for pleasure) I've spent waaay too much time with women to know most assumptions men have about women are i said

This Theory was originally made by women i've overheard talk about on Numerous occasions...the number of men may vary but this is at the most average when it comes to categories for men with many single IN DEMAND women