The 3 Most Important Attributes For Success In Life


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Once upon a time…

There was a young boy named Lefty. Around the age of 8 – no one really knows HOW old he was because he was not actually a boy, but rather a brain, an idea – he was very chipper and happy.

Lefty had lived his life with a single parent and an abundance of friends. At his young age he was happy, outgoing, social, and most of all NAÏVE.

Lefty trotted through most of his days being pleasant and care free. And one day, a little girl at his elementary school asked him

“Lefty! Why is it that you’re always so cheerful and content?”

Lefty replied with an ignorant blank grin

“I don’t know, I simply am”

The girl smiled and raced back to her friends to gossip about how desirable the young Lefty was.

This day was like all other days Lefty had lived. He was smiling and happy, and was liked by everyone in school. All the other boys liked him, and some even tried to BE him. And the girls…


When Lefty had to leave class early for an appointment, the girls would all rush out of their seats to say goodbye to him and give him a big hug; Infatuation.

Lefty was truly loved. Yet, what a naïve love it was, because he had no clue why.

The days following passed on like all others. Lefty was as carefree as he was liked. Sure…there may have been those who disliked Lefty, but who would have noticed? Surely not him. He was too busy playing tag on the playground and studying in the classroom.

Lefty was smart, and he truly did love learning. But sometimes he overlooked the importance. For you see, he did not know why he was learning, or for what purpose he loved to learn. In a way, he was forced to love to learn. He was intelligent because his father forced him to study. Or did his father force him to study because he was intelligent? Still, he didn’t mind, because he was happy. It seemed that he was “doing” for a purpose unknown. He was not aware of why he learned. And this it seems would be his downfall…

The years continued as such, until it was finally time for a change…

In the blink of an eye, the young Lefty was torn apart from those that he knew. The days had come for him to enter…

Middle school.

But not just any middle school, this was an accelerated middle school located in the heart of a high school. None of Lefty’s previous peers had made it into the school. And so he entered…alone.

But still he didn’t mind!

As intelligent as he was, he didn’t give a thought to loosing old friends, or gaining new ones. Instead, he was

“simply being”.

Thrust into a completely new environment, Lefty was impervious

He continued as he did, and did so continue, and sooner than not, he had friends once again.

But this time, something seemed strange, rather, something seemed out of the ordinary.

It was not something that can be felt or touched, but a kind of essence, maybe.

Lefty tried momentarily to think about it, to discover what it was, but soon forgot as he was playfully elbowed by his friend at the lunch table.

There were 6 seats at a table, most filled with 2 small kids eating and bonding together as one. Lefty was the only male at a table filled with 10 females, and there wasn’t a single one of them that didn’t like the idea of Lefty.

So, most days continued as such and the months passed by in a flicker.

Lefty continued to get A’s in his courses, he continued to be happy, and he continued to be loved.

But once again, the unexplainable knot pulling at the Lefty’s heart, the raw sensation tickling his brain was teasing him. He usually just brushed it away without any thought…but it continued to poke at him through the weeks, the months, and even to his next year of school, seemingly occurring in an exponential format every time he felt it.

And then, like a smack in the face, like the jolting pain of a needle delivered by a doctor, Lefty opened his eyes for the first time…

Into his second year of middle school, approximately grade 8, Lefty was still happy. He talked to his friends in school and flirted with girls in the classroom. He would go home, study, and maybe go play with his friends from elementary school. He had reconnected with them during the middle half of grade 7, and had been hanging out with them ever since, most days of the week.

These were the only peers he would hang out with.

One girl in particular, Lefty had his eye on. He had actually had his eye on her for some time. They talked in school and flirted over wireless messages. And Lefty was naïve.

This day, this very day….this was the day of the Girl’s birthday party. She had rented a hotel room with a pool, and invited all of her friends – luckily, or unluckily, the Lefty was included.

The night was slow. The Girl, Lefty, and 3 others were in the hotel room, casually conversing.

Oh how Lefty wanted the approval of the Girl

Lefty was naïve.

And then, at the very stroke of midnight it seemed, the party had arrived. Nearly 20 more children entered the room. All of which Lefty had acquainted with in school.
And Lefty was happy, and Lefty was naïve.

Lefty was preoccupied with the Girl, and then a sudden tornado hit the hotel room, and every one was gone, the Girl included. They had bounded down to the swimming pool and hot tub. And Lefty was left alone, blinking in silence.

Without thought he rushed to the hot tub and joined his comrades.

As he entered, he was acknowledged.

Yet to say he was included would be an overstatement.

The conversations continued, and like blood thirsty dogs, groups were formed, for the sake of competition, for the sake of playing a game and ousting the other team.

Lefty’s eyes followed the Girl and he tried to talk to her, but she was out of reach, she was on the grass with one of the groups, transfixed on another male

Another group stood on the cement plotting a way to score

And a different group crouched on the pool steps, deciding when to strike

And although there was no final group to be seen, it was assumed that they were lurking on the premise

The Lefty was left alone in the center of the hot tub.

Another tornado struck just then, and like a butterfly in a jar with no lid, the groups were gone.

The Lefty was left alone in the center of the hot tub…

The Girl was back in the room with the Guy.

And then, like a smack in the face, like the jolting pain of a needle delivered by a doctor, Lefty opened his eyes for the first time. Just like a newborn child.

He was no longer naïve.

Lefty could see the binding chains on himself, and all those around him…

It was almost a state of panic, of coursing pain and astonishment at the world before him.

The Lefty finally became aware, and the multitude of thoughts running through his mind were so copious, that his brain hurt, his forehead was hot, and his Adam’s apple had grown 2 sizes, nearly choking him as he gasped for air.

The Lefty realized that he was not completely loved. He realized that he was aware. He realized that he was not influential. And he realized that he did not like it. He was unhappy.

He realized that he was alone.

What could have gone wrong? What could have happened? He was alone!

Well, there were many reasons that Lefty could not think of – he was aware – and those reasons were plentiful.

Lefty returned to school the following day, if it could be called that, without his eye patch. The only words he could find to describe it were...“small talk”. Lefty was only initiating small talk. Lefty was funny and kind and cool, but he was only initiating small talk.

He did not understand social interactions, but now he was starting to, he did not understand body language, but now he was starting to, he was not “simply being”…

And oh how he yearned to be simply being again,

But he was not…he was aware!

Lefty’s days were now full of sporadic thoughts, ‘how this’, ‘why that’, ‘how to do this’, ‘what to say to that?’

And Lefty no longer kept up with his acquaintances at school, though it hardly mattered since they were only…acquaintances.

The Lefty had been wounded like a boar with a spear through its belly, and it was yearning to return to its normal state.

The next two years continued as such…

Lefty was now in what one would call year 10 of high school, a sophomore.

Lefty’s thoughts were filled specifically with: “ok now do what”, “say this now! no this! now…”, “do that!”

Lefty was at lunch, deep in thought, but this time what jerked him back to reality was not a playful shove of an elbow, but an observation. The Lefty was no longer the only male at the table. In fact, there were now many more males, including the Guy that the Girl seemed to madly crave, while Lefty was left craving the Girl. It is odd because as was previously true, the females loved the idea of Lefty, but they did not seem to love the Lefty.

Lefty was no longer happy…

Lefty longed to return to those Golden Days when he was only a young boy that everyone was so infatuated with, to the times when he was the happy, naïve star.

Pondering thought after thought Lefty began to think, and he continued to think, and he continued to research. He thought while he researched and he researched while he thought until finally he thought he had found what he was looking for.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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All he had to do…the simple Lefty thought, was to return to his state of “simply being”

Quickly he recalled to the day on the playground when the girl asked him why he was so happy, and he remembered what he said…

he said,

“I don’t know, I simply am”!

That’s it! This is it.

He had to return to that mind set, he had to no longer think these sporadic thoughts and he had to live…simply live, and simply be…

Lefty tried this, and he tried to simply be, but as he did, more tornadoes struck his life. Constantly and absurd in number he was bombarded by tornadoes!

Though Lefty tried to simply be, change did not come. The Golden Years did not return and the Girl did not love him. Lefty was dumbfounded…

But this could not be happening. He was returning to the Golden Years. He was simply being, and he was not thinking.

Tornado after tornado struck, but nothing was changing

the Lefty was still unhappy.

One could say it was simply a matter of tornadoes, or one could say it was much deeper…

So deep that it is like venturing to the very core of an apple located within the center of the earth known as a heart.

Lefty ran out of his classroom. His palms were sweaty and his forehead was feverish. His pupils dilated like that of something that suddenly increases in size. Lefty had realized something…

Lefty realized.

Lefty was no longer naïve, and so he realized that he could not simply be…

Simply being involves simply not thinking, which is not a simple task at all

Which is in itself the paradox of the equation…was Lefty’s thought.

He was aware, but was he completely aware? Was he aware AND simply being?

To simply be one has to act without thinking, which by cause and effect causes a GREAT DEAL of thinking, which is by nature, the true paradox of being aware.

This was the Lefty’s ultimate thought…

Another tornado hit.

Lefty went to school the next day, leaving his outdated blinders at home, and without his blinders he thought at school.

While in his classroom, while staring at the Girl, the Lefty thought and pondered. The Girl seemed nervous because Lefty was just staring at her, but he did not care…he was looking past her…he was looking at his past when the little girl asked him:

“Lefty! Why is it that you’re always so cheerful and content?”

He remembered that he replied with an ignorant blank grin, and that he said:

“I don’t know, I simply am”

Lefty’s world was shattered, and he tried to return to “I simply am”, to “simply being”…

But this is wrong.

Lefty continued to stare.

The point is not to say “I don’t know, I simply am” but rather to say, “I know why, I simply am” One can’t not know why one simply is, but rather one HAS to; which requires a great deal of knowledge about one’s self and one’s surroundings. That is, those life forms and unseen shackles, the whips and chains that binds them together. To be aware one has to be able to think one step further than is required. “Why am I doing this?. Why should I do this?. Why am I thinking about WHY I am doing?” Being Aware means being able to Simply Be, while Simply Knowing why and simply understanding that, and that some things do not matter, and others do. Being aware requires that one thinks logically and critically of every situation, while at the same time just Simply Being. This in itself is a paradox and one cannot simply be and be aware…but a small tightrope is lurking in the corner, waiting for a tightrope-walker to perform a balancing act.

He continued to stare.

The balance is like that of two boulders sitting atop a teeter totter made of toothpicks; very fragile. Yet over time, with the help of glue and paste, more toothpicks can be added to the teeter totter, and with time it becomes strong, it becomes reliable. It is in this way that one becomes Aware. One accepts life and lives it, but one also contemplates every inch of it, and thinks critically.

Lefty ceased to stare.

The teacher was lecturing but Lefty did not care.

Lefty stood his ground, he bounded for the Girl and he took her by her eyes.

“Open your eyes!” is what the Lefty yelled to the Girl

“I am Aware and I can see! I want you to see and yet I do not care if you see!”

A great commotion erupted throughout the school.

“I know myself and I know you are blind and I know that I do not need you, for I do what I like”

“I have gained Awareness!”

“…you may – but I do not hope that you do – carry on…”

Simply being leads to being Aware, and being Aware means Simply being, which together create an intelligent teeter totter…both ends of the teeter totter lead to eye patches and blinders, while a careful balance leads to the other 2 most important attributes required for success in life.

To be continued
In Part 2


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
He's right, there is a threshold. At some point we went from some naive experience of the world, where we controlled nothing, to aware experience, where we still controlled nothing, and now we work toward knowledgeable awareness, which has the potential to control and shape our own lives to how we want them to be.

The shift happened for me between sophomore and junior year. This was written elegantly, but Lefty could not make a leap of faith and suddenly be back to his golden years, as you imply at the end. It takes study and practice to be confident.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I'm going to criticise this first.

You're metaphors are weak and your similes stilted. It seems like you tried to set up a simile joke towards the end but if so the reason that didn't work was because all the metaphors up until that point were just as weak. Several times throughout the writing, often in the same paragraph, you change tenses. Exponential format is the way the numbers are set out in an exponential equation. In your context you would have meant curve or relationship.

I figure you might have copied Pook, Pook actually copied an author as well. Read him before using his format so you get a better grasp of it, something Pook has which you don't is a clear structure. I can tell you spent a lot of time writing this but I don't think you spent enough editing it. On the Pook thing again, use your own voice. Even if you want to use his structure don't try and turn phrases the same way as he did. Pook was a very talented writer. It's not that you're bad it's just that he's better.

Try and get better grip on conventions, format and structure from reading and practive and this will come across a lot better. I think Pooks format was introduction>anecdote>explanation>conclusion. He made the middle up by linking anecdotes/metaphors then explaining them. Then he made situations actually. Anyway, you can see in his posts he basically just recycles the middle part of that to make the bulk of his post. What you did was the anecdote part followed by that part again a couple more times, then the explanation came in the conclusion. It made it seem rushed and the whole post didn't go in a clear direction or build towards anything.

Otherwise a lot of what you wrote is good, it just doesn't all hold together as well as it should.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Very inspirational!

I think I got most of the symbols, ex:
The chains and shackles
The tornadoes
The REASON the character is named Lefty
And that there are always an even number of people, males and females, like at the lunch table (very clever)

But the thing i'm confused on is this:
Is The Girl a real person? Or is she another symbol? Possibly another delusion for Lefty's mind?

Can anyone clue me in on that?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
DJoftheHins said:
But the thing i'm confused on is this:
Is The Girl a real person? Or is she another symbol? Possibly another delusion for Lefty's mind?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Real person.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
LearningSlowly said:
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Real person.
Hmm I'm not so sure. It seems like she may be something more. It doesn't seem that the situations she is in point to her being a real person. For instance.

AlexLefty said:
Lefty stood his ground, he bounded for the Girl and he took her by her eyes.

“Open your eyes!” is what the Lefty yelled to the Girl

“I am Aware and I can see! I want you to see and yet I do not care if you see!”

A great commotion erupted throughout the school.

“I know myself and I know you are blind and I know that I do not need you, for I do what I like”

“I have gained Awareness!”

“…you may – but I do not hope that you do – carry on…”

Simply being leads to being Aware, and being Aware means Simply being, which together create an intelligent teeter totter…both ends of the teeter totter lead to eye patches and blinders, while a careful balance leads to the other 2 most important attributes required for success in life.

To be continued
In Part 2
It seems odd to me that a character such as Lefty would be so immobilized by a simple girl.

Btw...where is this guy to answer all our questions??
And has a part 2 already been published?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
The first draft of a conceptual piece isn't always perfect. A metaphorical section doesn't necessarily imply some huge shift about the meaning of the writing.

And AlexLefty is around, he'll post in this thread soon. Don't know that he's worked on a part 2 at all.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
LearningSlowly said:
The first draft of a conceptual piece isn't always perfect. A metaphorical section doesn't necessarily imply some huge shift about the meaning of the writing.

And AlexLefty is around, he'll post in this thread soon. Don't know that he's worked on a part 2 at all.
What I can't figure out is why sometimes the character is called: the Lefty, and why he is also simply called: Lefty.

Really mind boggling.....

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Wow. This was actually inspiring. Thanks man, lately i've had some
Motivation problems, but this gave me some of it back!

I wrote this on an iPhone, so if you fond any mistakes., thats why!



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
LearningSlowly said:
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Real person.
DJoftheHins said:
What I can't figure out is why sometimes the character is called: the Lefty, and why he is also simply called: Lefty.

Really mind boggling.....
And the plot thickens.!


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
I'll explain it more easily.

There is no spoon.

What OP said is true, at one point of life you will notice there is a threshold. You'll notice you lived a lie, and that if you don't see through the water, you might never be successful.

I remember when I had zero confidence, first time I approached a girl ( challenge ) I told myself " Just do it, **** everything, just do it. " Did it. Bang! No more stone on my heart.

This is for everything I do in my life. The more you 'think' about how you will 'do it', the chances you won't do that thing increase.

First time I started doing this when I was addict in mmorpg game, I needed loads of money, I moaned, I 'cried' , I borrowed money from others, I didn't know how to make capital, and tried to find a 'secret'.

In the end I took the advice, said " **** it, I'll do it no matter what ! "

No lifed 12 hours a day. 5 days later, I scored ****loads of gold.

Now before someone trolls me for playing games, this was before, and that mentality will work. It's most efficient one in my opinion. The more you think, the more the chances are increased you'll miss the shot.

But use your mind, if something doesn't work, don't bang your god damn head against the wall, thinking you'll get on the other side. Use the doors.