The 3 Most Important Attributes For Success In Life Part 2


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Part 1


Lefty opened his eyes.

His vision was clear and he stood, transfixed by the equation that surrounded him.

Like that of some fictional character, Lefty had gained an attribute, he had gained awareness. Or was it that awareness had finally grabbed him?


The young teenage Lefty did not move. His brain saw what was in front of him, and it did not like it. A prison of shackles and chains, commanded by whips. But behind the whips was only shadow. Lefty tried to see beyond the whips, for he was always a great tryer, but he could not. As much as he tried, he could not.

Irrevocably, he was still stuck in the equation.

He released his grip from the Girl’s eyes. They were red and inflamed with pain, and still, mesmerized and cloudy. As was previously true, the Girl did not crave Lefty…and Lefty walked on, not unaltered.

What an odd equation…thought Lefty.

As he walked on there was still a great commotion throughout the school. He saw the face of the Girl everywhere. It was relatively disturbing to Lefty…but at least he was aware.

Lefty walked to the front of the school and on a red bench he sat, alone.

He began to contemplate a problem. It was a math problem, much more mystifying than the quadratic formula, or integrals, or summation expansions. Rather, it seemed that this particular problem had no answer, and there was no final value. Or values.

Lefty thought about the problem, and he tried, Lefty was always a great tryer.

He did not need to turn around and look, for he already saw. He knew of the tornadoes, and there were many, striking the school.

Tornadoes hit.

“Why?”. “Why is it like this?”. “How did it end up like this?”. “What went wrong?”. Tornadoes passed through the Lefty.

“What went wrong?”. What went wrong would assume that the right had not been found. When in fact the right had been found. For in no other way could it have occurred. Or is this simply another delusion, that all is meant to be as it is. What if not? Why in fact, does it matter? Or is the real truth that something is missing. The Girl is the Girl and there is no other way that the Girl can be. Perhaps, something is missing.

It seemed odd to Lefty that he was even contemplating this equation at all. He was aware, but he still felt as void as space itself…

He had tried, and gained awareness, but he had not accomplished.

He could not see beyond the whips, the slave drivers, and he could not solve the math problem, even though he tried…

And he did try, but maybe this was the problem all along…

Frustrated, Lefty closed his eyes.

Lefty was naïve.

Lefty was smart, and he truly did love learning. But sometimes he overlooked the importance. For you see, he did not know why he was learning, or for what purpose he loved to learn. In a way, he was forced to love to learn. He was intelligent because his father forced him to study. Or did his father force him to study because he was intelligent? Still, he did not mind, because he was happy. It seemed that he was “doing” for a purpose unknown. He was not aware of why he learned. And this it seems would be his downfall…

Even into his 8th year of school, Lefty did not know why he learned.

It is an odd circumstance to think about.

Maybe he learned for the sake of learning. But what purpose does that serve? No, it was much simpler…

Maybe he learned because he wanted to.

This may actually be closer to the truth. But still, no.

He learned because he was told to learn. Yes. This is the truth. But just because he was told to learn does not mean that he himself did not want to learn…even if the want was derived from the original order.

Even in these youthful days of Lefty’s life he contemplated the equation. Though he was unaware that he did so, he most definitely did so.

2 math classes in the same year was the verdict. During grade 9 of his schooling Lefty decided to take 2 math classes in one year so that he would be ahead of all his peers.

Lefty did not mind.

He was naïve, and unaware of the work load required for such a young boy to take such difficult classes.

But, he was intelligent and he was happy…so he did not mind.

The problem was not that he took 2 math classes, the problem was that he tried, for Lefty was always a great tryer.

And so his first day of these classes was an interesting spectacle.

Lefty walked into the classroom with a smile on his face, and his eye patch firmly attached to his head. The classroom was small and stuffy, with only a handful of students in attendance. Lefty took notes and he tried very well. But Lefty was then distracted as the Girl entered the classroom. Transfixed, Lefty quickly raised his hand and shouted out the answer to the problem.

He was wrong, and all the students laughed at him, joking about his stupid mistake.

Lefty quickly turned around, but the Girl was gone.


Now onto his next math class:

Lefty trotted into the classroom with a naïve smile about his face.

Lefty looked around and he noticed that the same handful of students in his other math class were also in this one.

A tornado immediately struck the class room, ripping everyone from their seats except for the Lefty, who was firmly planted.

The tingle in Lefty’s heart, the prickling sensation in his brain once again revisited him.

He had first felt this odd essence some time ago, and it continued to attack him. Lefty tried to discover the meaning, and then simply brushed it off, and then he tried again. For Lefty was always a great tryer.

For a split second Lefty thought he saw shackles at his feet, and chains around his hands. He looked around the classroom, and he thought he saw them everywhere. He also thought he heard the sounds of whips cracking, cracking from someplace very familiar.

Lefty was confused at what surrounded him, but at the same time, the Lefty already knew…

A loud screech from his math teacher prompted Lefty. His entire class stared at the perfectly still Lefty, waiting for his response to the math problem.

Lefty had no answer and the class laughed.

Lefty was not happy, and Lefty was confused.

Lefty finished his notes and exited the chamber at the conclusion.

And so the weeks and months continued as such for the young Lefty.

He was tormented constantly by the sounds of the cracking whips and the voice that he heard. Though it was unidentifiable, it was most certainly recognizable.

He tried to discover the meaning of it all, for he was always a great tryer, but he usually brushed it off to play with friends or study.

And so the weeks and months continued as such for the young Lefty.

As much as he tried, Lefty was having trouble with his math studies.

Everyday it seemed he was asked to answer a math problem, and everyday it seemed he got it wrong.

And everyday it seemed he would go home to study, but he could not because he was confounded by the difficulty.

Understanding was simply a nuisance.

And Lefty was intelligent, but he was frustrated, very frustrated. 2 math courses were proving difficult.

A tornado struck his room one night and Lefty thought bad thoughts. He thought that he would turn out to be nothing. Maybe he wasn’t intelligent after all. Maybe it was all a lie. His body cringed in his hard bed like that of an insect being sprayed by synthetic chemicals… Lefty was not happy.

And Lefty cried.

Yet, over the next weeks hope seemed to be renewed…


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Lefty was now staying after school to study with one of his math teachers, a very good math teacher, teacher WE, who would help Lefty understand.

And Lefty tried to understand, but it seemed that the material would not solidify inside his head. The only thing that remained in his head actually, was the undeniable sensation that something was amiss. The sounds of laughter and the sounds of whips.

So the math teacher taught him, and Lefty listened, and then he went home and played with his friends. That or he studied other subjects.

Lefty tried so desperately to learn. But this was his problem.

Unable to commit, Lefty cried once again.

Near the end of the year, Lefty was still having trouble with his 2 math courses. WE gave him words of wisdom, and tactics to conquer the problems, but still it was not enough.

Finally Lefty seemed to give in. He sulked home and buried the 2 math books in the deepest darkest corner of his closet. And he cried.

Lefty went to school the next day to inform WE of his decision. Lefty felt like a failure, and in some aspects he was.

WE had only one statement.

“It was not easy for me, but I did it. Free yourself”

And Lefty exited the classroom with his blinders, and a confused look on his face.

He walked through his school, noticing more clearly than ever the chains and shackles around everyone in the school. Aside from WE; he had freed himself. Lefty wondered if the people knew they were enslaved. And if they did, he wondered if they would even want to be freed.

Yet this was an odd thought because it was one that Lefty still did not understand.

Freed. Freed from what?

And then Lefty heard the whips, and he was reminded. And he thought.

And he tried to discover what he was thinking.

And so the year ended for Lefty. His books buried, and his mind confused by the equation that surrounded him.

Lefty was aware.

Many days must have passed, because as he looked around, all he saw were enormous gusts of wind. Tornado after tornado appeared out of thin air, lifting everything from the ground and forming on one another.

So strong were the tornados that Lefty was forced from the red bench by a gust of wind.

And Lefty stood up.

And Lefty was aware.

Panic ran through Lefty’s heart. His veins pulsed and his tong went dry.

Quickly he made a mad dash for his home, not stopping once to rest or breath, and he ran like he had never run before.

Lefty could see his home, he was almost there, but he suddenly faltered. He heard whips cracking all around him and he tripped and fell to the ground. Lefty looked around him and he saw the same children from his math classes standing, laughing.

He noticed their shackles, and their chains, and he heard their laughter.

But then he heard the whips again, and he looked beyond the children. And what he saw nearly killed him with fright. What he saw was disturbing.

It seemed as if he was frozen and thawing, taking many minutes to finally stand up.

He hurriedly dashed for his house.

Stricken with terror, he could not believe what he had seen.

He needed time to figure this out.

Lefty dove into his closet and fished out his 2 math books.

He cleared his desk, opened the books, and began to solve the equations.

Lefty did not try to solve the equations, for he was working.

The next weeks continued as such for Lefty.

He worked endlessly at the books, solving the equations.

There was no rest. There was no sleep. There were no friends. Only work.

Lefty researched, and worked, and continued to work as he researched the work.

It seemed that Lefty was doing not what he did in the past, but rather, something different.

Suddenly, as if sparked by the problems on the page, Lefty thought back to the days of WE. He recalled what WE had said.

“It was not easy for me, but I did it. Free yourself”

Lefty recalled the painful image of when the children were laughing at him. Not in the classroom, for he was over that, he was aware.

He saw clearly the chains and shackles around the others with ease these days. He was aware.

He had tried, and gained awareness, but he had not accomplished.

So he worked. He did not try and think, but he worked.

He sat down and thought back to when he was running to his house, and the children were laughing at him.

He thought. Seemingly for days.

And he thought to what he saw. An image full of evil…

The children in chains and shackles, being whipped endlessly from behind. And he recalled that he looked up. And he looked beyond on the whips. And he saw who was holding the whips.

And Lefty saw his own face.

And Lefty was finished, it took him many weeks of work, he closed both books.

“It was not easy for me, but I did it. Free yourself”

Lefty no longer tried, but he simply “did”. He was freeing himself.

It seemed to become clear to him now…

When one tries, one is at a disadvantage, because one is not succeeding. While trying may only be a word and a relative term, it stands for little when compared to working. For the 2 of them contrast in extreme ways. For trying is the act of a want. Wants however are merely objects that can not be attained. Leading to continual want and continual disappointment, all predicated by the original energy. That of trying is insignificant in the light of working. The Work Ethic. Working is constitutional of success, of something that will be gained, and not something that is wanted but will not be gained. Rather, work symbolizes a postponed possession. For one to succeed one does not have to try, rather, one has to do much more than that.

And the Lefty thought…

If you need to know who is holding the whip… you need only look into a mirror.

Lefty had worked, and he had solved the entirety of problems in 2 math books.

And through his long hard work he was able to see past the shadows, he gained great insight, and he was able to free himself…

What a joyous feeling it was, a spectacle rather…

Many weeks passed and Lefty no longer heard the sounds of whips. He still saw chains and shackles in every corner, but not on himself.

And he no longer heard whips.

The Lefty never heard whips.

Yet, some things take longer to change than others. Lefty still took math courses, and still he got answers wrong, and still the children laughed.

The Lefty understood the whips.

Lefty simply went home, sat at his desk, and with his work ethic he worked. And eventually, he understood the problems.

But as he was working on the problems, a tornado struck and blew his papers and notes from his desk.

He was still troubled because something was missing.

He had still not solved the over-arching equation. And still, the math problem burned in his mind. The Girl, still present on his desk.

And Lefty was aware, and he worked very hard to realize, so he realized something very important.

Perhaps he could not solve the equation because he was looking for a singular answer…

When in reality, there are 3…

To be continued
In Part 3


Don Juan
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Cliff hanger!

Well so far I'm enjoying reading these, and I look forward to the next one!


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score

1 point of criticism, you say Lefty a lot in this one. Try using 'he' more often.

Otherwise, love where this is going.