Originally posted by whyshy
Yea this system is OLD.....
There is a reason why we DJ's dont use it anymore!!!!
You would bang an average HB6 and you would also bang a HB10(don't exist), but you would treat them differently. WHY?
Because HB6 go out with CHUMPS while HB10 NEVER go out with AFC's only DJ's.
IF you ingnore an HB6 she might get the idea that you don't like her because she doesn't look good. BUT if you ignore a HB10 then she will like you because she knows that EVER GUY finds her attractive, so she'll see you as a challenge!
This bang or not system is good for AFC but not for DJ's.
How does intentionally ignoring a chick simply because she is hot make you a DJ? I thought the point of being a DJ was being total comfortable with yourself and your life - meaning that you feel no need to give special attention to a good looking girl simply based on the fact she is good looking. Only if she has a good personality and has characteristics which interest you do you give her your valuable time. But the opposite is not "Ok she is super hot so I'm gonna ignore her so she thinks I'm a challenge." is hardly DJ. If you intentionally ignore a hot chick for the sole reason of wanting to come across as a challenge, then you're just an imitation of a DJ like most people on this site. Treat her like you would any other girl.
"This bang or not system is good for AFC but not for DJ's."
Oh please...stop making vague generalizations about a certain act which is 'DJ' or one that is 'AFC.' It's so tiresome really..."is hugging girls AFC or DJ?" "Is calling the next day after the date AFC or DJ?" etc...it's lame. You can do anything you want to do as long as you're secure with yourself and your life. Can't we all just be comfortable with ourselves to do whatever the hell we want without first having to think "Ok is this something a DJ would do, or an AFC?" Pretty sad if you ask me.
If you like the 0/1 system, and want to use it then go ahead. It doesn't make you a DJ or an AFC either way. If it helps you in any way, then I'm all for it.