That's it, I'm tired of being a loser.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
L.A., CA
A little too radical with the plans for changing, but I respect your level of desire to change.

Let me point out a few key points and answer your questions:
A) If you're tired of people punking you around, stand up for yourself man. If people freeload from you (whether it's food, rides, or money), simply learn to say NO. Don't worry about other people's opinions about you. It all depends on the way you feel and think about yourself, which matters more than criticisms and opinions from others.

B) You want to consider girls as b*tches? Man that is real disrespect right there. Sure, sometimes the DJ way encourages you see girls as unintimidating people, but degrading isn't the way to go...because you just might go overboard one day considering women as b*tches. I'd say you're just not in the right mindset right now. Optimism. Try it sometime! It does wonders.

Q1) *sigh* I dunno how to exactly answer this, but either use the "bible" or click the links the other DJ's give you. Other than that, you can't help it if your voice isn't all suave like James Bond. Just talk in a relaxed tone.

Q2) From what I see, it's obviously your pride that makes you think too much about those callow idiots talking crap about you. I say let 'em talk all they want, because they probably don't know jack about talking to they talk like drunken fools and talk smack about you.

You obviously need a more positive attitude if you want this change to work. Be more happier because bright attitudes are contagious.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by j8snx1
A little too radical with the plans for changing, but I respect your level of desire to change.

Let me point out a few key points and answer your questions:
A) If you're tired of people punking you around, stand up for yourself man. If people freeload from you (whether it's food, rides, or money), simply learn to say NO. Don't worry about other people's opinions about you. It all depends on the way you feel and think about yourself, which matters more than criticisms and opinions from others.

B) You want to consider girls as b*tches? Man that is real disrespect right there. Sure, sometimes the DJ way encourages you see girls as unintimidating people, but degrading isn't the way to go...because you just might go overboard one day considering women as b*tches. I'd say you're just not in the right mindset right now. Optimism. Try it sometime! It does wonders.

Q1) *sigh* I dunno how to exactly answer this, but either use the "bible" or click the links the other DJ's give you. Other than that, you can't help it if your voice isn't all suave like James Bond. Just talk in a relaxed tone.

Q2) From what I see, it's obviously your pride that makes you think too much about those callow idiots talking crap about you. I say let 'em talk all they want, because they probably don't know jack about talking to they talk like drunken fools and talk smack about you.

You obviously need a more positive attitude if you want this change to work. Be more happier because bright attitudes are contagious.
Thanks for the advice, most of this is going to help me improve and make the change. Although, there is one thing I disagree with, the whole b*tches thing, if a girl's a b*tch then she's a b*tch and around my school there are a lot of those. What makes a girl a b*tch IMO is if she's rude, a hypocryte, an attention ***** and/or she thinks the world revolves around her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by coolkid800
It seems to me you take everything too seriously. I just think you should relax, just joke around and laugh more. Just do the things you enjoy.
This sums up my thought in 3 sentences


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by GoSens
Well actually...

Or better yet...

My advice? Read the first two links. Aside from the little bits of flaming going on, there's some pretty decent advice.
Looked at those previous post and what the **** man... you are getting punked by a kid who carries a purse?? Then you say its not your fault everyone tries to bully you and make fun of you? Here is some advice take it, or leave it... IT IS YOUR FAULT. You should expect respect from people and when someone disrespects you, you must take action. Not have the simple ass punk mind set of "I am only going to fight him if he hits me first." Untill someone attacks you physically you are just going to sit around like a *****, while they constantly attack you verbally? I am not saying fighting is the answer to all of your problems but man... shut the **** up and stop complaining when you are not taking any action to do something about it. EXPECT RESPECT AND DONT BE A PUNKASS DUMBASS.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, you make yet another useless post that has nothing to contribute to the topic, oh, doesn't that have a name? Oh yes, SPAMMING. If you have nothing to contribute, negative or positive, then just do yourself a favor and stop posting, you ****ing *******.

The sad part is that he doesn't need to post something like this to try to improve.

Really dude, who many times have you posted shiz like this.
Too many times. How about you shut the F*ck up yourself and just go do whatever it is you want to do. Cause you probably gonna go out wherever you're gonna go to and act the exact same way like you always do.

My advice to you is:
Chill the F*ck out, don't be so f*cking serieus about all this shiz, dude. Posting ridiculous shiz like this is only gonna get you emotionally hyped and then when you do go out you still act like a loser.
Just chill it, think about what you want to become in the future (even if that future may seem really far away right now) and then think about how you can become that person.
You're thinking like: "I wanna get away from being a loser"
Your mind will be focusing on getting away of what you don't want and work on what you don't want and you will still be what you don't want.
So: Think of what you want to become, picture it in your mind and try to think of ways how to become that. Become your own hero :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
Thanks for the advice, most of this is going to help me improve and make the change. Although, there is one thing I disagree with, the whole b*tches thing, if a girl's a b*tch then she's a b*tch and around my school there are a lot of those. What makes a girl a b*tch IMO is if she's rude, a hypocryte, an attention ***** and/or she thinks the world revolves around her.
All girls are b!tches. :p

Now my advice part: it doesn't really amaze me if people that you meet in your everyday life make fun of you as long as you have this wrong attitude. People on this board don't have a clue about who you are and they still ended up making fun of you, that's because you always complain about how your life sucks.

Keep improving your life like you did with the wrestling training, and also try to improve your attitude.

And don't ever complain again. A true Alpha Male tries to solve problems, not the make them obvious to others.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by Taviii
All girls are b!tches. :p

Now my advice part: it doesn't really amaze me if people that you meet in your everyday life make fun of you as long as you have this wrong attitude. People on this board don't have a clue about who you are and they still ended up making fun of you, that's because you always complain about how your life sucks.

Keep improving your life like you did with the wrestling training, and also try to improve your attitude.

And don't ever complain again. A true Alpha Male tries to solve problems, not the make them obvious to others.
Having the right attitude doesn't change sh*t as far as getting made fun of, you change your attitude, *******s are still *******s, jerks are still jerks, a good attitude won't stop them from making fun of you for things you have no control over.
Also, hey, if she's a b*tch, she's a b*tch, that's all there is to it.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Doesn't anyone see this pattern?

1 - Viper whines about ..................

2 - Viper gets advice that is 2 pages or more..................

3 - Viper could easily get that info by DAFS

4 - Viper whines some more and doesn't want to do anything to change..........

5 - Viper b*tches about something else...............

6 - Viper is unheard of for a few months...

7 - Viper shows up again with another thread b*tching about how his life sucks.

Viper, if you want to change do this:


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by bluelemond
Doesn't anyone see this pattern?

1 - Viper whines about ..................

2 - Viper gets advice that is 2 pages or more..................

3 - Viper could easily get that info by DAFS

4 - Viper whines some more and doesn't want to do anything to change..........

5 - Viper b*tches about something else...............

6 - Viper is unheard of for a few months...

7 - Viper shows up again with another thread b*tching about how his life sucks.

Viper, if you want to change do this:
I'll check those sites out, although, the information you used in your attempt to flame me is highly unaccurate. Firstly, if you even read the first post, which you clearly didn't, you would know it's all about me wanting to change. Secondly, I see no whining or complaining, the only one I see whining and complaining is you.
But yeah, I'm definitely thinking about doing something differently tommorow, whether it's approaching a random girl in the lunch line and starting convo or approaching, IMO, one of the hottest girls in school, Marissa. If I don't do something now, nothing is ever going to change, I'll keep making up the same excuses year after year and never improve, which is why I'm finally doing something about it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
I'll check those sites out, although, the information you used in your attempt to flame me is highly unaccurate. Firstly, if you even read the first post, which you clearly didn't, you would know it's all about me wanting to change. Secondly, I see no whining or complaining, the only one I see whining and complaining is you.
But yeah, I'm definitely thinking about doing something differently tommorow, whether it's approaching a random girl in the lunch line and starting convo or approaching, IMO, one of the hottest girls in school, Marissa. If I don't do something now, nothing is ever going to change, I'll keep making up the same excuses year after year and never improve, which is why I'm finally doing something about it.
You whine, b*tch and moan all the time. You say the same sh*t. Good job on setting yourself up for failure. You cant even talk online, how are you gonna talk to the hottest girl. The only person youre fooling is your dumbass self. I cant wait till you realize youre totally full of sh*t. Then youll come back and wash, rinse, repeat just like you always do.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
I understand how unhappy you are, Viper man. I think you're letting your emotions get the best of you...but really, I don't think you should take it all so personally. Let it all go...just let it go. Who cares what other people think, who cares if some kid talks **** about you, who cares? Does it make you think less of yourself? It shouldn't.

Contradictory to the title of your are NOT a loser. You are NOT a loser. I don't care what other people say, I don't care if you've heard it before, and I don't care if you have a faggy voice. You are NOT a loser. You MUST remember that. There is no one inherently "better" or "worse" than anyone else, those are just constructions created by the human ego.

Let me tell you something...someone on the board said this before. You're ANGRY right now, that's for sure. Well, ANGER is GREAT fuel man. Anger can fuel you to be better, and to do things that you might not be able to do otherwise. BUT, and there is a but here, anger that becomes HATE is USELESS. HATE is terrible man...don't waste your anger by turning it into hate.

Let me tell you something else...I would NOT trust much that is given to you. Not much of the advice given here is good advice. Some is, but not a whole lot. There's a lot of name-calling, and a lot of an "I'm better than you", kind of attitude around these forums. To become that kind of person yourself would do no good. You seem bitter, man...but why? Just roll along with's a great thing man, don't waste it wallowing in bitterness.

My advice...I would suggest getting some surefire CONFIDENCE first. Letting go of your that you don't care about pride, about what other people think, or peer pressure, or any of that kind of crap. Realize that happiness doesn't exist outside of yourself...only YOU determine whether you are happy or not. You can be serene, for no reason, or you can throw your happiness into someone else's hands. It might take your own, personal realization before you realize this (as it did for me), but keep it in mind. If you want, I can give you some stuff to read that might help you change the way you look at things.

I don't want to have written this for nothing Viper...please, at least think about it. And my last piece of advice is...GIVE AC/DC A RING. He can help you man, and I think you should do it. He's not going to **** you over, and he knows what he's doing. Good luck, and I hope this helps.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Originally posted by October
And my last piece of advice is...GIVE AC/DC A RING. He can help you man, and I think you should do it. He's not going to **** you over, and he knows what he's doing. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Let's get it started baby. PM me for details.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
You whine, b*tch and moan all the time. You say the same sh*t. Good job on setting yourself up for failure. You cant even talk online, how are you gonna talk to the hottest girl. The only person youre fooling is your dumbass self. I cant wait till you realize youre totally full of sh*t. Then youll come back and wash, rinse, repeat just like you always do.
Shut up and stop being an unsupportive b*tch. When you can say something that actually helps me improve and isn't whining about my past topics and yes, admit it, you're whining about them; I might actually give a sh*t about what you have to say, oakraiderz, until then, you might as well be talking to a wall.

And AC/DC, I'll definitely PM you, sounds like it will really help my situation out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Originally posted by Viper
Shut up and stop being an unsupportive b*tch. When you can say something that actually helps me improve and isn't whining about my past topics and yes, admit it, you're whining about them; I might actually give a sh*t about what you have to say, oakraiderz, until then, you might as well be talking to a wall.

And AC/DC, I'll definitely PM you, sounds like it will really help my situation out.
1st: calm down
2nd: get off my boy, cuz we mob together and shoot useless muddafuggas
3rd: PM me asap


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by AC/DC
1st: calm down
2nd: get off my boy, cuz we mob together and shoot useless muddafuggas
3rd: PM me asap
Won't let me PM you, says your mailbox is full.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
Having the right attitude doesn't change sh*t as far as getting made fun of, you change your attitude, *******s are still *******s, jerks are still jerks, a good attitude won't stop them from making fun of you for things you have no control over.

Yes, it will. When you understand how to make them look like losers by insulting you, they will stop. Unfortunately, it's not something that can be described, expecially over the internet, you have to get it by yourself.

Originally posted by Viper
Shut up and stop being an unsupportive b*tch. When you can say something that actually helps me improve and isn't whining about my past topics and yes, admit it, you're whining about them; I might actually give a sh*t about what you have to say, oakraiderz, until then, you might as well be talking to a wall.
Man, that's the problem. Who gives a shìt about what oakraiderz thinks of you? If you give that much importance to someone who flames you over the net, how are you gonna survive in real life? The only people here who seem to think that you might change are AC/DC, October and I: are you going to answer to everybody else? And, more important, would that help you somehow? No.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by Adone
Yes, it will. When you understand how to make them look like losers by insulting you, they will stop. Unfortunately, it's not something that can be described, expecially over the internet, you have to get it by yourself.

Man, that's the problem. Who gives a shE about what oakraiderz thinks of you? If you give that much importance to someone who flames you over the net, how are you gonna survive in real life? The only people here who seem to think that you might change are AC/DC, October and I: are you going to answer to everybody else? And, more important, would that help you somehow? No.
Good advice, but let's get this straight, oakraiderz doesn't know what the f*ck he's talking about and stupidly, if he says something, people believe it, even if it's not true, so I have to cover my ass.

I'm tired of being a loser, I'm tired of taking peoples ****, I'm tired of caring what insignificant, people think, I'm tired of being afraid and I'm tired of being unhappy. And so I'm finally going to do something about it, a girl's a b*tch to me, I won't take her sh*t, I see a girl, I approach her, I want to say something, then by all means, I say it. Enough of this always being down crap, I'm tired of it, from now on, no more of that loser stuff, always aim to excel and if I don't excel in something, oh well, that's just how it is. Today, a loser, tommorow, the dawn of a new me. But I have to admit, before I can rise up and be the person that I want to be, I need to improve, A LOT, that's why I've come here to ask you guys a couple questions:
- How can I improve my voice? No one's going to take a guy seriously, who's sounds like a f*cking faggot. People have a hard time understanding me and I want to change that, I want to improve my voice.
- How do you get idiots to just leave you the f*ck alone? These guys talk a lot of sh*t, try to tease you and it's hard to just ignore these guys and not let them get to you. For instance, there's this little Freshmen dude, who just doesn't shut up and constantly talks sh*t.
The bold is what oak probably reads.

Somehow in his little mind, taking a step forward is complaining. Not really, he just doesn't f*cking read the post, all he does is b*tch and stuff about old posts, in my new ones, that have nothing to do with the old posts. Maybe if I didn't spend so much time dealing with his sh*t, I could actually listen to the advice being given, but NO, he just has to be a b*tch.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
if he says something, people believe it, even if it's not true, so I have to cover my ass.
No, man, YOU DON'T HAVE TO! Why the hell do you still give a shìt about forum's people so much that you feel the urge to cover your àss?!

Look, if Oakraiderz (or anybody else) says something about me which is not true, do you think I'll lose my time writing back? Hell no, nothing would change if I don't.