Thank you


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
I had ridden with somebody else to the bar saturday so I could drink without any concern. I had a fclose saturday night. Basically one of the girls that always hangs out with us brought a friend of hers out. She was cute and we started talking and what not. Funny thing is we spoke a lot about the games that guys and girls play. And she told me, and her friend confirmed it, that she is more like a guy when it comes to relationships and that she never falls for guys and what not.

After a little while she asks, "Why don't you buy me a drink?" and I said, "I don't think so, but why don't you get me one?" She ends up buying me 4 drinks that night. We made out for a while and then my ride came around and said he was ready to go. She then offers to take me home, which is suprising cause I live a good 40 miles away from the bar. We end up going back my place and doing our thing and she leaves in the morning.

Yesterday, she IMs me and ask me if we are going to play games and push each other away to keep each other interested. I thought back to what I had read on here and said, "We'll just go with the flow of things." I didn't want to give a straight answer to a question like that. Then she tells me, just like she had the night before, that she doesn't fall for guys but this time she says that she spent all day thinking about me. She even tells me she really likes me. :crackup:

Now had this happened a mere month ago I would have replied back in a heart beat telling her I like her too. Instead I just changed the subject. She asked me a couple of times when we were going to hang out again because she wants a repeat of the night before. I proceed to do like a politician and dodge the questions.

I'm just in such a high right now of how this **** works. I've been reading everything on here and I have a ton to learn but just from the little I've read and applied it worked like a charm. Sorry for the long post I'm just excited about how much more I will learn and apply.