hey BackToTheMack,
for someone that joined the forum 2 days after Black_Italian was banned
how is that possible ?
and you got 100 posts in 2 weeks
thats Black_Italian behaviour right there
starting new threads with retorical questions
19 years old and in Australia
do you have a twin brother named Black_Italian ?
i don't really care if you are him just try and follow the rules of sosuave this time and no more troll posts when you are bored
other than that
WELCOME BACK Black_Italian
Lost In Translation
Quote: Player_Supreme
“ Your woman in my opinion shouldn't be talking to an ex. It's ok to have men friends but friends whom she used to suck their dycks is not in my picture. “
Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ the 'pimp' mentality works today because you are living in a time such that there are an overabundance if hors - this is the Pimps playground!! Pimps and hors go together like bread and butter - they are complementary natures!!! Pimps need hors like hors need pimps!! “
Quote: MindOverMatter
“ No player has this kind of hate, because nothing women do can get to him, or frustrate him “
Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ You guys wont eat off of a spoon at a restaurant because it has a speckle of dust on it but you readily indulge in that which is covered infinitely worse in germs, disease, and sperm!!! Quit eating pvssy!!!! “
Quote: Don Juanabbe
“ What are you Vanilla-bloody-Ice? “
Quote: diplomatic_lies
“ And now, in the spirit of PRL, I'm going to fill up the screen with exclaimation marks “
Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ Yeah i saw this today and it remided me of you" --- then show her a doll of a sumo wrestler! “
Quote: Mack Bishop
“ if you want her to know you really, truly care, buy her a treadmill “
Quote: Player_Supreme
“ But if a ho wants to just be friends then don't waste your time. And I'm a debase character so your hooking up with her friend in front of her was sweet to my ears. “
Quote: Player_Supreme
“I've taken a fat chick and put her on a diet and training program and created my own super ho. “
Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “
Quote: squirrels
“ You NEVER pay as a supplicative or bargaining measure, though. The reward that she gets for her affection is YOUR affection. The reward she gets for her sex is YOUR sex. The second you start buying her stuff to keep her around, keep her entertained in your presence, etc...you're compensating for not having what it takes to seduce the woman, and that's totally unacceptable. “
Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
PR_L's first rule of women - "They only get bigger!!!!!" Most women are lazy and hate to put forth effort and exercise - RUN!!!
Quote: il_duce
“B1tch is just another word for a confident woman who always wants to have her way.
A$$hole is just another word for a confident man who won't take sh!t from a b1tch.
Why do you think the majority of hot girls are reffered to as 'b1tches' and the guys who get laid all the time are reffered to as 'a$$holes'?
This is how I see it: the two words were made up as weapons to use against the opposite sex, and they're supposed to be insulting, but all they really do is compliment on the sexual prowess of that person.
In other words, it pays to be an 'a$$hole'. Imho, you can be an 'a$$hole' and still be a decent person. When you get around the negative connontation the word has, you will see the positive traits that these men exhibit which are attractive to women. “
Quote: maddman75
“ I am the prize. I like what I see so far, so I'll give her an opportunity to show me that she's worth my time and effort. If she rejects me, she's a fool. I'll just go find the next lucky chick and let her have what this chick is throwing away. “
Quote : TillTheEndOfTime
“ WH0RES on the other hand do not respect their bodies one bit. They indiscriminantly have sex so long as you meet some basic, superficial requirements that are much less demanding than that of a WOMAN. They have few if any redeeming qualities. They have very little to offer besides sex. They USE sex as a controlling mechanism to get what they want out of a man, or for just pure pleasure.
You fuvk WH0RES.
You have relationships with WOMEN “
The DJ Code :
1. his pleasure comes first
2. he will quickly dump a woman who gives him trouble
3. doesn’t suck up to women or put them on pedestals
4. doesn’t let women or people disrespect him.
5. Gets pissed off and isn’t afraid to show it
6. Aren’t afraid to hurt women emotionally.
7. Doesn’t care what others think about him and isn’t looking for approval.