Texting an 18 yr old


New Member
Dec 6, 2012
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I met this girl a long time ago, but she's always lived in a different city. I've always thought she was super cute though. Never got to know her very well but always wanted to.

Then she moved to my city just this year, and started attending my University. I figured this was my chance to get to know her. I ran into one day, and said we should have lunch sometime. I give her my number, but she never really follows through, so I just figure she wasn't interested.

Then, Out of the blue, She texts me yesterday (3 months later). "Do you skate?" So I said "Somewhat lol, What's up?" She says, "I want to go skating lol". It is still too early in the year for skating but the conversation continues through the rest of the day. At one point she hinted she would be down for a sushi eating contest (don't ask). I suggested we go to a sushi place after exams. she says "maybe lol" , then I texted I was going to bed and call it a night.

Soo I don't really know what to make of all this. I haven't seen her in 3 months and yet all of a sudden I get these texts as though she's interested out of the blue,, and they weren't super suggestive or anything but they did suggest doing something together.

Should I stay silent and wait for her to text me again? Should I text her? Honestly I barely know her, the only reason I care so much is cause like I said, she's super cute, so if she's interested I don't want to F*** it up.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2012
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You're thinking that she is just barely interested in you, and that if you don't make the absolute perfect move at the absolute perfect time, she'll instantly shut you out of her life for good. I know, because I used to think that way.

The immediate solution to this is to call her and ask her on a date and then accept the outcome, which will be 50/50 that you get the date or she flakes out. There is no perfect move at the absolute perfect time, so don't bother looking for it.

The long-term solution is to read the articles here, which all talk about working on your own insecurities and personal life. 90% of successful dating is being proud and comfortable with who you are. But that takes awhile, so don't worry about that just now. Make the call.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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What Flounder said. I don't recommend asking her out via text either, nor do I recommend being vague about when a date will take place. That whole "sushi after exams" suggestion wasn't definite enough. Be a man! Call her up, say "hey, so I was thinking of doing ____ on (day and time), and was hoping you'd care to join me." Boom, done - she'll either say "sure" or "(insert excuse which basically means no)." Either way, you'll know, and you'll save yourself weeks of time figuring out her interest.


New Member
Dec 6, 2012
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Wow. This is some solid advice. Thanks guys! I'll call her up closer to when exams are done.

And thanks Flounder for the long term advice. This is definitely something I need to work on.