Im a freshman in college locally, one of the girls i'm talking to is of the new generation, shes probably my top plate, shes about to turn 17, she goes to the same HS is graduated from last year. Things are getting serious between us now, and she is obviously used to texting guys 24/7 she is dating, she has had several LTR's and is a loyal girl and everything, but she just texts alllll the time. From reading so much on this site about not texting it reallly irks me to text her all the tme, but she allllllllways initiates so I dont know how AFC I look, if any. I'm a good texter, no AFC stuff, so theres nothing to worry about there. Are all of you guys just older than me and deal with more mature women? it seems like girls these days just text allllll the time. what should I do? Obviously she normally does this in relationships so maybe im just being stupid.