Text Flirting 101-samples (cut n paste)
IM's are for computers and are free, Text Messages are for mobile devices and charge a fee. Think of the initial text as an opener or subject line, grab their attention and build attraction thru cute/fun banter. Text flirting is very similar to Instant messaging but the big difference is it's mobile so people may be multi-tasking (driving, walking, at a party, etc). Unlike IM's where people are sitting on their computer, bored stiff, TMs are more casual, obviously depending on the time of day. IM's allow U to see when they are online or when they logged in, history of past chats. That feature is not currently on cell phones or is difficult to extract.
Love it or ignore it TM are an acceptable way to communicate. In an early post I wrote about all the downsides of text addiction, so lets flip the script and talk about what makes a good text successful.
WHY USE A TEXT-it can save you money by cutting down your talk time (providing u don't go beyond your text plan limits)
Instead of having a phone call you opt to text.
REDUCES CALL SCREENING-ya a lot of people don't answer their calls but they all read their text messages. So if U think they are screening their calls, simple send a text PRIOR TO calling. "HEY PICK UP ITS ME"
BUILD RESPONSE POTENTIAL-instead of answering right away, allow a few minutes to pass, this builds anticipation on their end. *why is he taking so long to answer me? It's the not knowing that magnifies the anticipation.
TEXT FLIRT-texting a friend be nice, texting a potential lover be a little naughty.
HER-hey wanna go to the mall with me
FRIEND-ya sure what time
HER-wanna go to the mall with me
YOU-hmmm what’s in it for me sister (time lag of 2-5 minutes) send
HER-the pleasure of being with me
YOU- (longer time lag 3-7 minutes go by)
YOU-WELL ok just as long as you don't try to make out with me n stuff
TEXT LIGHTYLY-don’t text the maximum characters, people like reading 1-2 sentences absolutely tops. If you text more than that at a time or text beyond 15 minutes........end texting and SMOOTHLY transition into a phone call to further enhance the seduction and to make it less virtual and more reality.
YOU-hey are u able to talk, my fingers/thumbs/I'm driving/hands are busy/wanna hear that voice, etc
YOU-wondering if we can you know take this up a notch and talk.
HER-ok sure
TEXT TEASERS-send short TMs to keep you in their TO DO list, as a reminder that you are still around.
THE FUTURE-ya in the near future text bots will be able to communicate with you almost exactly like a human, yet another reason why to get 'em on the phone.
HAVE A PLAN-well two plans actually, if u are texting a lot........get unlimited, and your second plan is a plan of action........use texting to get to the next level and maintain relations.
INCORPORATE-assign them a nic name and use it in your texting.
EXAMPLES; HEY Brainiac U there.......pick up, Are U not answering your call 2 day miss model wannabe.
TEASER REPLIES-be sure to incorporate ****y answers to her questions/statements.
EXAMPLES: Ya everyone keeps telling me that, YOU WISH, I can always use one more, I don't THINK u could handle a guy like me, glad U noticed, Ya I agree I am funny, YOU'RE JUST NOW NOTICING THIS NOW, ETC
YOU-I was just thinking about you
HER-ya right
YOU-no seriously I saw this cute puppy in the mall
YOU-ya it was whining and getting all excited the closer I got
You- I was just thinking of you
HER-ya right
YOU-no seriously I was throwing out the garbage
HER-nice, gee thanks
YOU-I was not finished, I actually was at the mall and was hungry, thought of you........cause I left my wallet at home, can U lend me a few
HER-lol maybe, but U gotta pay me back though
YOU-oh I ain’t giving you sex just cause U bought me a burger sister, sheesh chics these days, thinking I am that easy, throw in a shake and maybe U might get to hold my hand.
* REMEMBER TEXT FOR A PURPOSE-not just cause your bored. Initial new people you are most likely going to be texting a lot, so tease, flirt, be playful. RELATIONSHIP-text to be keep up her interest levels, booty calls, dates. The TMs can be slightly less banterish than the initial first contact but don't deviate too much. Opt to call rather than to text, get her hooked with talking to you rather than relying on strictly texting.
YOU-are we getting a divorcee
YOU-wait a few moments build that response potential/anticipation
YOU-WELL lets do something cool.....like umm a happy hour
HER-not sure........yet
YOU-(SWITCH OVER TO A CALL). Get her hooked on your voice.
IM's are for computers and are free, Text Messages are for mobile devices and charge a fee. Think of the initial text as an opener or subject line, grab their attention and build attraction thru cute/fun banter. Text flirting is very similar to Instant messaging but the big difference is it's mobile so people may be multi-tasking (driving, walking, at a party, etc). Unlike IM's where people are sitting on their computer, bored stiff, TMs are more casual, obviously depending on the time of day. IM's allow U to see when they are online or when they logged in, history of past chats. That feature is not currently on cell phones or is difficult to extract.
Love it or ignore it TM are an acceptable way to communicate. In an early post I wrote about all the downsides of text addiction, so lets flip the script and talk about what makes a good text successful.
WHY USE A TEXT-it can save you money by cutting down your talk time (providing u don't go beyond your text plan limits)
Instead of having a phone call you opt to text.
REDUCES CALL SCREENING-ya a lot of people don't answer their calls but they all read their text messages. So if U think they are screening their calls, simple send a text PRIOR TO calling. "HEY PICK UP ITS ME"
BUILD RESPONSE POTENTIAL-instead of answering right away, allow a few minutes to pass, this builds anticipation on their end. *why is he taking so long to answer me? It's the not knowing that magnifies the anticipation.
TEXT FLIRT-texting a friend be nice, texting a potential lover be a little naughty.
HER-hey wanna go to the mall with me
FRIEND-ya sure what time
HER-wanna go to the mall with me
YOU-hmmm what’s in it for me sister (time lag of 2-5 minutes) send
HER-the pleasure of being with me
YOU- (longer time lag 3-7 minutes go by)
YOU-WELL ok just as long as you don't try to make out with me n stuff
TEXT LIGHTYLY-don’t text the maximum characters, people like reading 1-2 sentences absolutely tops. If you text more than that at a time or text beyond 15 minutes........end texting and SMOOTHLY transition into a phone call to further enhance the seduction and to make it less virtual and more reality.
YOU-hey are u able to talk, my fingers/thumbs/I'm driving/hands are busy/wanna hear that voice, etc
YOU-wondering if we can you know take this up a notch and talk.
HER-ok sure
TEXT TEASERS-send short TMs to keep you in their TO DO list, as a reminder that you are still around.
THE FUTURE-ya in the near future text bots will be able to communicate with you almost exactly like a human, yet another reason why to get 'em on the phone.
HAVE A PLAN-well two plans actually, if u are texting a lot........get unlimited, and your second plan is a plan of action........use texting to get to the next level and maintain relations.
INCORPORATE-assign them a nic name and use it in your texting.
EXAMPLES; HEY Brainiac U there.......pick up, Are U not answering your call 2 day miss model wannabe.
TEASER REPLIES-be sure to incorporate ****y answers to her questions/statements.
EXAMPLES: Ya everyone keeps telling me that, YOU WISH, I can always use one more, I don't THINK u could handle a guy like me, glad U noticed, Ya I agree I am funny, YOU'RE JUST NOW NOTICING THIS NOW, ETC
YOU-I was just thinking about you
HER-ya right
YOU-no seriously I saw this cute puppy in the mall
YOU-ya it was whining and getting all excited the closer I got
You- I was just thinking of you
HER-ya right
YOU-no seriously I was throwing out the garbage
HER-nice, gee thanks
YOU-I was not finished, I actually was at the mall and was hungry, thought of you........cause I left my wallet at home, can U lend me a few
HER-lol maybe, but U gotta pay me back though
YOU-oh I ain’t giving you sex just cause U bought me a burger sister, sheesh chics these days, thinking I am that easy, throw in a shake and maybe U might get to hold my hand.
* REMEMBER TEXT FOR A PURPOSE-not just cause your bored. Initial new people you are most likely going to be texting a lot, so tease, flirt, be playful. RELATIONSHIP-text to be keep up her interest levels, booty calls, dates. The TMs can be slightly less banterish than the initial first contact but don't deviate too much. Opt to call rather than to text, get her hooked with talking to you rather than relying on strictly texting.
YOU-are we getting a divorcee
YOU-wait a few moments build that response potential/anticipation
YOU-WELL lets do something cool.....like umm a happy hour
HER-not sure........yet
YOU-(SWITCH OVER TO A CALL). Get her hooked on your voice.
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