Thank you everyone for the input. Much appreciated. So since then, inks have escalated a bit, little banter back and forth, including this pearl:
Me (after she said she couldn't make it somewhere) - hey don't be pouty, you had your chance.
Her- (after a couple minutes) what are you doing tonight? Oh you're busy? Because I would have loved to have sex with you. You had your chance, don't be pouty.
It isn't much, but the fact that she mentions sex and us tells me we're going in the right direction. Now here's where things get tricky and I need your advice fellas:
In the end we agree to text one another last night after our previous engagements to meet up. She texts me at 1030 and I missed it. "how's it going?!" or something to the effect. I reply 40 minutes later: "not bad. How was the bday? Are you done" followed by "want to join?" (having wine with common friends". No reply.
We had talked about doing lunch today. Not a peep. Our exchanges have been over text or ghat. She's not connected, but an email from a friend about an upcoming trip suggest she and him have discussed something today. So, **** test of some sort?
Let me add that yesterday I have her the old "we should just move to the beach, I'll take tourists on boat rides and you can run the cafe" or some **** like that and she was all over it. She also commented how she likes to watch planes take off from he office next to he airport, and it hasn't gotten old. When I said that the fact that she hasn't gotten over that speaks well of her, she reacted with a "what the hell? Is that because you were worried I'm going to get tired of you quickly?" and I quickly replied "Nope. It's because you're still like a kid."
All in all I feel I'm in a good spot, which is why I'm thrown off by her silence.
So, sorry about the rant. I'm thinking I just need to back off, let her contact me and when she does just play it like oh hey! Didn't contact you for lunch because I was in a meeting. Thoughts?