Text Message To Girl you've pulled on a night out


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Situation: you've been out clubbing, pulled a nice looking girl, wasn't gonna be more than a snog but you got her number, and are gonna text her in a couple of days.
What sort of thing do you say?
Cos i'm interested to hear other people's ideas, its happened with me many times including tonight, i've always gone with the 'hey how you doing?, met you the other night, what you up to?' kind of text, but i'm interested to hear other people's ideas, would like something that really grab's the girl's attention, gets her interested etc.
Before anyone says, i do prefer calling to texting, but not with a girl you've just pulled on a night out after a few drinks.
Let the ideas flow.................


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
"Hey, we just met the other night, don't you think it's a little early in the relationship for phone sex?"



Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I would call them first before I sent a text. I love talking because you can get more done in real time then you can trying to type stuff in your sidekick. I've only texted a few girls as first contact and 2 of 3 sent a text telling me to call them.

But this thread has sparked a new tactic that I might employ in a club soon.

After having a girl type her number in my phone in a nice noisy club where we can barely talk. I'll wave to her and walk away and moments later text a short message like "nice meeting you" or "Good times, call you later"
hmmm could come off lookin like a rock star OR a serious dork. Either way I'm gonna give it a try. I'll definately post my results.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
DO NOT text

Still texting, eh, GGFB?

I still think texting makes the wrong impression, unless there's a good reason for it, such as you knowing she's going to be in a loud club environment and unable to hear you if you call.

Anything that comes off as weak -- be it texting instead of calling, blocking caller ID, repeatedly calling without leaving a message if she doesn't answer, etc. -- repels women, and shuts down their lust circuitry. It's better to be "in your face," in fact, and that's a good part of the appeal of "bad boys": they grab what they want without hesitation or apology.

OK ... what to say.

When you call her, just say something to the effect of "Hey, (her name), it's GGFB, what's up." If you get her talking, then listen and run with it. People love to talk about themselves. Then after a little bit of convo, tell her about something you want to do, and invite her to join you.

That's about it. Better to invite her to join in than to "ask her out," per se. It's a subtly conveys that you want her company, but don't need it, and subcounsciously increases your perceived value, while also conveying limited availability. Supply and demand...


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
yo, im new to these forums. iv been reading them for over a year now, but i feel now is the time for me to make my first post.

iv been in this situation a few times mate, what bonhomme says here is spot on:

"Better to invite her to join in than to "ask her out," per se. It's a subtly conveys that you want her company, but don't need it, and subcounsciously increases your perceived value, while also conveying limited availability. Supply and demand..."



Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Re: DO NOT text

Originally posted by Bonhomme
Still texting, eh, GGFB?

I still think texting makes the wrong impression, unless there's a good reason for it, such as you knowing she's going to be in a loud club environment and unable to hear you if you call.
So this is where you're getting the whole thing wrong. A real man doesn't question what he's doing. Whether he text messages a girl or calls her or throws stones at her window, he doesn't question it. It's the vibe a girl gets from the guy that makes her decision when she makes that second contact.

I text message girls for the first time all the time, and I have success at it. But I NEVER say, "Met you last night, how are ya?" Cause that's lame. You're making a first impression with that text message, so make her laugh. You thought I was joking in my post above but I wasn't. I have actually used that and it's worked. Actually she replied with "Huh?" and I replied back with "Call me NOW, XXX-XXXX"

Stop questioning what you're doing and just do what you do because that's who you are and that's what you do.

And always remember this, what one woman finds stupid, another will find adorable. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.



Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Re: Re: DO NOT text

Originally posted by Albion4
So this is where you're getting the whole thing wrong. A real man doesn't question what he's doing. Whether he text messages a girl or calls her or throws stones at her window, he doesn't question it. It's the vibe a girl gets from the guy that makes her decision when she makes that second contact.

I text message girls for the first time all the time, and I have success at it. But I NEVER say, "Met you last night, how are ya?" Cause that's lame. You're making a first impression with that text message, so make her laugh. You thought I was joking in my post above but I wasn't. I have actually used that and it's worked. Actually she replied with "Huh?" and I replied back with "Call me NOW, XXX-XXXX"

Stop questioning what you're doing and just do what you do because that's who you are and that's what you do.

And always remember this, what one woman finds stupid, another will find adorable. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

The point in calling and not txt messaging, emailing, or chatting on IM is to guage interest level. It is easier to guage interest level when you're on the phone having a conversation, listening to the tone of their voice. Phone calls also allow the woman to guage your confidence and C/F....Txt msgs, emails, and IMs lose this effect. So I agree with Bonhomme on that point.

But, I agree that regardless of what you do, if her IL is high, you can txt her, email her, morse code, smoke signals, sign language...it doesn't matter...it will work if you come off confident and C/F.

We also need to look at how people communicate nowdays. EVERYBODY txts...so it can be standard procedure for a woman to get a txt msg and still be genuinely interested.

Think about the evolution of communication. The DJB says always get the HOME number. But nowdays, that a pretty rediculous rule. Everyone has cell phones. Now everyone txt msgs. Its just communication.

Whatever medium you chose..be confident and C/F.

My choice is to call.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Albion4 - good job, finally a guy that gets it.

man i hear a lot of PARANOIA here........WEAKNESS from text message i have one insecure AFC friend who told me the same, tells me a bit about you. i usually text first b/c it saves money and it does gauge interest level BETTER. she can easily not reply, but if she does then chances are high she is interested. strange when texting is so bad then why had i girls highly excited when i finally texted them. but of course you should call to set a "date" - but no need in being paranoid about weakness - CHILL A BIT!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
But I NEVER say, "Met you last night, how are ya?" Cause that's lame.
Yeh well thats pretty much what i was saying and why i was asking if anyone had some better ideas. I like the style of the one Albion suggested (ie a bit c+f, the kind of thing that would make her think 'WTF!' and spark her curiosity about you), has anyone got any more of this type of thing?
Not quite sure i'd describe it as paranoia to ask what people thought, simply wanted to get everyone thinking and generate a few interesting ideas.
On the calling v texting debate, i agree 100% that calling's better if you've met someone in everyday life (ie not at 20 minutes to closing time when you were both pissed up in a club), i think in the situation i've just described (which is the one i was in last night) it is a little bit different.
But what the hell, i shouldn't knock it till i've tried it so, partly as a bit of an experiment, i'm going to give the girl a call tomorrow night. I'm not that bothered if i fvck up cos she wasn't like really stunning, you know, nice looking, decent tits, but no more than an 8.
Will post up how the phone convo goes, keep the text suggestions rolling in anyway in the meantime!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Albion,

just our of curiousity I was wondering if you play poker on jetset because i see someone there w/ your name


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Interesting responses.

It's true that one person's gold is another's guano. I tend to feel a weird vibe if I text; better if I call. But it's really about the vibe that was there when we met.

I do keep forgetting that a lot of you don't have land lines, and therefore calling can be quite expensive. I prefer calling. Especially since I really suck at typing, and my phone is very difficult to text from.

Obviously what will work for you depends upon your strengths. I call and draw out coversation because I'm not a consistent ace at chatting up a gal. Sometimes on, sometimes off. If one is not "on," it's best to keep the phone chat to a minimum.