I am a college student and texted a girl I don't know super well if she wanted to get dinner in about an hour (a bit late minute on my part, but that's when the idea hit).
She replied six hours later with "Hi [my name] I am so sorry for the late reply I just got this notification I am totally down for dinner some other time tho!". I'm feeling a bit of bs here but am not sure. Is she actually interested or just being polite? And do I reply to this? (I do see her in class 4 times a week for reference).
She replied six hours later with "Hi [my name] I am so sorry for the late reply I just got this notification I am totally down for dinner some other time tho!". I'm feeling a bit of bs here but am not sure. Is she actually interested or just being polite? And do I reply to this? (I do see her in class 4 times a week for reference).