Text Game CAN be a tool(Mostly Online)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
I've noticed in a lot of threads where text game is brought up, the majority of people here express the opinion that its useless, if not dangerous to use for a prolonged amount of time when gaming a girl.

This is something I disagree with completely. Text game is a tool I personally use to build moderate to large amounts of comforts mainly in my ONLINE game. Meeting a girl in REAL LIFE however, the guys might be right. Every time I've seen someone that met a girl face to face and then got her number and text dumped her, it didn't end well.

Why? I have some theories that I've developed through personal experience and observing. It seems like when you meet a girl in person and get her number, your already creating enough comfort and rapport for the girl to go on a date with you, by showing her your not a creepy ****, and you have some interests. Therefore, text bombing her afterwards would generate an overly-interested impression and she'd think your clingy and get creeped out.

On the other hand, if you meet her online talk to her and get her number, which if you do it any way like I do, is usually within 5 messages. Now you start texting her, and do it the Don Juan style. Short ****y intro, maybe a neg or whatever your style is. Then you schedule her a activity and time, and tell her you'll be going out.

This is a scenario which in my experience, led to a high amount of flakes or really awkward meet ups or even, honestly, some bad experiences with fat chicks. Ugh. Also, flat out rejection happens a lot more.

However, if you were to in that same scenario, implement a LITTLE bit of text game to the mix to create INTEREST, COMFORT and KNOWLEDGE then
not only will she be more comfortable and open when she meets you, but if you are a skilled conversationalist you now have a endless supply of topics to stop **** from getting weird when your meeting up for the first time.
Also, getting to know them a bit, what they like to do, listen to, what kind of personality they have (naughty or nice?) and other such topics will make her feel more comfortable with you. However it's important to do it in a certain way where things don't get boring. For example, if I'm trying to seduce her for probably a ONS I will try and make as much stuff sexual and innuendo-us as possible without being a pervert, lol.

Anyways, long story short, I have personally used text game to secure a meetup with a few chicks who were 'unsure' and probably would have flaked or flat out didnt seem interested to meet up before I talked to them. All of these meet ups resulting in lays (20+) and all of them were excited by the time we met up


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I noticed this too. The flakes I had were the ones I didn't build enough rapport with over text. The non flakes were the ones I did build some rapport with. Just avoid entering the texting buddies zone.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I agree 100%.

I do what many would consider long term texting (2-3 days of texting before we meet). I originally did it purely as a screening process because I was living with family and had to rent hotels to bang random smuts. I screened based on sexual compatibility and sense of humor (i want to have fun with them before we bang). I have my own place, etc. now, but I still use it.

Two Pros:
- Over the years, I've learned that long term texting drastically lowers flaking %. In the last year, out of the 30 or so first dates I've set up - only 2 have been flat out flakes. And one of those - I'm pretty sure I was being catfished.
- It also seems to bypass ONS remorse. Meaning, she'll stick around for more even if we just meet up and have sex.

The biggest con:
- It's a bad frame to start off an actual relationship with. Long Term texting in an actual relationship can hurt it bad. So, if you ended up really liking one of these girls - the way you started off can be a problem.

But since I deal mostly in sexual relationships - I don't mind a woman texting me all day about how wet she is for me.

A lot of these alpha obsessed guys believe hard in the theory of being unavailable to a woman; and they need to believe things like "if a guy is constantly texting a girl; she'll think he's beta because an alpha man wouldn't have time to text her for anything more than to set up a meet." It's uncomfortable for some of them to believe this works.


kraytkiller said:
Anyways, long story short, I have personally used text game to secure a meetup with a few chicks who were 'unsure' and probably would have flaked or flat out didnt seem interested to meet up before I talked to them. All of these meet ups resulting in lays (20+) and all of them were excited by the time we met up
Be ready for a line of "alpha" DRONES who will say that she was already interested because, "there's nooooo wayyyy you can build interest with just words brah."

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
There is an inherent difficulty built into texting that makes it dangerous... It is very prone to interpretation. The boards are full of guys who started off well, but then flubbed the entire thing with one simple comment via texting. In fact, there's a new thread covering this right now.

If you're a master, you can use texting to your advantage. The challenge here is that most guys are not masters. They start off with a bit of teasing and bravado but end up shooting themselves in the foot. You really need to understand the art of influence to pull off text game. Bukowski, you probably have that understanding which is why you do it successfully.

Once a man makes a stupid comment, or one that she misinterprets, it's game over because she has the fact that you're a douche in writing. I'm saying that humorously, but there is some truth to it. One comment will "prove" to her that you're not "worthy" in her little mind.

A bad comment is reversible in RL. You can always gauge her reaction and issue immediate damage control by getting her attention elsewhere. In texting, that's not possible and she will savor your dumb comment and spit it (and you) out.

Texting is an extremely dangerous game. It has great potential firepower, but in unskilled hands it is likely to backfire. A man must understand influence and nuance to leverage it to his advantage consistently.

Excessive texting also flies in the face of scarcity, an important value-building concept. Texting tends to make you common, just like one of her common girlfriends who frequent her text superhighway.

The bottom line is that most guys tend to over-do just about everything when it comes to women. Too much CF. Too much negging. Too much gift-giving. Too much time spent with a woman. Dates running too long until SHE ends it. Too much texting can fall into this category (again, unless a master is at the keyboard).

Like any effective tool in the hands of a craftsman texting should be used sparingly and with intent. A woodcarver knows that just one cut too many will ruin his piece. All of our tools can be very effective when used with reserve, but can bite us in the ass when used carelessly.

Still, that is the essence of learning. You've got to get out there and implement the tools in order to find the sweet spot, which will vary from man to man. I just recommend caution, and I recommend finding the particular tools that one has a knack for and developing them to devastating effect.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with all of that except the scarcity part Atom (because it's never been a reality to me; being available has been very effective for me). And I'm one of the first to tell a guy who's only fluff texting that that's going to ruin his chance; especially if they don't have much experience.

And there's certainly less room for error in text than there is in real life. Which is why if there seems to be some kind of tension (the bad) kind over something in text, I always push to see the woman right away.... It's very hard to fix things in text. She can think too much then....

I also know that it takes a lot of work to get good at texting. I might be one of the few people in the world who reads copywriting books soley to look for nuggets I can use online or through text. I also read poetry books by the bundle.

And speaking of those things... They completely destroy the notion that the written word is not an effective form of communication.

If the written word could not change people - this board would not exist.

If the written word could not pursuade - copywriting would not be a billion dollar industry. David Ogilvy probably would have never been.

If the written word could not move the soul - poetry couldn't lead people to tears or stop that man with a gun to his head from pulling the trigger. Charles Bukowski would have just been a bum his whole life.


Rare I get to mention my two heroes in the same post.

I recommend finding the particular tools that one has a knack for and developing them to devastating effect.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
The biggest con:
- It's a bad frame to start off an actual relationship with. Long Term texting in an actual relationship can hurt it bad. So, if you ended up really liking one of these girls - the way you started off can be a problem.
I agree with all of that except the scarcity part Atom (because it's never been a reality to me; being available has been very effective for me). And I'm one of the first to tell a guy who's only fluff texting that that's going to ruin his chance; especially if they don't have much experience.
Could you elaborate on this? It seems like long term texting in a relationship being a bad thing contradicts you saying that being available is very effective for you.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
JoeMarron said:
Could you elaborate on this? It seems like long term texting in a relationship being a bad thing contradicts you saying that being available is very effective for you.
Having sexual relationships is different from actual relationship. Being available sexually, is different from being available for anything. You can't keep the conversation interesting forever...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
This is exactly what I was talking about - for online game. I wouldn't do it with a chick I new in real life. A lot of online chicks are hesitant to meet up but if you show her you are a boss with lots of options she will end up at your apartment.