I personally have no pure interest in training for aesthetics. I mean I like looking good and have to look good when I dance, but my core goals are to improve strength and conditioning. Looking okay is a by product of training for strength while trying to maintain reasonable bodyfat levels. I have a lot of respect for guys who are fitness models, bodybuilders, as you need an inordinate amount of discipline to be that committed to your diet.
Personally, my next set of long term goals are to get to 1200 lbs on the big 3 (yes I know this is modest), 3 plate weighted pull up for reps, and 4 plate weighted dip for reps, 315 front squat, and 275 powerclean.
Blink regarding your comment on the doses, I've talked about gear dosing to a couple of MDs. By the way your average family med. doc knows next to nothing about these drugs and won't know about the differential levels of oxidative stress imposed on hepatocytes associated w/ PO intake of 17-AA orally active drugs vs. injectibles. He/She will just tell you you'll die from AAS use, blah blah blah....
I've had a friend of mine, who's an internal med doctor ask me about dosing. I suggested ~500 mg as a guideline, and he thought that was too high. He ended up using 1 amp (250 mg/wk) and didn't get the best results. I don't know what his diet, training and call schedule were like. Another MD, an ICU doc/anesthesiologist, who's also a big time user and powerlifter uses ~1 g/wk or more sometimes. He's a pretty big guy (220-240 lbs) and older so knows what doses give him what results. My point is very few MDs have a good working knowledge base on AAS, and that dose selection is a fairly individual thing.
Before I give my cycle history... I know I don't need AAS to make gains. The problem w/ these substances once you've used them is that they are quite addictive. I love how I feel on them, and being the lazy bastard that I am I enjoy being able to look a certain way on them, despite crappy diet. I'm a pretty busy guy in the summers w/ 12 hour shifts as well as a few stagettes a week, so I frequently miss meals, will go NPO 3-4 hours before shows to look lean, etc. AAS helps me to look ok despite my inadequate diet. I also love the strength gains, and how fast I can recover.
As far as my cycle history:
500 mg test enanth w/ 400 mg deca/wk and 30 mg dbol PO daily x 2 wks... this was WAAAAY too much gear. I gained 17 lbs in 8 weeks. People would make comments like "you get bigger everytime I see you". I peaked at 192 lbs at 5'8". I had weird heart palpitations from the dbol, so I stopped taking it. I got sick coming off cycle and ended up losing a significant portion of my gains.
I didn't know what I was doing and used way too much gear for this cycle. Nevertheless, gains were great, yet unsustainable afterwards.
2nd Cycle:
Test Cyp. at 500 mg/wk x 12 wks. Got good strength gains and maintained a body weight of around 180 while maintain ok speed. I was bobsled/track athlete at the time. No real sides except for higher sex drive.
Test enanthate 400 mg/wk and tren. enanthate 200 mg/wk x 12 wks. This was a good cycle. I had just moved to a new city for school, and this cycle helped me to get back into training hard. This was my first time using tren enanthate, and I definitely noticed increased irritability and aggression.
Test cyp and tren enanthate @ 400 mg/wk & 200 mg/wk x 14 wks. Again got decent results. Was able to maintain around 180 but leaner. Side effects: nothing significant.
Test cyp and tren enanthate @ 250/200 mg/wk, and later 300-400 mg/wk of total gear intake. I was on this regimen for > 6 months. This was a weird time in my life as I had just started dancing, and my lifestyle sucked. I'd always be high, party lots, school fulltime, had a crappy diet, but trained hard. Aesthetically, I was probably in the best shape of my life w/ this cycle. BW was around 165. I used the gear to maintain my build despite my crappy lifestyle. Sides: I was very confident, I started dating my gf towards the end of this cycle, and she said I was an a-hole to her. In addition the post cycle recovery from staying on for so long was very tough.
Sustanon mix at 600 mg/wk x 8 wks w/ 2 x 2 wks of M1-Ts to kick things off. Test only cycle. I ate a lot didn't do any cardio, didn't dance a lot, and just started working. Was doing lots of overtime so my diet wasn't great, but still trained a fair bit. Peak weight was low 180s. Looked soft as test only makes me retain water more than I like. Strength was great.
Sides: very high sex drive. The M1-Ts made me feel off after a while...
My last cycle was great: test/tren @ 250/200 x 12 wks w/ 2 wks of 50 mg PO daily winstrol at the start. This cycle was done over this last summer when I have lots of stagettes, and was designed to help me stay lean and hard while still get bigger. Weight peaked at 180. Strength was at an all time best w/ PBs in deads, incline dumbell press, weighted dips/chins, bent over one arm rows, and full squat. I felt great on this cycle, and had a lot of confidence at shows and women responded accordingly.
Sides: Had issues w/ my pectoral tendons from lifting too heavy. I've heard winstrol is notorious for negatively affecting connective tissue, so I'm not sure what happened. The PCT for this cycle for whatever reason wasn't the greatest either...but I'm back to normal now. Have been able to maintain strength for the most part while body weight has shifted back to 170.
I've also experimented w/ clen here and there, but the stuff I have right now isn't anything special.