Interesting thread...
Blink, you've obviously done your research and know more than the average needle pushing meathead. I agree w/ many of your points. However, I disagree w/ your take on trenbolone. Yes, you are correct it is a "cow steroid". However, MDs don't design these drugs. AAS and related compounds are found in nature, and were isolated from natural sources by biochemists. Synthetic chemists and pharmacologists then learned to artificially synthesize these compounds in the lab and associated in vivo activity. Pharmacologists and MDs then figure out potential therapeutic uses.
Trenbolone is used in cows, however in your assertion you failed to comment on potential phylogenetic similarities between human and bovine androgen receptor (AR). AAS-AR binding is thought to be a primary means by which AAS elicit their effect. I've been up for 24 hours, so I'll only dig up one study for you:
Volume 399, Issue 2, 15 September 2007, Pages 105-111
Phylogenetic conservation of the androgen receptor AR45 variant form in placental mammals
cDNA similarities in the study suggest structural/functional similarities among AR between different mammals. From my reading it is thought that trenbolone binds 2-3x better to the AR than testosterone.
It is foolish to assume that AAS elicit their effects simply by action on the AR. This is especially true for compounds such as d-bol, which are thought to bind quite weakly to the AR.
I have 2 university degrees, am employed as health care professional, have been a high performance athlete, am self-employed in the male entertainment industry for almost 3.5 years, and have been lifting for over 10 years. I'm also fairly experienced AAS user. One thing I've learned is that everyone's metabolism is very unique. You have to empirically find out what combination of doses/drugs/cycle duration optimize gains while minimizing sides and post-cycle recovery time. This is done by trying different drugs and drug combinations and doses.
One universal overlying factor that I've found is that the results:side effect ratio is optimized when low/conservative doses are used. I'll seldom exceed 500 mg/wk of total AAS administration. I get virtually no sides (except for higher sex drive) when I keep my doses < 500 mg/wk. I've attempted "front loading" cycles where I'll take ~ 700-800 mg/wk for 2 weeks at the start of a cycle. I just end up feeling weird... almost feverish for a few days following injection when I do this.
My most successful cycles have been test:tren cycles w/ a total of 400-500 mg/wk. I've used a 2:1 test:tren ratio in the past, but my most recent cycle was a 1:1 ratio w/ a total of 400 mg/wk. I've never been as heavy, strong and lean as I was w/ this past cycle.
I strongly believe a good test ester(s) should be the back bone of any cycle, unless you're an advanced user who is using gear for some specific purpose. I agree w/ your point on people going overboard on test use and ending up gaining lots of "dirty" weight in the process. Test innately has a low toxicity and exogenous testosterone administration can make up for HPTA shutdown associated w/ using stuff like deca, etc.
Trenbolone has many negative effects. I've heard lots of guys complain of weird ass side effects, ei: "tren cough" from it. Furthermore, its quite suppressive to your HPTA, which translates to crappy post cycle recovery. That being said, I've never had any combo of substances that give me the results that the test:tren combo does. With this cycle I have a full 6-pack, and veins in my lower abs w/o doing any cardio (other than sex and shows). My strength is also good (relatively speaking). Trenbolone is a drug that must be treated w/ respect.
I can't explain it but trenbolone really changes your body. Since I started using it I've become more vascular and have a "harder" look when I'm on cycle. Trenbolone enanthate, a strictly underground compound, is great for cutting cycles or in a lean bulk cycle.
With regards to finding quality gear. I'd recommend going w/ pharm. grade stuff if you have a trusted source as many of the vials can be counterfeit. Personally I've always used good quality gear from underground labs. I've had great luck w/ my sources, as I personally know them, and trust the gear they produce. Underground labs profit in the long run when they produce good quality gear that creates loyal customers. They also produce stuff that commercial pharmaceutical labs wouldn't produce (ei: Sustanon "450", or "TNT", which is a combo of test/tren enanthate).
Colossus made some great points about abstaining from AAS until one has established a firm strength/fitness base w/ training and diet. I had naturally gained 50 lbs prior to my first cycle, but I only had 4 or so years under my belt at that time, and didn't know anything about dieting properly. I regret not waiting until I was at least 25.
I firmly believe the key to prudent AAS use is education, maturity and conservatism. It pisses me off when 17-year-olds "wanna get jacked fast" and sauce up w/ a dbol only cycle because they're scared of needles. These are the idiots that end up getting gynocomastia and blaming "evil steroids" for their own stupidity. OTC drugs like acetaminophen (I see many OD cases first hand... its not pretty!) , OTC NSAIDs kill more people than AAS, and I'm not even talking about alcohol and smoking. It troubles me that AAS are so demonized in the layman's eyes...