My good friend (nurse) hooked me up today for free. I let him draw 6 bottles of blood and told him to run everything on me.
Testosterone, SHBG, FAI, Prolactin, Estradiol, Vit D, Clotting, U&E, Liver/Bone profile, Full blood count.
I'm a bit nervous as I've only ever done blood tests for STD/STI's but always wanted my T levels checked since I heard it was a thing. I would guess my T levels are low, I've not taken my health seriously my whole life up until this year (consistent alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse for 15+ years).
I had high blood pressure last December. That's been reduced from a year of cutting smoking, drinking, carbs/sugar and lifting. My blood pressure is 133/73 which I was told is good. Heart rate 85bpm (I want to lower it with more cardio but they said it's not bad).
I took a picture of the screen showing my Blood gas, oximetry, electrolyte and metabolite values, but was told everything looks good. Blood gas values are perfect except my pO2 looks low 2.72 kPa (healthy range is 4.0–5.3 kPa ) (likely due to smoking which I've quit but not sure, I do feel short of oxygen at night). My metabolite values are perfect. Electrolyte values are perfect except low Calcium - Ca2+ @ 1.23 mmol/L (normal range 2.2 - 2.6 mmol/L) - should I worry about that? Oximetry values... I'll decipher later.
I get all my results tomorrow, fingers are crossed for nothing too damaging and hopefully some high T levels (I only really wanted my T levels tested but thought why not get it all done and face any health issues early), I feel the best I've ever felt, personally. Low pO2 and low Calcium is a worry though but nothing I can't fix I'm sure. Now I think about it I completely cut out dairy (except occasional cheese) about 5 years ago and only recently introduced cheese. I probably have low Vit D too.