Testing 1...2...3...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Originally posted by TesuqueRed
jeezus...we make a suggestion and he follows up on it....


We are not used to that type of behavior here.
Hahahaha!!! Well, I do occasionally listen to advice. :D
--They start witholding sex.
Nope. But she was a sex feind, so may not apply...
--They get less affectionate, less kino.
Maybe a little.
--They do fewer favors for you.
Not really. But I rarely asked for any, and she's the generous type.
--Behavior towards you changes (not just one day or during PMS times--over weeks, maybe.)
Yep. Critisizing, nagging & fighting.
--They start flaking.
We were living together. Doesn't apply.
--They pay less attention to you.
A bit.
--You start seeing signs of disrespect (usually you're being AFC and this is a natural response..)
Critisizing my personality, & pointing out my flaws.
--Fights increase. For whatever reason, over weeks and months "you just don't seem to get along". Why? Because this is what they'll say when they've landed the guy they really want (not you) and need to end things with you. This is a monkey-girl thing.
Most definitely. Major fights on a near-daily basis. She's the aggressive type, & has a major temper. Even towards her kids. Though she was sweet with me at the beginning.
All of the above is--too some extent--natural in a LTR. Usually you have a sense of humor about the other person's weaknesses and never lose a core-respect for them. If you get an intuitive sense that the core-respect has eroded, be sure to decide what the best, pro-active future you can think of and then go get it. Usually that means dumping her first.
Yeah, the core-respect was gone. I tried to fix it instead. Though agreeing to the breakup was a semi-good move. Mistake was trying to contact her again afterwards. Thanks. I'll do some more research.