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Test Your Women


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
Tell your women/fiance
You lost all money in stock market
lost your job
loss in business

See if your women is still going to be with you

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, that is kinda silly. That's like a woman tests guy by gaining 75 pounds to see if he sticks around?

You don't really have to "test" a woman. You'll get to see what kind of woman she is if you're observant and not blindsided by your hormones or your ego.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
while slightly misguided, this may be an effective way to get some girl to leave you alone...

that or you could sh*t the bed a couple times...


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
I actually like this. In fact, I am doing this pro-actively. Living a very conservative lifestyle and looking for a decent girl who is cool with that. When I find her (if ever) she gets a very nice reward for being decent.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
fuzzx said:
Talk to my bestfriend... he hasn't got two stick to rub together and his woman treats him like gold.
I've got a friend who lives in BumF**k, New Jersey. He is honestly one of the uglier people I've known. He lost his job a little while, his credit is ruined, and they just foreclosed on his house. He's also one of the most miserable people I've met.

He pulls more tail than half this forum put together. And not just trolls, either...he manages to hook up with some decent-looking women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Oh really?
You guys are furious when we play silly games like this!

"Oh dear! I think I'm pregnant!"
"I have a UTI and we can't have sex for 2 weeks."
"My ex-boyfriend is in town and we've going to have lunch."

After you "do" your little test, what are you going to tell your girl?

"Oh I was just testing you to see if you were cool!"

Do you really think she'll respond with "How did I do?"
She's going to kick your butt to the curb for being a lying manipulator.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I understand your intent.

You don't need to pursue such extremes to qualify women. Look over several of my threads for qualifying techniques that will filter out 90% of unhealthy rapports from the beginning.
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
roja says,

Tell your women/fiance
You lost all money in stock market
lost your job
loss in business

See if your women is still going to be with you

Well, if you FLAUNTED your monetary value in front of her and brought her a million things and got into many stupid asset obligations for her (like a mortgage you couldn't afford or cars you should not have gotten), then ALL OF A SUDDEN you say I'm broke and she's DEPENDING ON YOU, I would be pissed to!

Women can take care of themselves. The moral of all of this should be to STOP trying to use your money to get chicks. 90% of women DO NOT date guys because they have money, they date the guy based on an overall package not how big his investment portfolio is.

I personally don't know ANY GIRLS that date guys like that.

Nice responses, lol you guys better be warned as they will be calling us "manginas" in a minute :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Women can take care of themselves. The moral of all of this should be to STOP trying to use your money to get chicks. 90% of women DO NOT date guys because they have money, they date the guy based on an overall package not how big his investment portfolio is
Well, not ALL of women can take care of themselves. But even if they can't you should let them try anyway.

It's kinda contraditory up here. In one topic about marriage, the topic creator said that one of the recipes to success is not to let the women work. But if the women is not working and you lost your job, your money in the market, how is she going to stay ? Should both starve together ?
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Exactly SXS.

SXS says,

It's kinda contraditory up here. In one topic about marriage, the topic creator said that one of the recipes to success is not to let the women work. But if the women is not working and you lost your job, your money in the market, how is she going to stay ? Should both starve together?
LOL, that's WHAT I was trying to tell those guys. If you approach a girl flaunting how "rich" you are and how you want her to stay in the kitchen while you go out and work, basically the traditional roles guys talk about around here, then if you all of a sudden go broke, OF COURSE she will leave! What else do you expect lol?!

She most likely will leave and TRY to find another guy to provide for her while she plays the traditional stay at home mom role, but then REALITY will hit her that very few guys out here today CAN ACTUALLY provide for her like that (which is very expensive) and realize she's got to get off her ass and get a degree and a career.

Traditional roles WORKED back in the day because it was more of the woman's job to STAY home and just about all of the available jobs in the marketplace was only available to men.

Times have changed to where the marketplace is now 60/40 men and women, and considering inflation, not many families can be supported by one provider anymore.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
The Message Boy said:
Times have changed to where the marketplace is now 60/40 men and women, and considering inflation, not many families can be supported by one provider anymore.
I saw a poll on the news today that said 40% of women now consider themselves the PRIMARY breadwinner in their households. That's in the US, and included single mothers and such I'm sure. But it's still a large number considering what traditional roles used to be.

It makes you wonder what effect all this is going to have on attraction principles. Ever notice the way aliens are portrayed on TV? It looks like they've evolved to the point where there are no longer any sexual differences. Maybe we're headed in that direction.
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
zekko says,

It makes you wonder what effect all this is going to have on attraction principles. Ever notice the way aliens are portrayed on TV? It looks like they've evolved to the point where there are no longer any sexual differences. Maybe we're headed in that direction.
But I don't think so zekko and here's why. On these forums guys link masculinity to being a provider/breadwinner, when quite honestly if you study the ages "masculinity" was more linked to having brute STRENGTH rather than just monetary value. You were MASCULINE when you had bigger muscles and more power than women.

Today, men are still physically stronger than women as a whole.

However, where the difference today between the genders are v.s. in the earlier years, is the breadwinner portion.

In the earlier years, being successful and making money REQUIRED for the most part that you had brute strength and power as all of the technogical and science based advancements we have TODAY they just didn't have back then and most of the money was earned through very hard and intense labor which REQUIRED brute force that only a man could bring for the most part.

What this means is that MOST of what women COULD DO was to find a strong man and support him while he goes out and provides for the family because she didn't have the ability to do so on her own. That's why the roles were like that in our earlier years.

Today, with the advances of technology and other things (most completed by men ironically), MOST jobs can be performed without the requirement of having raw brute force and power. Meaning, women and more younger/less stronger men can perform most of the same jobs that mature/stronger men do, which is why you see an EXPLOSION of women in the workforce and in major positions along with younger men around my age running the entire company in some instances. Only in those positions that still require raw brute force do you see little to NO women involved, for example, football. Even though there could be women v.s. women in football, the general roughness still is hard to sustain for women for a longer duration of time.

But this doesn't stop women from being feminine nor looking feminine. I meet beautiful women ALL THE TIME that run their own businesses and still do the regular woman stuff like baring and raising children and being in a more humble position next to their boyfriends/husbands. I'm dating one right now, she doesn't run her own business but she's almost done with her med degree, working OVERTIME, and pays her own bills while at the same time still knows how to stand next to me and let me lead our relationship.

In my view, the "traditional" definitions of masculine and feminine are changing with the times.

Differences in masculine and feminine today are becoming more simplified, being based just about only on how the different genders look from one another v.s. the roles they play and are expected to play.

> Today women can protect themselves from MOST threats, in the earlier years this was not so.

> Today women can be the CEO of a major company with the vision of the company, not so in our earlier years.

> Today women can be President.

> Today women can be police officers.

> Today women can be pastors and preach.

And on and on.

WHILE STILL doing the "feminine" stuff of baring children, raising children, keeping the house up, and supporting their boyfriends/husbands.

This board is critical towards women because of this, because some on this board feel as though it's a women's JOB to NOT take more active roles as they are.

I call these people bluff, and say they speak more from their own shortcomings as a man then from a woman's THREAT of their economic success by having some sort of preferential treatment over them. Even though women can perform just as better or better than some men in certain positions, women across the board are still paid less for the same amount of labor as men are.

So for some members of this board to be critical of women because times have changed and being feminine is no longer JUST related to baring children and looking cute, shows the obvious insecurity about THEMSELVES that some members of this board share.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Guru, can you summarise / list your qualifying techniques...cheers. One thing that I dont like is when chicks are quick to ask you what you do etc...in my case I work contract a lot of the time away in a professional role with good pay. When I'm just hanging back in town I do a run of the mill job in a store. I find I get completely different reactions depending on which job I tell people I do ! Now I'm having doubts about what I tell people...

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Damn man somebody give Message boy props...My thoughts exactly. We need to stop focusing on what women can and can't do. We need to start focusing on why we are becoming less like strong, surviving men and more like wussified, entitlement men.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
The Message Boy said:
In my view, the "traditional" definitions of masculine and feminine are changing with the times. Differences in masculine and feminine today are becoming more simplified, being based just about only on how the different genders look from one another v.s. the roles they play and are expected to play.
Your view is exactly the same as that of the mainstream media. They believe that masculinity and femininity are culturally defined, thus they can *change* and of course, it is their right and privilege to *define* what masculinity and femininity is.

But alas, nature will always have its way - despite the *arrogance* of society to try and redefine gender roles. Even today, girls still drool over a guy with muscles even though they are no longer in danger of being attacked by a wild boar.

Even a girl with a high paycheck with more than enough $$$ to sustain a high standard of living of LV handbags, will still go goo goo ga ga over an extremely wealthy man.

No matter how much it is drilled into us guys' heads that career women are sexy, or how cougars are the new hot thing, in the end, we all prefer young nubile girls.

Peel away your arrogance, and submit to nature. God created things in a certain way and life becomes so much more enjoyable when you go with the flow instead of arrogantly going against it. You will be humbled in the end.
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Trader says,

Even today, girls still drool over a guy with muscles even though they are no longer in danger of being attacked by a wild boar.
I debate this point. I know alot of guys with muscles that get no girls. I see guys with hardly no visible muscles that do. The missing link between the two guys is more tied to their internal confidence, "swagga," or other related things. If her attraction to a guy was tied SOLELY to muscles, then guys with NO muscles with get nowhere.

Trader says,

Even a girl with a high paycheck with more than enough $$$ to sustain a high standard of living of LV handbags, will still go goo goo ga ga over an extremely wealthy man.
That's called a golddigger. Women like status, yeah, but you can have status without being wealthy. How do you explain high school girls and college girls sleeping with guys that are either poor or saddled with student loan debt driving cars 10 or 15 years old? Frat boys get laid all over the place, they are FAIR from wealthy!

Trader says,

Peel away your arrogance, and submit to nature.

I beg the differ, I say take off the "religion based" sunglasses that are distorting your vision and look around you and see what's happening.

You might not like it, but it's a fact that masculinity and feminity are changing as culture changes.

> It wasn't FEMININE some years ago for a woman to work, however today, it's as FEMININE as ever!

> It wasn't MASCULINE some years ago for a man to even show romantic/emotional based feelings towards women, the men were more straight faced and serious and mean looking, TODAY, it's as masculine as ever.

> It wasn't MASCULINE some years ago for a guy to have both of his ears pierced, lol, today it's as masculine as ever.

I'm only going based on what I SEE, not what I personally WISH to believe (such as what you do when you reference "nature").

You might WISH TO BELIEVE that women are only "supposed" to play a certain role and the same for men, however, when you take off those religion sunglasses and look out into the field, you will see that majority of what your RELIGION teaches you is WRONG and is more based on recruiting you into the Men's Movement against Women to bring back the "old times."

The guys trying to recruit you into the Men's Movement are not trying to "make you a better man," instead they are trying to "keep you from embracing women" by making them out to be evil.

All I'm saying is, don't get svcked into what they preach, go out and experience women for yourself and you will see that MAJORITY of everything they preach is INACCURATE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Trader said:
Even today, girls still drool over a guy with muscles even though they are no longer in danger of being attacked by a wild boar.
The Message Boy said:
I debate this point. I know alot of guys with muscles that get no girls. I see guys with hardly no visible muscles that do. The missing link between the two guys is more tied to their internal confidence, "swagga," or other related things. If her attraction to a guy was tied SOLELY to muscles, then guys with NO muscles with get nowhere.
Why do you reason like a girl? Seriously, talking to you is like talking to a girl - you are using total chick logic.

I didn't say a guy without muscles could not get girls. I never said that a girl will like a guy solely because of his muscles.

All I said was the simple point that girls find muscles to be attractive. If he has no other good qualities, then she will probably pass on him.

Conversely, if a man does not have muscles but has enough other qualities (money, status, decisiveness, humor, etc), then obviously, she might still choose him anyways.

Muscles are attractive, period, end of story.

Trader said:
Even a girl with a high paycheck with more than enough $$$ to sustain a high standard of living of LV handbags, will still go goo goo ga ga over an extremely wealthy man.
The Message Boy said:
That's called a golddigger. Women like status, yeah, but you can have status without being wealthy. How do you explain high school girls and college girls sleeping with guys that are either poor or saddled with student loan debt driving cars 10 or 15 years old? Frat boys get laid all over the place, they are FAIR from wealthy!
Again, you need to work on your logic and reasoning abilities, both are masculine traits.

Did I ever say that a man without money cannot get a girl? No.

Again, all I said was a man with money becomes more attractive to the girl. Does that mean money alone will get you the girl? No I never said that.

Money and the ability to provide is a masculine trait, girls are attracted to that. That's ALL I'm saying.

High school girls and college girls do not place as high of a value on a guys' money for two reasons

1) They are all about having fun, not marriage. Marriage requires money, fun does not

2) Even if a girl at that age places a high value on money, she will look to a guy's potential. If he has no money but has high potential, i.e. a law student, she will give him credit for that.

Messageboy said:
I beg the differ, I say take off the "religion based" sunglasses that are distorting your vision and look around you and see what's happening.

You might not like it, but it's a fact that masculinity and feminity are changing as culture changes.

> It wasn't FEMININE some years ago for a woman to work, however today, it's as FEMININE as ever!

> It wasn't MASCULINE some years ago for a man to even show romantic/emotional based feelings towards women, the men were more straight faced and serious and mean looking, TODAY, it's as masculine as ever.

> It wasn't MASCULINE some years ago for a guy to have both of his ears pierced, lol, today it's as masculine as ever.

I'm only going based on what I SEE, not what I personally WISH to believe (such as what you do when you reference "nature").
Are you a girl? Do you have any sense of logic at all, or are you so emo that you can't even think straight when discussing issues with people?

Masculinity and femininity is about the INNER NATURE of men and women - not what is popular in society.

If you come up and say: 'I have decided to never ask a girl out and I will wait for her to ask me out. This is the new definition of masculinity because every man now waits for the girl to ask him out'

I would laugh in your face, I would say: 'Your inner nature is that of a man, a man who is active and takes what he wants. The fact it is now in-vogue for men to wait for girls to ask them out, does not make passivity a masculine trait.'

Same idea with your example. If every girl in this world works, it does not change her true inner nature (femininity) - it does not make *working* feminine.

Girls believe that if they work and rise up the corporate ladder, it will give them true satisfaction. It does not. I know so many girls who just want to marry and get out of the workforce, if possible. Why? They do not find true fulfillment in working for wages and being the breadwinner, it goes against their true nature (femininity).

If every single girl in this world works it does not mean that it is feminine to work.

Messageboy said:
You might WISH TO BELIEVE that women are only "supposed" to play a certain role and the same for men, however, when you take off those religion sunglasses and look out into the field, you will see that majority of what your RELIGION teaches you is WRONG and is more based on recruiting you into the Men's Movement against Women to bring back the "old times."

The guys trying to recruit you into the Men's Movement are not trying to "make you a better man," instead they are trying to "keep you from embracing women" by making them out to be evil.

All I'm saying is, don't get svcked into what they preach, go out and experience women for yourself and you will see that MAJORITY of everything they preach is INACCURATE.
What are you talking about, the men's movement? Get it OUT of your head that masculinity and femininity can be manipulated by movements, trends, and society. I am embracing NATURE. There are laws in physics, and similarly there are natural laws for what it means to be a man.

This is my last post to you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
> Today women can be the CEO of a major company with the vision of the company, not so in our earlier years.
LOL!!! HA ha ha ha ha ha

Message Boy

That is such BS. less than 15 of all fortune 500 CEO's are women. I can't believe that you actually think that women have "broken the glass ceiling" and now reside as counterparts to powerful males...

Unless, you are gay and believe that women and men are truly equal...

Are you gay?

Seriously. If you are, its cool. Things that you write tend to make it seem that you are either a female or gay.

Heres a tip, females are inferior to men because that is how nature intended it to be. Was there a point in your life where you would get picked on and an girl would step in and fight the guy because you were too feeble? It should come as no surprise that attractive females desire very masculine men because they intimidate other men, not because "chics dig muscles." I get to hook up with girls who have boyfriends because the girl offered herself and the bf didn't/couldn't do anything about it...many times he would actually be in the background watching his chic get taken away by some big mean looking white guy.

How masculine would that make you feel? Is there a Duffdog in your life fvcking your girlfriend right now while you sit behind a computer and proclaim "women are equal to men in every way"? Your perception of life seems to embrace mediocrity and minimize the differences between male and female. That might not be to your advantage.