Okay, so explain the discrepancy between arrests and convictions of black males carrying weed vs. white males carrying weed. Also, explain the discrepancy in sentencing.
The criminal justice system
does appear to punish blacks more harshly than other races. Which is ALL MORE THE REASON to stay your black a.ss from in front of the Judge by:
- Not selling drugs
- Not thugging
- Not robbing
- Not stealing
- Paying child support on time
- Being respectful when a cop pulls you over
- Staying out of trouble in general
But you see all of these things would require some personal fvcking responsibility and you people on the FAR LEFT will not ever promote the concept of personal fvcking responsibility and making good choices to these N-words. You want to keep them thinking they are a victim to some evil white supremacy when the reality is, it's their own personal fvcked up choices that keep landing them in fvcked up situations.
The war on drugs was specifically to target black communities...
- Every black community isn't a HOOD, the only black communities where drugs are a problem like that are in the HOOD.
- If you are saying that the law was made to provide another reason to put N-words behind bars because they know N-words use/sell drugs, then how about you tell N-words to STOP FVCKING using and selling drugs then?? Oh....damn it.....
*slaps forehead*.....telling them that would make them personally accountable for their own choices and we can't do that!
They can create 600 drug laws to supposedly "target" black men, Tenacity's black a.ss won't be hit with any of them because my black a.ss does not USE nor SELL illegal fvcking drugs.
Not only is that bull****, but you have yet to address the actual causes of poverty.
Have you been in the hood? Did you grow up in the hood? I've been there and I have family members living there, I know what I'm talking about from first hand.
The causes of poverty today is mainly someone's own personal choices. You can't help where you grew up and you can't help who your parents were, but if you are 30 and STILL living in the same fvcking hood you grew up in....that's your fault! You have not taken the proper steps to get your black a.ss out of the hood.
Oh....damn it.....
*slaps forehead*.....this also requires personal fvcking responsibility and we can't hold them to that!
Correct. And what happened to all the jobs and unions in those cities when manufacturing was outsourced? What happened to municipal positions (disproporationately held by blacks) when these cities underwent budget cuts? What neighborhoods of Chicago, Detroit, NYC, and Philly were black folks settling in? Hmmm? Why?
Dude, it's due to technology, robotics and globalization taking away jobs. REMEMBER, I was ranting about this very same thing in my Anger thread and as I recall, wasn't it YOU that chimed in talking about how I should stop "whining" about it, suck it up, and keep moving?
I believe your exact words were accept it and adapt.
So you were preaching personal responsibility to ME, but when it comes to Ray Ray and Pookie's thug a.ss, you want to throw out excuse after excuse after excuse?
American education is criminally funded by property taxes. If you grow up in a district with a ****ty tax base (i.e. the "hood"), you get a ****ty education. Period. That's how this country works.
Then my response to that is exactly what you told me....ACCEPT IT AND ADAPT....stop whining about it and do something about it like move to a better area. Isn't that what you told me? Why don't you hold thugs to the same standard?
The hood will never change because black men like you continue to act like you're better than everyone else instead of being educated on the socioeconomic dynamics in this country.
Oh yeah, Tenacity is the reason the HOOD is the way it is, even though Tenacity doesn't fvcking live there. You are doing nothing now but reaching for straws, so far you have blamed:
- Property Taxes
- White Supremacy
- Racism
- War on Drugs
- Privatizing Inner City Schools
- And now...TENACITY
....for why Ray Ray and Pookie's Thug a.ss continues to do dumb a.ss shyt, and make piss poor decisions. When in the FVCK are you going to ever....just EVER.....make Ray Ray and Pookie responsible for their own fvcking choices and lot in life? These are grown a.ss men who aren't doing shyt with their life, and instead of telling them to man the fvck up, you want to sit up here and coddle them like they are fvcking 10 years old, talking about how they are victims.
They aren't fvcking victims....the only victims are the people's lives that Ray Ray and Pookie are destroying!
No one gives a damn about your accomplishments, so stop seeking the approval of others.
Oh, somebody gives a damn about them. Some of those people include the IRS, prospective employers, prospective business partners, creditors, bankers, WOMEN, vendors, suppliers, etc.
You are on a male self-improvement website, telling a male who busted his a.ss off (with some of my journals on this website) that his accomplishments don't matter. You are reaching for straws Mr. FAR LEFT because you have nothing left to use as an excuse for thuggery.
You can't make all D students into A students. If everyone is an A student, no one is an A student.
If you keep the quality of the education the same (not dumb it down), having more A students creates a higher quality human capital pool. Said human capital could be distributed throughout the globe to create new products, new markets, new services, etc.
Add this to the long list of excuses for thugs being thugs. So you have blamed Property Taxes, White Supremacy, Racism, War on Drugs, Privatizing Inner City Schools, TENACITY, and now you are saying that well, "everybody can't be an A student, somebody has to be a D student, so it's okay Mr. Thug if you remain STUPID."