Every self-aware male should either own, to aspire to own, a gun. speaking of which, I will start a gun thread for gun-lovers.
[x] Got em, chicks either dig em or get all riled up about them which I like even better, seems to get their emotional engine running either way. Then take her out shooting, some get off on the macho thing and hangin with the boys.
Hey, how much was that f*cking Rolex?!! I know that watch, it's badass.
[x] Submariner Got it (fake of course). Absolutely love it, works great blue is my favorite dress color, very close match to my eye color. Every woman who notices asks to see it. I tell them immediately its fake, doesn't even register. One girl I'm seeing told all her friends, when I met them at the bar and it was the topic of conversation for quite some time and they all knew it was fake before I even walked in. I walked in wearing an old blue T-shirt and work boots - hillarious! Didn't even cost $100. A great tactic here, be a real certified diver. Almost inevitably (for me) the fake Rolex talk switches to real diving stories and that's way better than any stupid watch when it comes to good discussion and a great hobby/interest to share together. And the more exciting topic (diving) is actually the authentic topic and something I'm interested in too.
One look at your good cookware, and she will know that you don't fvck around. Tools are a man's domain, and cookware are tools that go in your kitchen. It took me many years to realize this. I wouldn't buy a ratchet from Walmart, and I wouldn't buy cookware there either.
[ ] I'm weak here guys but I definitely agree with this one. When I've been to my buddy's place and he whips out the good pans and sh!t the girls do seem to focus their attention. This one is on my list. And why not have something nice since we'll have it forever.
Home Theatre & Great Sofa:
Face it, one of the most surefire ways to get in cozy with the babes starts with "Let's watch a DVD at my place." In their mind (worst case), they're there to just enjoy a movie and that's my treat to her if that's all she's interested in. If things get crazy they can still rationalize that they just went over to watch a movie. No big deal. I'm a projector fan, 8' wide super bright picture for under $2k. Wow's her everytime, tweaks their visual motivation and I don't think the monetary part even registers with them. The best part, when I'm watching by myself or friends or family are over, everyone really has a blast just seeing a movie the way its meant to be.
Same bar story as the Rolex (above), some fancy uptown dude hears all the comotion about the fake watch. He's sippin his Merlot and I'm drinking cheap beer in t-shirt. So I think he was going for a bit of a CB and mentions he just bought a big Plasma screen (55"). They are nice TV's I will give him that. I just casually (and only loud enough for him to hear) mention my screen is currently 8' and will push 10' when I finish the theatre room myself. No more TV talk that night.
Oh yeah, turn the sofa at that pefect angle where they have a good reason to justify sitting close. And put a nice chair right next to it. At the minimum she'll feel low stress and comfortable in the chair and she's still close enough to build some intimacy (arm rests almost touch). If she's even remotely interested my favorite part is when she gets up on her own and comes over and sits next to me. I love this one and once again the sofa's at the best angle when watching by myself. If it ain't doing something for me first, why did I work my arse off to have it in the first place.