Originally posted by BGMan
Yeah, Doc Love says that "women don't have Interest Level meters on their foreheads" but my old man swears that a girl's pupils are basically just that.
I have this female friend, she's really hot but I found from a third party she has a boyfriend. Anyway, I have always suspected that she has had a thing for me, and recently she invited me over to her apt., -- ostensibly to do homework but we ended up also having dinner and watching a movie -- and her pupils were jammed open against the stops for almost the entire time. Rather freaky. Because of other ways she was acting I figured she was interested. At the very end, I went for a kiss, and she didn't kiss back (I got the corner of her mouth) -- however, she didn't discourage me in any way, and looking back on it, I'm positive it was an ASD. It's possible that I can get somewhere with her, if I'm reading her behavior correctly.
Be careful about the pupil dilation thing though, because as much as I think it's a great gauge, there are environmental factors to be taken into account. There's an old post with some good tips on this, but it was a while ago, so maybe you'll have to dig deep to find it. I believe I started it, and it's titled "eye contact", but not sure if it's in this forum or the discussions forum.
Anyways, if you're in a bright room, her pupils will tend to be smaller, but at the same time, if you make them dilate, it's definitely high percentage since you actually have factors weighing against pupil dilation. If light is not a factor, see if her pupils dilate just as much when she talks to other people. I've seen a girl whose pupils dilate when she talks to other people too, besides myself, and I'm waiting to see if they don't dilate for anyone. Last of all, if the topic of conversation is of particular interest to her, they might be dilated as well.
To me, the only real surefire test is the bright room test. If the lights are pretty bright, and her pupils dilate, you're as good as gold.
Even if they aren't dilated, look to hold eye contact too, since that's almost as good since it says a lot about your confidence.
I tend to find female friends useful mainly because you can practice your flirting, eye contact, etc. with them, and if you can do it without any ulterior motives, then they might even fall for you (which has happened). This is another reason why if you choose female friends, they should be girls that you'd actually consider going out with.
One thing that happened to me recently was that there was this girl who I was friends with who I was practicing all this flirty stuff with (eye contact, C+F, but not even kino!) and she was all over me. Too bad, because I was thinking that if it was a girl I was interested in, it would have been perfect.