Telling her you like her vs saying you have enough friends?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
So, for a lot of us it's pretty common knowledge that you should never tell her you like her directly, or that you're interested in/attracted to her. Instead, you should be showing her through your actions. Okay, fair enough.

But, what about all the guys that say to come up with something witty when they get the LJBF line or she, in some way (for whatever reason), insinuates you two are friends (when you're after something more), like, "I have enough friends", "I don't need any more friends", or even worse, "I can't just be friends with you"?

It seems to me like the same thing, just said in a different way. Both say, "I like you". One just says it directly, while the other says it without actually having to use those words. Why is one better than the other? Sure, you could say you're being mysterious, vague, etc when you don't directly say it, but it could just as easily be argued that it makes you seem butthurt that things didn't turn out the way you wanted. When it becomes necessary to compliment your actions through your words, what do you do? What do you say? Do you prefer to be bold and just say it, or do you dance around the issue?


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Those aren't witty responses to LJBF, and just the standard stuff which probably will never get you very far. The problem with those responses is that you're rewarding her in return for her punishing you with the LJBF BS line, and chasing her with your tongue out.

If it's a sh!t test you can get out of it, if it's not though you're done and it doesn't matter what you say.

Typically it's best to appear non reactive like you couldn't care less, you can do some sort of frame control saying you agree, it's not you it's me it's nothing personal. Forget her existence. Cut all contact with her. If she wants you she'll initiate contact a few weeks later and chase after you. With that you won't be telling her you like her or have enough friends, nor waste your time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
When she just wants to be friends it's either an anti-slut defense + s**t test, or you've been friend zoned and it's game over. Either way, it's best to play it off and not take it seriously.

Her: I'm just looking for a friend

Me: Me too I'm glad we're on the same page

Then try to escalate with her. If you've been friend zoned, you'll probably know and can move on. When they give you a s**t test, usually the wrong answer is the honest one. Don't always speak as you do. They don't call it "game" for nothing.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Your pussie ain't made of gold bytch!

Seriously, agree and amplify.

You: Only after I give you an orgasm!

Remember, a woman is often satisfied with attention and orbiters. A man ain't satisfied unless there is sex.

If she don't cater to you, delete her from all platforms.


"Nah" two hours later is pretty alpha for a text. Otherwise, in person give her a sh*t eating grin and leave. Good chance she'll be so stunned she'll holla back. The idea is to convey you're not looking for friendship in women, without saying it overtly.

Rollo said it best "Dijo Sin Hablar"


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
If a chick tells your "LJBF" you already have fvcked up somewhere because you have been either acting as a friend or she's just not turned on by you so instead of just letting you go she will attempt to have you hover around as a "friend". This is why its critical to let your intentions be known right off the bat. If you genuinely want to be friends with a girl then yeah thats fine but again, if shes hot and you have a secret desire for her, you better let her know in some way shape or form before she determines you in her mind as "my friend". Once she does... The friendzone is a black hole you wont easily get out of.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Girls who have already put you in the friend zone mostly ignore all kind of hints that you want give her, because you're a friend afterall. She won't put much effort into it, since she's not attracted to you and besides she probably have other guys. However, if you don't value the friendship you should always be straight forward with what you want. In this case you actually want her to know you're interested in sex, and sex only, and display this interest in a fun, sexual matter and not in a needy way. But she should be aware of that she isn't the only one that can provide you with sex.

When she knows for sure, she'll have you as a back-up for when she needs attention. You should play into this role for a while, but not put your focus on her. This is a long game afterall. When she thinks she knows what kind of person you are, and how you work, this is when you change. You start ignoring her when she craves for attention, and put your total focus on some other "special" girl. She'll find it odd, and like any kind of friend, she'll try to reverse this change in you. This is when you get to play her, her focus will be on you and she'll be the one wanting something.

In that case the roles are reversed, and if you have a little game, which I assume you have, this should be an easy catch. But in the end it depends on the girl, and how you are as person. You shoudn't be afraid to make mistakes, and follow your urges. If you do, this will be a lost cause. It'll be fun and challenging, but keep your emotions under control.
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