Originally posted by Jizz
...i wanna tell her i like her, but dont wanna sound afc, or even better i wanna know if she likes me and not give away the fact i like her, anything i could ask or say to do this?...
how do you know you like her? how
can you know you like her? you're on the internet. internet don't count, only face to face does. you can't know didly based on the internet, that's just a fantasy you're grooving on
get off the internet and get together with her in person, that's when you'll get real info
tell her by eye contact, smiling, etc.
she'll do something similar
but then, ask why you find it so important for the next step to be to tell her you like her and you want to see reciprocation?
think about that for the moment.
Ok, doubt you did take time to think about that for the moment, so just the way you phrase it makes it sound you're following the well well-grooved AFC trail down into Let's-Be-Friends Valley (aka Death Valley aka Lonely Wanker Valley aka Sad Puppy Howling At the Moon Valley aka...)
Sure - at some point you give indication you like them (eye contact, smiling, asking them for a date, etc.) and they give indication to you (smiling, eye contact, saying yes to a date) but this "I like you, do you like me?" is for kids.