The TallOne
Don Juan
Looking for a laundry list of phrases/actions that girls do that has you know.. that you're in the dreaded zone.
I am looking to compile a list for a document I am writing, looking for people's input, would be appreciated.
I know of a few.
1. She calls you/you call her all the time.
2. She uses you as a emotional tampon. "Oh, my b/f does blah blah."
3. Talks about other guys she is interested in.
Thanks guys.
I am looking to compile a list for a document I am writing, looking for people's input, would be appreciated.
I know of a few.
1. She calls you/you call her all the time.
2. She uses you as a emotional tampon. "Oh, my b/f does blah blah."
3. Talks about other guys she is interested in.
Thanks guys.