- Ditched this girl I was seeing one night. We went to a local fast food joint to meet one of my friends who was bored and lonely after I saw a movie with my date. Anywho after the joint it's my friend, her and me. Her friends come by in rollerblades and she's outside talking to them for about 10 minutes. My friend and I get bored so we wave good bye to them and leave. I get a call from one of her friends in the next few minutes saying I was a **** and that my "girl-friend" is pissed. My "girlfriend" later tells me I made her cry and she never cries. I apologized because I felt like a ****.
- The day after the above incident was prom. I didn't really talk to her much that day, nor did I dance with her much (I did a few slow dances with her). Felt akward. She was upset about this one too.
- When we go on dates I tend to not pay for her (if we go to the movies, I usually make her pay, but food and icecream, etc I usually get the tab). She has given me **** for it, but it's playful. I think if it really bugged her she wouldn't say anything about it and let it build up over time. She makes alot more money then I do because I work about 4 hours a week... yes radioindustry sucks **** sometimes. This one I'm not too worried about, because I don't know if she'll be around in a couple months and I love money.
- The day after the above incident was prom. I didn't really talk to her much that day, nor did I dance with her much (I did a few slow dances with her). Felt akward. She was upset about this one too.
- When we go on dates I tend to not pay for her (if we go to the movies, I usually make her pay, but food and icecream, etc I usually get the tab). She has given me **** for it, but it's playful. I think if it really bugged her she wouldn't say anything about it and let it build up over time. She makes alot more money then I do because I work about 4 hours a week... yes radioindustry sucks **** sometimes. This one I'm not too worried about, because I don't know if she'll be around in a couple months and I love money.