so yea i just hooked up with this girl, ive only been going out with this girl for 2 days , i think she is pretty cute, i met her thru my friend, it would start as me n her talkin about random stuff, we would be outside at night at a park and in MA it gets very cold in the autum, so i would tell her to sit on my lap so we can warm up, i would talk to her n make her laugh, put my arms around her, tickle her, n she would be cool about it. Then we would talk online n i would tell her shes cute n she would do the same, so im talkin to her online n i ask her to give me a kiss when i meet up with her tomorrow, i said u arnt scared now r u, i thought u were a big girl, she said ya u right so i dont c y not. So i go to see her the next day, and i greet her, ask her whats up, then im like so wheres that kiss u promised me, She kissed me to my suprise. then we went to her friends house, we made out for alittle, her n her friend tried pinning me down on the bed n put make up on me, after that we talked n made out alittle more, then she had to leave. The next day is actually when i asked her out online n she said yes, its been a day since i asked her out, ive been talkin to her online cause she lives kinda far away n i cant always see her, idk if i m saying the right things online, i have asked her what she likes in me, all she would say is i really like u, she would ask me the same question, and i would give like a longer descriptive answer, idk if i should do this, ive also asked her how far she has been with a guy, she sais she has done everything but sex, i want to know how to get past this barrier, ive also asked her if she was good at giving head, i kinda let this convo turn into me asking her to give me head, she said maybe, i wanna know how to make her say yes, thx guys:crazy:
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