Tell me daygame is better than Facebook?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Wow this thread is pretty ridiculous.

If you master day game, you are already ahead of 99% of guys and have greater social freedom than most men, which is what girls are attracted to (in addition to looks and so on).

Facebook, POF, Tinder, etc, are just things for the side but they should not be your main source of meeting girls.

It takes a lot of confidence to just go up to a 8 or 9/10 girl in the day and just try to strike up a conversation. Most men cannot pull that off. Lebron could because he is Lebron and is confident in himself that he can pull whatever tail he wants. Even in a club, most guys need a few drinks just to work up the courage to approach women, even the rich guys with good jobs or startups. Tell these same "high status guys" to go up to a pretty girl in the park and they will crumble.

This whole Lebron James wouldn't day game is a joke. He doesn't need to. He's famous. He doesn't even need to do anything. He can just snap his finger and get most women. We aren't Lebron James and 99.9999% of men are not Lebron. We instead have to work on ourselves and put ourselves in the arena.

Facebook, Tinder, POF, etc do not develop your social freedom or confidence. There's nothing like seeing a girl in person as pictures are just misleading most of the time, anyway. Most of the guys here are armchair PUAs throw out BS theories and obsess over petty bs like looks & status and critique others. Why don't you guys STFU and put yourselves out there? That's right, ZERO confidence and no balls to put yourself out there to work on yourself. Credit goes to the man in the arena, not the critic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Agreed. Day game is for very low status desperate men. Lebron James would never day game


So james franco who was caught giving his number and texting some girl over the summer, using day game, ....hes low status and desperate?
Dreama is dreaming.

There is pride in cooking up ur own pizza. Rolling the dough, making the sauce, etc. Then to just dial up pizza hut and order a #1 cuz it looked good in the menu.

Ill tell you what facebook doesnt have....that first "accidental" brush of your arm in the getting to know you stage. The way her eyes light up when you smile. The squishy squish noise shes making when ur walking side by side cuz her panties are so wet.

If you dont like that then just go on those pay webcam shows.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2014
Reaction score
I don't see why it is one versus the other. They are both viable options. I wish there was a better way to judge the credibility of each poster here.

I use facebook to select people for longer term, deeper rooted relationships. You get to see what they care about, what they don't care about, and how they interact with other people. It's all right in front of you.

In day game, it's all about how they look, and how that first impression lasts. Besides that, you don't know anything about them. You have to learn it along the way. What's a quick shortcut through all that? Adding them on facebook.

Day game is not difficult. You're just making it difficult for yourself by looking for an opportunity or forcing one to happen. There are plenty of natural opportunities that don't make you look desperate. I won't sit here wasting time listing 10 different ones that come to mind, but my last one was simple. I was waiting in the deli line at the local supermarket. I had 4 solid choices to pick from. I went for the one that took her ticket last so we'd have enough time before being interrupted when they call her number. If you still have approach anxiety you shouldn't even be allowed to post here


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
chath said:
Day game is not difficult. You're just making it difficult for yourself by looking for an opportunity or forcing one to happen. There are plenty of natural opportunities that don't make you look desperate. I won't sit here wasting time listing 10 different ones that come to mind
This is what I'm talking about, forced opportunities look desperate and girls sense that. It takes hours for only 10 natural opportunities to happen. so it's definitely not a time efficient move.

the most desperate thing is when a girl is walking in the streets and she has her headphones on. and you approach her all the way only to hear "stop distracting me" "get away from me" ... That's HUMILIATION. It's not balls it's low self respect. low pride for yourself. low self esteem.

the girls will go "this guy needs to get a life"

natural opportunities are not desperate but following girls and doing lots of walking in the streets just to pickup girls is terrible for your pride. and i'm talking from experience


guys as I said I've made more than 500 approaches during daygame. So do not show off your balls to me. Because for me it's a piece of cake. As a veteran I don't even like to talk about it, the newbies like to brag about their bravadoness.

you think going up to a girl and saying "hey, I just saw you from over there and you look really nice, etc etc" is really that difficult for people which requires BIG BALLS?

stalkers also got balls
rapists also got balls

the city I live is populated with many rural villager guys and at night they go in the streets and catcall girls and do monkeying around these girls with gymnastic moves and sh!t like that

they go up to girls and say useless sh!t and almost harass them.

in my place, doing street game is like being one of those low-value guys. no matter how much status you have, Girls will PERCEIVE you as low-value if you approach them. and brush you off.

I've been to other places too, It's a universally desperate move.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Worrying about if a girl will reject you is weak. Check out good looking loser's videos on youtube. He actually does pretty well daygaming and posts videos, even the ones of him getting rejected:

A few girls I've spoken to actually tell me they gave guys props for approaching them even if they aren't interested, they try to be nice about it. Most emotionally healthy girls will try to be nice about it. Online dating is terrible as many of the girls just aren't comfortable meeting a guy until "they get to know you" through facetiming, chatting and constant texting. It's a waste of fvcking time when you could just be out having a good time. In person you can just approach, have a 5 minute conversation, and she'll already be much more comfortable meeting you for a date. And thinking you can know a person through looking at their online profile is laughable. People usually only share the best aspects of themselves online and you can't get a true feel for a person off their online profiles.

Somehow I doubt you've done "500 approaches" as who the hell counts anyway? Seems like some arbitrary number you made up and who the hell would approach a girl wearing on headphones in the first place? She's basically telling the whole world "don't talk to me," man or woman. And yes, approaching a girl face to face in person with the possibility of getting rejected on the spot takes more balls than sending a coward message over FB, which will go to the girl's other mailbox if she isn't your friend or friend of a friend anyway. Look, if you don't want to improve yourself, that's fine. But if you are dressed well and socially well-adjusted, you will not be seen as low value at all. Don't be like the guys you are describing at night. What's more impressive? Sitting on your computer and stalking girls on facebook inside your basement or being out in public doing things and meeting people in person? It's pretty obvious. The reason the girls are brushing off the guys you are describing as low value is because THEY ARE LOW VALUE, not because of day game. They'd be seen as low value on FB, POF, the club, or anywhere if they're the type of guys who monkey around on the street and harass people.

This guy on reddit outlined my idea on online dating in general very well:

Online Dating and Tinder are a crutch. If you keep using it, it won't help you become a sex worthy man. It is a cheap way out of trying to push yourself to be better with women and people in general.
I believe this subreddit is about sharing improvement techniques to make men (and women interest in women), unlocking our real potential and improving upon what we can achieve socially and sexually. Posting how there is an ultimate technique to Tinder ultimately, to me, feels like anyone reading this will get sucked into wasting more time trying to leech onto a ****ty app, and stay at home swiping right instead of going out and putting your balls on the line in an effort to improve yourself.
Take what you want from this post, but seriously, Tinder will, at best, only help you get a quick lay, and will never improve you as a person who has the balls to go out and engage with the beautiful and interesting women of the world.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Dreama said:
I have done more than 5 hundred approaches
I wanna hear 100 of those "500."

You sound like that guy on the video called "love shy" where the tall guy who talked and stuttered insanely fast was like "I've approached 1000 women exactly and they all ignored me and kept staring at their phones." And even the reporter questioned it. You could just tell he was full of sh*t because of his self esteem.

And like I said, you're obviously approaching for the wrong reason. If you're approaching to get women then you're doing about it all wrong. Day game, or cold approaching, isn't even about that. I mean sure you'll get a success here or there and that's always nice, but at the end of the day you should be doing it for you. If you're doing it to get women you will fail, why? Because you're relying on their reaction and not yours.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
And like I said, you're obviously approaching for the wrong reason. If you're approaching to get women then you're doing about it all wrong. Day game, or cold approaching, isn't even about that. I mean sure you'll get a success here or there and that's always nice, but at the end of the day you should be doing it for you. If you're doing it to get women you will fail, why? Because you're relying on their reaction and not yours.
Is this some kind of spiritual ****?

you are approaching because you want your penis in her babymaker

you can't fool yourself. and not her.

I don't have time for these kind of discussions. and I'm not going to talk about 100 of my approaches just to make you believe that I've done countless approaches.

your post is filled with presumptions.

thread /


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Dreama said:
Is this some kind of spiritual ****?

you are approaching because you want your penis in her babymaker

you can't fool yourself. and not her.

I don't have time for these kind of discussions. and I'm not going to talk about 100 of my approaches just to make you believe that I've done countless approaches.

your post is filled with presumptions.

thread /
Fact of the matter is when it comes to getting laid (note getting laid, not finding a gf):

-how do you physically look (height, weight, haircut, facial aesthetics, etc) combined with what clothes are you wearing for overall style

-your social freedom and how well you communicate

-girl's sexual availability and wether or not she actually finds you attractive

The factors above are the most important. All this other nonsense is BS, "how long i waitz till i text da girl....if i call her pretty she will think i am big beta male. I will show da girl i am da big alpha male and not text her for 3 dayzzz cause i pretend i busy fvcking da other women...hehehehehehehe!"

Fact of the matter is most of these guys on PUA forums don't get laid and it is the blind leading the blind. Most of them just want to talk about theories and pretend they get laid with BS stories. Playher man was a prime example of that. Dude was probably a virgin.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
I'm going to chime in here on this cause I've been doing mostly daygame this past summer. I don't know what kind of person macks on Facebook but I've done quite well without going on it trying to holler at random girls. Myspace was good back in like 2005 haha but I don't use social media for anything but keeping in contact with my friends and family back home.

Heres my comparison between Online Game and Daygame:


1. Helps your conversation skills alot, makes you a better salesman whether you agree with that or not cause you learn how to better present yourself
2. The girls are hot and you can do it anywhere
3. Helps you get in a habit of going against fear and putting yourself on the line.
4. Helps you realize that "game" is just a numbers game and lets you better understand the other forms of game (online game cannot help you understand other forms of game)


1. Can be a waste of time due to girls with mental blocks, bad location etc
2. Just slightly more efficient than online game which due to online game approaches being much quicker, in the end make daygame the less efficient of the two



1. Time efficiency via Macros <--- I "approached" 367 girls once while taking a crap and then going down to the corner mart to buy a energy drink.
2. The ability to use online game to help increase access to hotties in a new town that you arent presently in but will be in for a week or so.
3. Convenience, you can do it from anywhere including at work, on the toilet, in the shower (if you are fvcked in the head) and even in bed (lazy).

1. Fat entitled girls used to tards messaging them all the time
2. Low response rates and sites like POF that don't let you copy paste
3. Facebook is too limiting and promotes antisocial creeper behavior

In the end, you gotta go MMA style --> daygame 40%, online 40%, nightgame 20% or whatever percentages work for you , no reason to argue about which one is better as they are all valuable for us. Anyone who only does one style is an aspergers PUA who just wants to prove their "dojo" is the best.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Cloudtopsun2100 said:
In the end, you gotta go MMA style --> daygame 40%, online 40%, nightgame 20% or whatever percentages work for you , no reason to argue about which one is better as they are all valuable for us. Anyone who only does one style is an aspergers PUA who just wants to prove their "dojo" is the best.

There is a reason to argue which is better. People will just use online dating as a crutch and just make excuses for why it's better than other methods, as you can see in this thread so they must see the light. While online dating is valuable, it's not nearly as valuable as day or night game and should be something just on the side.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
if you approach her you are competing against all guys who added her on social media

guys with flashy cars, attractive guys, posting their pictures while sea-surfing, skydiving or whatever activity they are doing, pictures of their group of friends(girls and guys) which communicates massive social proof

who do you think the girls will choose?

the guy who dresses nice and fit, has balls and has a smile.


the attractive guy with social proof and class and intrigue and looks fun to be around?

It's sad but it's kinda true:

if Facebook didn't exist girls would be A LOT more responsive during daytime because they wouldn't have any other option they must grab the opportunity and listen to this mysterious man with balls and a smile

if I was a hot girl I would be a mean one, If a guy approached me I would spit on his face and say kiss my toes, who doesn't like power?

someone also talked about "sexual availability" here / there is also a "relationship status" in sites like Facebook, so another plus for social media.

I'm not saying daygame is totally useless, I'm saying don't underestimate social media, if you are a fairly well-put guy most of your rejections are because those girls have access to social media

It's a sad story but if social media didn't exist, things would be a lot easier during the day

anyway, I'm not a god here, I'm just posting my thoughts, be sure to add your thoughts, i'm not going to criticize, and be sure to add value.

Bye bye.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
Day game is like choosing Macdonalds over a healthy salad for lunch. One is good for you, will build you into a better person, improve your experience and it you will develop skills to branch out (making different foods ala. improving your communication skills to meet other woman). The other you get is sloppy same sh*t. I'm not saying it won't work, but in the long run it'll be bad for you - look at all the people with problems dating online; I don't think I've actually heard a feel good story ever on this site about online dating.
Furthermore, the woman you meet online through even facebook that you may end up dating follow pretty similiar molds in character and personality I've found and onthe other spectrum; the 9s or 10s you've got no chance as there are 1800 other 'friends' on her list in the same position as you and a few social circle males she'll have circling.

Just put your hands down your pants and find your balls and approach woman during the day. It exudes confidence, builds up your barrier to rejection and teaches you to think quick and be witty. Furthermore what woman would rather tell her girl friends she met a hot guy who came up to her and flirted with her than the judgement of talking to a guy on facebook for a while before dating.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Dreama said:
if you approach her you are competing against all guys who added her on social media

guys with flashy cars, attractive guys, posting their pictures while sea-surfing, skydiving or whatever activity they are doing, pictures of their group of friends(girls and guys) which communicates massive social proof

who do you think the girls will choose?

the guy who dresses nice and fit, has balls and has a smile.


the attractive guy with social proof and class and intrigue and looks fun to be around?

It's sad but it's kinda true:

if Facebook didn't exist girls would be A LOT more responsive during daytime because they wouldn't have any other option they must grab the opportunity and listen to this mysterious man with balls and a smile

if I was a hot girl I would be a mean one, If a guy approached me I would spit on his face and say kiss my toes, who doesn't like power?

someone also talked about "sexual availability" here / there is also a "relationship status" in sites like Facebook, so another plus for social media.

I'm not saying daygame is totally useless, I'm saying don't underestimate social media, if you are a fairly well-put guy most of your rejections are because those girls have access to social media

It's a sad story but if social media didn't exist, things would be a lot easier during the day

anyway, I'm not a god here, I'm just posting my thoughts, be sure to add your thoughts, i'm not going to criticize, and be sure to add value.

Bye bye.
You've approached no more than 10 girls, in fact I think you are one..

I swear you're a woman... No man would ever say "if I were a girl" in a serious discussion... Either that or very emasculated male... Plus "bye bye" at the end..? You can't even get your story straight either. You seem to be hell bent on the internet to find women so go do that. The rest of us will be approaching to improve ourselves. If we wanted to be desperate we would do what you were doing, not sure if we'd be happy with that. But I know I won't simply because I will be chasing them and playing their "sport" and leaving with very little improvement.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
You've approached no more than 10 girls, in fact I think you are one..

I swear you're a woman... No man would ever say "if I were a girl" in a serious discussion... Either that or very emasculated male... Plus "bye bye" at the end..? You can't even get your story straight either. You seem to be hell bent on the internet to find women so go do that. The rest of us will be approaching to improve ourselves. If we wanted to be desperate we would do what you were doing, not sure if we'd be happy with that. But I know I won't simply because I will be chasing them and playing their "sport" and leaving with very little improvement.
LOL, are you on any medication?

BTW, your age is 18, by the time you become my age you will have 500 approaches under your belt, bro.

and yes Bye Bye


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
If we wanted to be desperate we would do what you were doing, not sure if we'd be happy with that
I haven't done any online game. all I have done in the past years was daytime approaching, I said, it works, but online game is better for me now. And I stated my reason.

What kind of girl do you think will stop in the middle of streets to talk to a random man she doesn't know?

Let everybody go their own path.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Dreama said:
if you approach her you are competing against all guys who added her on social media

guys with flashy cars, attractive guys, posting their pictures while sea-surfing, skydiving or whatever activity they are doing, pictures of their group of friends(girls and guys) which communicates massive social proof

who do you think the girls will choose?

the guy who dresses nice and fit, has balls and has a smile.


the attractive guy with social proof and class and intrigue and looks fun to be around?

It's sad but it's kinda true:

if Facebook didn't exist girls would be A LOT more responsive during daytime because they wouldn't have any other option they must grab the opportunity and listen to this mysterious man with balls and a smile

if I was a hot girl I would be a mean one, If a guy approached me I would spit on his face and say kiss my toes, who doesn't like power?

someone also talked about "sexual availability" here / there is also a "relationship status" in sites like Facebook, so another plus for social media.

I'm not saying daygame is totally useless, I'm saying don't underestimate social media, if you are a fairly well-put guy most of your rejections are because those girls have access to social media

It's a sad story but if social media didn't exist, things would be a lot easier during the day

anyway, I'm not a god here, I'm just posting my thoughts, be sure to add your thoughts, i'm not going to criticize, and be sure to add value.

Bye bye.
I'm 100% sure this is a WOMAN!


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dreama said:
LOL, are you on any medication?

BTW, your age is 18, by the time you become my age you will have 500 approaches under your belt, bro.

and yes Bye Bye
yes for you to see a 18 years old who is on right track and learned more then you.

dude if you want to use facebook to find your "soulmate" go ahead, don't let us stop you, do what it works for you.

but I wonder why you would come here and say your aproach is better tehn what most of us do? in a club you will ask for her facebook too so you can "chat up" later with her? ohh yeah I don't want to look desperate by touching her.

funny I tought that way when I was 15-16, take a guess if I could pull the girls I wanted back then.

thing is you are 24, you think you "get it" but well nope you don't, you still have too much to learn, like most of us.

but I ask what you are doing here anyway?


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
The truth hurts. that's why you are reacting so much.

I take my words back for those who are hurt: Daygame is better.

End thread /